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I need help

Ive got a friend who has said that he doesn’t want to be friends because I apparently I have a shitty attitude towards life. I don’t think I do but if I do I have good reasons for my attitude. Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with this.

Vivian13Posted 11-06-2019 09:28 AM


letitgoPosted 13-06-2019 04:15 PM

Hey @Vivian13, just wanted to check in. Have you spoken to this friend in the last few days?

Looking forward to hearing from you! 🙂 

DylPosted 21-06-2019 10:48 PM

@Vivian13 @dog_lover94 @letitgo 

I am currently having trouble with a friend myself

Not because of the same reasons as you however I do know that you just need to remember that it's not your fault you are not friends anymore that it is possibly his miss-understanding. You just need to be yourself and if people can't understand that then that's on them. You never need to stop being YOU!

Hope all is well for yo at moment

Jess1-ROPosted 16-07-2019 10:58 AM

Hi @Vivian13 


Just checking in to see how are you going? How have the last few weeks been since we last spoke?



Vivian13Posted 19-07-2019 10:09 PM
Good thank you
Jess1-ROPosted 22-07-2019 09:58 AM

That's really good to hear @Vivian13 ðŸ™‚

DylPosted 22-07-2019 11:02 AM


Great  to hear your going well @Vivian13

Please remember that you can talk to us at anytime  


Vivian13Posted 06-08-2019 12:04 PM

I have a problem involving everyone i know. Because of everything thats happened to me everyone thinks its ok to treat me like a child and im really sick of it. Everyone tries to do everything for me, they are always saying thier worried about me and they always say im prone to making bad decisions. Someone give me advice please.

letitgoPosted 06-08-2019 03:14 PM

Hey @Vivian13, thanks for reaching out to the forums for support. I hope we can be of some assistance for you 🙂


It sounds like it would be really frustrating to have everyone in your life treat you like a child and tell you that you make bad decisions. I'm curious about why they might think that about you, and I'm wondering if you've ever tried to talk to them about how their behaviour makes you feel, can you tell me more about that? 🙂 

Vivian13Posted 07-08-2019 12:10 PM
I have told them that it bothers me but they just wont stop. And they do it
because Ive had some things happen to me and they think i cant cope with it.

// When love is real it finds a way //
dog_lover94Posted 07-08-2019 07:11 PM

Hey @Vivian13,


It sounds like the people in your life care about you and are just trying to help even though you don't feel like they are. If you don't mind me asking, what were the things that lead to everyone treating you like this? 

Vivian13Posted 08-08-2019 09:15 AM
i dont really like to talk about it thinking about just makes it feel
harder to cope.
dog_lover94Posted 08-08-2019 01:04 PM

That's completely okay. There's no pressure at all.


Do you have any self care strategies that you use when you are feeling like you aren't coping well?

Vivian13Posted 08-08-2019 01:46 PM
No not really

// When love is real it finds a way. //
dog_lover94Posted 25-08-2019 06:37 PM

Hey @Vivian13, How has everything been going for you?

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-08-2019 09:55 PM

Hi @Vivian13! How are you going? I'm sorry about all the problems you've been having with people being overprotective of you. This can feel so overwhelming and overbearing. Smiley Sad

If you're in need of additional self care strategies, there is a really great thread full of ideas over here.

I'm here for you if you want to talk about it some more, or anything at all. Heart

Bre-ROPosted 09-08-2019 11:48 AM

Hey @Vivian13 


I'm glad you've come here to vent your frustration around people treating you like a child. It feels good to be trusted to make good decisions and it's fair that you'd like that from your loved ones. I've noticed that you've said you don't really have some self care tools to assist you when you're feeling this way. 


There's an article here I thought you might like to read. It's got some pointers on ways to look after yourself. We can't always control how other people treat us, but we can make choices about how we treat ourselves Heart 


dog_lover94Posted 06-08-2019 12:38 PM

Hey @Vivian13 


That sounds frustrating. Is it both your friends and family treating you like this? Have you tried to tell them that you don't like it? Maybe if they knew how you feel they would stop treating you like a child. 


Is there something in particular that makes them worried about you? Talking the situation out may help to alleviate their concerns about you and then the behaviours could stop.


dog_lover94Posted 11-06-2019 11:32 AM

Hi @Vivian13,


That wouldn't have been a nice thing to hear. Did you friend elaborate on what they mean by that? 

It can be hard when your are having trouble with friends but I have found that having a conversation about what's troubling both of you can really help get everything out in the open to mend the friendship.

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