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Talking to a professional for the first time

It's a fact of life, at one point or another, we all have to see new health professionals - whether it's a dentist, a doctor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist - it's always quite nerve-wrecking! So tonight in Getting Real we are going to discuss some tips on how to approach a first appointment (and maybe a second and third as well!) with a new health professional. 


We've all heard the horror stories - the doctor was running 45 minutes late or she seemed more preoccupied with the time then to what you were saying or you completely lost your mind and couldn't get a single word out! There are so many challenges but there are some things you can do to help be prepared. I guess in some ways it is not all that dissimilar to going on a first date!


So come along and share your tips (and your horror stories!) so you can be prepared for your next first appointment!!


See you tonight at 8pm (AEDST).

Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 12:18 PM


dreamcatcherPosted 28-10-2013 09:51 PM

If a younger friend of yours was seeing a health professional on their own for the first time, what would your best piece of advice for them be??


First of all, I'd let them know that it's really great that they're making positive steps to becoming better and that it'll be worth it if they tell the truth, let it out into the open (whatever their problem is), listen and breathe. It's not as scary as you may think.

mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:53 PM

What great advice you all have!


If a younger friend of yours was seeing a health professional on their own for the first time, what would your best piece of advice for them be??

I'd tell them to stay calm - it's barely ever as bad as you imagine it to be and there are always other options if it doesn't work out this time round!! 

mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:55 PM

Thanks for attending tonight guys.


This is a bit of a summary of tonight's discussion!!!



  • To start off we discussed which health professionals are the most scary! Seems dentists took that crown!
  • Next we talked about how we choose a health professional - low cost/bulk billing; waiting list; public transport; open to circumstances (e.g. LGBTIQ, Mental health problems); gender and age of the health professionals. Recommendations from others are also important! It can be made more difficult in rural areas where options are limited. 
  • We also talked a bit about trust - it's important to be aware that trust can take time to develop. 
  • Then we discussed the first appointment. Often the first appointment is very much a "getting to know you appointment". It's important to remember that if you don't' click with the health professional it's okay to not go back again!
  • To prepare for appointments, we discussed how making a list can be helpful - think about what do you want from the appointment and what do you need to discuss at the appointment… as well as trying to find out a bit about them - google them (though use caution!). It's also important to have a chat to friends and family if you are feeling nervous. Also go in with an open mind.  Most importantly, having a reward in place afterwards can be helpful too. 
  • Some of our rights as a health consumer/patient include confidentiality, to not be abused, to bring someone you trust along with you and making a complaint if necessary. 
  • We heard some really scary horror stories about first appointments! Things that are NOT on and which turn us off from health professionals is if the staff are bitching about other patients in the waiting room, the health professional not understanding what we are trying to say or jumping to conclusions and overreacting. 
  • Things we look for that make us want to return include feeling as though we are welcomed, if the professional is friendly, doesn't judge and seems as though they want to help. But sometimes we don't "click" and that's totally okay.

Thanks so much for joining tonight guys! It's been so insightful and I hope this acts as a great resource for when you have your next "first appointment"! 

delicatedreamerPosted 28-10-2013 10:00 PM
Great discussion tonight guys! I agree with MM, it was really insightful. And thank you MM and Sophie for facilitating. Good night! 🙂
Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 10:00 PM
Thanks y'all!!!!!!!!
dreamcatcherPosted 28-10-2013 09:42 PM

What kind of signs do you get from first appointments that this person might be worth seeing a second time?

If they sound like they generally want to see you again, if they're friendly, respectable. if I feel like I could maybe trust them and if I feel like they didn't judge me, I'll give it another go. Why not, right?

dreamcatcherPosted 28-10-2013 09:27 PM

What are some of the things that a professional might do that will make you turns you off instantly?


The WORST thing that's happened with a professional and me was my new GP told me all these details about another paitent in a simular situation to me and I was like..... NOPE NOPE NOPE GOODBYE. ZERO TRUST FOR YOU. And I never went back.


I also hated people that used to tell my mother everything (when I was younger). Just ... if I didn't feel like I could trust the person, it was a no go.

mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:32 PM
Dreamcatcher - I TOTALLY had the same situation with my GP when I was younger. That's why I stopped seeing her. Mum was her patient too and when mum got home from an appointment with her she'd know all this stuff that I had told the GP at my appointment! Really wasn't on!

Totally agree with the bitching and unprofessional behaviour!

Great thoughts guys!
mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:34 PM

I know a few of us have touched on this already...


What kind of signs do you get from first appointments that this person might be worth seeing a second time?

delicatedreamerPosted 28-10-2013 09:43 PM

What kind of signs do you get from first appointments that this person might be worth seeing a second time?

The person listens to what I say and doesn't expect me to be "on top of things", the person doesn't rush me (and I mean that in two ways, firstly that they don't rush me to "fix" for my problems and secondly that they don't rush me through the appointment itself) and that I feel comfortable with them (this is probably the most important thing!).


EDIT: I agree with Chonty, the person giving the opportunity to ask questions is a good sign too.

ChontyPosted 28-10-2013 09:39 PM

What kind of signs do you get from first appointments that this person might be worth seeing a second time?


First time I went to see my psych he spent the first 15 minutes or so explaining his qualifications, training and what this kind of therapy would entail, sort of giving a guideline to how session would be laid out. He then made sure I understood that I could ask any questions I wanted and that if I didn't feel comfortable I should let him know. 

Pretty much showed he could be trusted from the get go

So I guess willingness to be open? And giving you the chance to explain why you're there

If that makes sense

mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:44 PM

Great signs Chonty and Bubblez - totally agree.


What kind of signs do you get from first appointments that this person might be worth seeing a second time?

Sometimes it is very much a matter of whether or not you "click". It's totally okay not to click with a person... But it's also important to not give up if that happens! I like it when they set out a plan and make it seem as though they are excited to be working with you! So important to be made to feel as though you are their number one priority during the appointment!

delicatedreamerPosted 28-10-2013 09:49 PM

@mischiefmanaged wrote:


I like it when they set out a plan and make it seem as though they are excited to be working with you! So important to be made to feel as though you are their number one priority during the appointment!

I agree totally with this MM!


If a younger friend of yours was seeing a health professional on their own for the first time, what would your best piece of advice for them be??

My advice would be to try more than one professional if you're not feeling comfortable, and that once you find someone you trust to stick it out for a bit, even if you don't feel like it's helping. When I first started seeing my psych I wasn't sure it was helping, but I said to myself, I'll stick with it for 3 months and if I'm still not happy I'll try someone else. After the three months I could see it had helped though so I kept seeing her! Sometimes I think you need that time to see the benefit 🙂

ChontyPosted 28-10-2013 09:52 PM

If a younger friend of yours was seeing a health professional on their own for the first time, what would your best piece of advice for them be??


I agree with delicatedreamer, if you're not happy with the professional you're seeing, there's always the option to get a second opinion. 

Another good tip is to make a list. Chances are you'll forget some things because of nerves, so lists are always good to fall back on!

Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 09:53 PM
Before we wrap it up for tonight, we'd love for your feedback on the session:
mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:45 PM

For our final question tonight... Thanks SO much for your contributions tonight! It's been so insightful!


If a younger friend of yours was seeing a health professional on their own for the first time, what would your best piece of advice for them be??

Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 09:42 PM
Chonty: so glad to hear you had such a good first session with your psych! Phew... Good professionals are out there!!!
dreamcatcherPosted 28-10-2013 09:08 PM

How do you prepare for a first appointment? What tips would you give to others who are just about to attend first appointments?

  • Go in with an open mind. When I went to my first appointment, I was expecting the stereotypical room that you see in movies. (I'm sure that there are some like that) but all the one's I went to were nothing like that.
  • Remember that the person is there to listen and help and not judge.
  • Try not to work yourself up about going, I promise it's not as bad as you think! If you do happen to work yourself up, just remember to take deep breaths, focus on that.
  • Think about what you might like to talk about (I used to make lists!, because I suck at remembering) Try not to overdo it. You usually have an hour to talk, try to be realistic.
  • Try not to lie when you get in there, it won't help you in the long run.
dreamcatcherPosted 28-10-2013 08:50 PM

Hey dudes, sorry I'm late (my little nanna nap turned into a decent sleep, haha)


Have you been to any first appointments lately? What about in the past? Which were the scariest?

Not so much as lately, but I have had more than my fair share in the past. The first one is always the hardest for me. Meeting a new person, learning to trust and stuff... It really gets easier as time goes on.


How do you go about choosing a new health professional? What kind of stuff do you normally look for?

In rural Australia, it's really not an option to be 'picky'... (unless you are able to travel up to 3 hours away.... which is something that actually happened to me! Not fun!). I've been pretty lucky in getting people I really liked. Although, there were some I hated... I usually just told the professional themselves or just made appointments with different people and got put with different people.

If you want a new person enough, a little searching is worth it.


I look for people who are generally kind and caring (You'd be suprised how many don't give off that vibe) and i don't know.... usually I just get a feeling... like if we 'click' or not.

Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 08:57 PM
Hi dreamcatcher (that happens to me all the time!) soooo true about living in a rural area...
BubblezPosted 28-10-2013 09:18 PM
I seem to have big trust issues... And so if I don't feel comfortable the first session, I generally don't stick it out much more. -Probably not the best choice!

When seeking out someone new, I like to know of others who've seen them and that recommend them. For me personally, I prefer females over males -like someone else said, especially for 'female stuff'. And prepare for the cost side of it. (I've been lucky and am mostly bulk billed!)

I think that for first appointments, be willing to open up -I know how hard it is but even just a little is better than nothing. And try to have a list of things you would like to discuss -I suggest this, and always think to do it but never do! *note to self do this for tomorrow's appointment!
I remember that for a first appointment (and a few afterwards) to have someone come with me and if needed help talk or even if just to be in the waiting room.

Some of the rights and a big one for me, we are entitled to complete privacy unless there is a risk to the safety of someone. The right to refuse treatment, make a complaint if deeded, see our file/information and importantly to be respected. -that's a few but I'm sure there's more!
Sophie-ROPosted 28-10-2013 09:22 PM
@bubblez: definitely great advice about opening up - even just a little bit!! Step by step and don't be hard on yourself for not being "open enough" it;s natural to be wary of bearing your soul to someone you just met! Professionals know (or they should know) that they have to work hard to build rapport and trust with you. They don't expect you to trust them straight away... And actually, if you find that you dont trust a professional it probably IS a good idea - the trick is though that you have to try someone else and keep trying til you find someone that is right for you.
mischiefmanagedPosted 28-10-2013 09:04 PM

Great conversation so far guys! It's great to hear your thoughts.


How do you prepare for a first appointment? What tips would you give to others who are just about to attend first appointments?

Breathe. It seems obvious but breathing can help a lot! I remember when I saw a GP for the first time a few years ago, a friend text me the whole time - while I was driving there, while I was in the waiting room, afterwards. It helped to know that someone was making sure I was keeping calm and helping me through! 


To prepare, I often make lists and just so some thinking - what are the things I need from this appointment? What do I need to tell them? It helps to just think about the appointment and what your expectationss are from it - but be realistic!


Also... have a reward in place afterwards! Any tough appointments (first or other wise) deserve a reward - mine is often a nice hot chocolate and a piece of banana bread afterwards!

delicatedreamerPosted 28-10-2013 09:07 PM

@mischiefmanaged wrote:

Great conversation so far guys! It's great to hear your thoughts.


How do you prepare for a first appointment? What tips would you give to others who are just about to attend first appointments?

Breathe. It seems obvious but breathing can help a lot! I remember when I saw a GP for the first time a few years ago, a friend text me the whole time - while I was driving there, while I was in the waiting room, afterwards. It helped to know that someone was making sure I was keeping calm and helping me through! 


To prepare, I often make lists and just so some thinking - what are the things I need from this appointment? What do I need to tell them? It helps to just think about the appointment and what your expectationss are from it - but be realistic!


Also... have a reward in place afterwards! Any tough appointments (first or other wise) deserve a reward - mine is often a nice hot chocolate and a piece of banana bread afterwards!

+1! Agree with all of these MM. I did the first one when I saw my psychologist for the first time.

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