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I can't handle space.

I'm gonna keep this as light as possible, since I'm new to this website. Recently, my partner has been getting distant. I'm giving them space, but it hurts really bad, even physically. I cant go a day without them saying good morning and good night. I can't handle the space I need to give them for them to work things out. I can't communicate this with them, since I dont know how to go around it without them thinking it's their fault. It's not their fault, they're an amazing person. But when I have to suppress the urge to hug them my skin feels like its burning. I don't know why. It hurts so bad, but if they're ok that should be all that matters right?

Chaos_EmbodiedPosted 12-03-2023 10:49 PM


Chloe-ROPosted 13-03-2023 06:08 PM

Hi there @Chaos_Embodied ,


Welcome to the Online Community!

Thank you for sharing this with us and for being so honest about what’s been going on for you lately. It sounds like it has been a very difficult time for you and it is understandable that you are feeling this way.

I know that you mentioned that he has been distant towards you which is why you are giving him space. I can hear how difficult this has been for you, but it sounds like giving him some space may be the best thing right now.

In saying that, it sounds like this has been really hard for you to do which is understandable. I’m wondering if you have any other supports or have been able to talk to anyone about how you are feeling, whether it be a friend, family member, GP or mental health professional?

I was also curious about whether you have spoken to your partner about why he has become distant towards you or whether there was any reason? If you haven’t, do you think this is something you would feel comfortable speaking to him about? We have some really great articles around communication including one around having difficult conversations which I thought you may find helpful.

I was also wondering if you have any coping strategies or if you’ve found anything that’s helpful for when you are feeling this way?

Again I want to thank you for sharing this with us, we want to remind you that we are all here to listen and support you and that you aren’t alone.

Chaos_EmbodiedPosted 21-03-2023 04:27 PM

He told me he was struggling with his emotions. And as for coping strategies, I have none

Pho-ROPosted 21-03-2023 05:59 PM

Hi @Chaos_Embodied - that sounds super tough, as it is hard to understand what your partner may be going through. That can be super frustrating. 


As for coping strategies, you can have a look at this list here as a starting point. Everyone is different and will find different things that work, and typically coping strategies work better the more you use them. See how you go, and keep us posted about how things are going with your partner if you like. We're here for you. 

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