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How to make a complaint or give feedback
Nobody is perfect, including us here at RO, sometimes we might not provide support to someone in a way that they're not so happy with. Or we could just plain stuff up.
This thread tells you a bit more about lots of ways you can talk to us about that and what your options could be if you need to take something a bit further.
Without further ado, here is our feedback and complaints procedure!
ReachOut: Feedback and Complaints Procedure
Our commitment
ReachOut Australia is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to provide feedback or make a complaint easily and it is dealt with quickly, fairly and sensitively. We will make every effort to respond to feedback and resolve the complaints we receive to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
If you make a complaint about a ReachOut program you can expect that we will:
- treat you with respect
- tell you what to expect while your complaint is being looked into
- carry out the complaint handling process in a fair and open way
- provide reasons for decisions that are made
- protect your privacy.
Who can make a complaint?
Anyone can make a complaint to ReachOut Australia. You do not have to be receiving services from us to make a complaint and you may make a complaint on behalf of someone else.
Complaints received anonymously will be accepted and investigated as far as possible.
What can I make a complaint about?
You can make a complaint about any aspect of the ReachOut program, including the website, community forum or other (eg parents coaching).
How will my information be shared?
Your information will be treated confidentially and shared only with those required to investigate or respond to your complaint. If the feedback or complaint relates specifically to the ReachOut Parents Coaching Program, ReachOut will need to share your information with The Benevolent Society as the service partners delivering this component of the service.
Whom do I make a complaint to?
You can make a complaint to any ReachOut Australia staff member. We encourage you to firstly discuss your complaint with staff directly involved, or with the manager.
If the complaint is about a particular service or group of staff in ReachOut Australia, then either another area of ReachOut Australia will handle the complaint or an independent party may be called in to investigate the complaint.
How do I make a complaint?
Complaints can be made in a number of ways:
By letter ReachOut Parents, Level 2, 35 Saunders Street, Pyrmont, NSW 2009
By email hello@reachout.com
By phone 02 8029 7777
If you need assistance in making a complaint, we are able to help you. We can organise an interpreter if you need one. You may wish to have an advocate or someone to support you or to act on your behalf to help you make a complaint.
What happens once I make a complaint?
When you make a complaint we will explain:
- what will happen while the complaint is being dealt with
- what supports are available to you
- who will deal with the complaint
- what will happen next, such as when you are likely to be contacted again.
You should not be made to feel that you cannot make a complaint, nor should making a complaint have any effect on the services you are receiving from ReachOut Australia. Please contact a senior member of staff immediately if you feel this may be the case.
The time it takes to resolve a complaint will depend on the nature of the complaint. Simple complaints may be resolved immediately. If we need to make further enquiries, it may take a few weeks to resolve. Where the complaint is about a more difficult matter, it may take longer to resolve.
Once the complaint is resolved as far as possible, you will be informed of the outcome. You may wish to raise any ongoing problems or concerns at this time.
Some complaints cannot be resolved completely. If so, we will help you to look at other options to address your issues, and may follow up with you afterwards to check that the outcome of the complaint handling process is meeting your needs.
What if I’m not happy with the outcome of the complaint?
If you are not happy with the outcome of the complaint regarding the ReachOut program, then you can ask ReachOut Australia to review how the complaint was dealt with. You can do this in a letter, email, over the phone or in person. A more senior staff member may undertake the review.
ReachOut Australia staff may gather additional information to review the outcome of the complaint. After you have asked us to review how the complaint was dealt with, if you are still unhappy with the outcome of a complaint then there are outside agencies that may be able to help. These include:
Commonwealth Ombudsman
Phone: 1300 362 072
Complaints: Online Complaint Form
Post: Commonwealth Ombudsman, GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601
You may also wish to contact:
Administrative Decisions Tribunal
You can complain to the Tribunal about some administrative decisions (for example, the funding of services, or the refusal of a service provider to implement a recommendation of the NSW Ombudsman). The Administrative Decisions Tribunal can review such decisions in certain circumstances. Further information can be found at www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/adt or by calling 1800 060 410.
Anti Discrimination Board (ADB)
You can complain to the ADB about discrimination, harassment and vilification. The ADB investigates and conciliates such complaints. Further information can be found at www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/ADB or by calling (02) 9268 5555 or 1800 670 812 (rural/regional callers only).
Other websites
- Anti Discrimination Board
http://www.antidiscrimination.justice.nsw.gov.au/ - Australian Human Rights Commission
http://www.humanrights.gov.au/ - Office of the Information Commissioner