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Weekly Wellbeing: Connecting with Nature

Weekly Wellbeing: Connecting with nature


Now that we've started getting some spring(-ish) weather, it seems thematic to do a WW surrounding connecting with nature


(rain does not an outdoor adventure permit, alas ðŸ˜‰ )

During winter it can often feel like you leave the house when it's dark and come back when it's dark, so you don't get a chance to really enjoy just being outside. Which is a shame because there's something about being in nature that just really lifts your mood and makes some of the stress disappear for a bit ðŸ˜„



For a quick and easy wellbeing activity, I thought it it could be nice to:

  • sit on the front step with a cup of coffee and just enjoy some fresh air, or even the sunrise if you're an early-bird
  • go to a nearby park and spend some time reading/listening to music
  • do some gardening
  • slap in a pair of headphones and just go for a wander 
  • do anything really that helps you feel more connected to nature or peaceful in any way!

Would love to hear back about anything you guys choose to do Heart feel free to post a pic if you see something really cool/beautiful in nature or even if you see a dog! ðŸ˜„
Some questions to reflect upon:
How does being in nature make you feel?
Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)

ecla34Posted 18-09-2019 02:16 PM


spacejamPosted 23-09-2019 08:26 PM

What a great idea for a thread! I definitely agree that we could all benefit with a little bit more time with nature, especially with today's heavy reliance on technology for all things entertainment. 


How does being in nature make you feel?

It makes me feel at peace. It also makes me feel very small in the grand scheme of things - in a positive way though. Like I feel grateful to be a small piece of the puzzle we call life!

Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)

Yes for certain conditions! I love sunny days and I love the rain too (if I can watch from under a roof, of course). Fresh air is really lovely too, and I love the sound of trees rustling in the wind. A welcome contrast compared to the sounds of the city.

PastaPosted 21-09-2019 07:22 PM


Spring has sprung indeed

Think I need a faster shutter speed, the bee is a bit blurry



BeePosted 23-09-2019 08:30 PM
Great photo @Pasta! A faster shutter speed could work, bees are tricky I find to photograph!
ecla34Posted 22-09-2019 08:35 PM

@Pasta that's so pretty! i love this time of year, there's so much new life 😄

Bre-ROPosted 20-09-2019 02:27 PM

I love this well being activity Heart 



How does being in nature make you feel?

I love love love being in nature. After a long day at the beach I feel completely rejuvenated and really calm. Swimming in the ocean makes me feel happy and free.  


Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your well-being? (it might not for everyone!)

Absolutely!! I find when I spend time in nature I have more energy. It also makes me feel lucky to be born on this beautiful earth Heart

ecla34Posted 20-09-2019 07:39 PM

@Bee what a beautiful photo!!! Heart

BeePosted 20-09-2019 08:20 PM
Thanks @ecla34 🙂 Heart
WheresMySquishyPosted 19-09-2019 07:48 PM

How does being in nature make you feel?
I love being out in nature as long as it doesn't trigger my symptoms. I feel more energised and happier when I get to be in nature. I also have a lot of fun when I go on walks.

Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)
I think so. I feel less fatigued when I have regular walks. Going for a walk also provides me with a distraction when I'm going through stressful times.

BeePosted 19-09-2019 03:40 PM

Beautiful wellbeing activity @ecla34!! I really love the slowers gif!


How does being in nature make you feel?

Usually being in nature makes me feel calmer and at peace. The Sun, the fresh air, it not only is good for us but it soothes me (when the sun doesn't have strong UV and heat rays, because I can't stand them 😛 )


Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)

It would if I was more consistent and spent more time appreciating the beauty of nature. Actually this reminds me of a flower I saw on the driveway this morning as I left for an appointment. It was a little yellow one which was growing in the crack of the cement and was standing tall! I went to get a photo but it was gone. But then I noticed another flower, not growing the same way, but still just as gorgeous!


Taken with my smartphone. (I may upload the ones from my camera once I process them)

drpenguinPosted 18-09-2019 03:06 PM

Another great discussion @ecla34 !

How does being in nature make you feel?

Although I don't have frequent opportunities to be around nature, when I do have the chance nature makes me feel relaxed and calmer. I also enjoy rainy days a lot! The smell and sound of rain is so soothing and refreshing, especially this week! 


Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)

I feel like I'm happier when I'm out in nature, whether it be on a hike or just out for a walk!

MisoBearPosted 18-09-2019 02:35 PM

How does being in nature make you feel?

Grounded, connected to the world and others, and living in the present moment (mindful)

Do you find being out in nature makes a difference to your wellbeing? (it might not for everyone!)

Yes, I often try and spend at least 15 minutes outside every day enjoying the sun or even the rain!

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