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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

RevzZPosted 12-12-2016 12:10 PM

No need to be sorry @Ella303! Being random is awesome Smiley Happy

I have to admit, #5 got me there haha. What's your favourite field of science?

Ella303Posted 12-12-2016 03:40 PM

I Dont Really Have A Favourite Field I Like Them All So Far!!!!

T4ilsPosted 13-12-2016 01:23 PM

That is great @Ella303, have you thought about a career in science? You know they say if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life!


1. I like metalcore and screamo music.

2. I love wearing makeup and getting dressed up.

3. I love computer gaming.

4. I love cats!

5. I love that all of these things go against a typical stereotype.. nobody ever expects I am the metalcore gaming girl! 

Ella303Posted 13-12-2016 04:58 PM

I Have Thought About It But not Really Sure Where to Start I Already Finnished The yr 12 Biology HSC And Done The Extension And I Am Only 15 So Yeah I Guess I Like Biology,Genetics,Chemistry That Sort Of Thing 🙂

stonepixiePosted 14-12-2016 12:16 PM

Perhaps your favourite discovery of 2016 if it hasn't already been mentioned. 🙂


That is pretty cool, perhaps you might be interested in biomedical science. I'm guessing you are more into animal/human biology than plant biology, would that be correct, @Ella303?

Ella303Posted 14-12-2016 06:37 PM

yeah sounds about right i also enjoy physics as well

musicnerdPosted 23-11-2016 09:14 PM

1. i am addicted to music

2. I want to be a film composer when older

3. I also want a pet turtle when i am older

4. i collect stickers and coins

5. My favourite movies are Wild Child, Captain America and The Giver

N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-11-2016 09:50 PM
Hey @musicnerd and welcome to ReachOut! Do you like all the Captain America films? I've always wanted a pet turtle too! I hope you get to achieve your dreams. 🙂 Do you have any favourite music genres?
caseyleehsPosted 14-11-2016 10:01 PM

1. I have a daughter who has extra fingers and toes!

2. I love to help people

3. I help run a women's support group on facebook

4. I can be a very negative person at times

5. I have been with my amazing fiancé for 6 years this year after meeting online 🙂


im not an overly interesting person haha

earthgxrlPosted 05-11-2016 10:40 PM

1. I desperately want to travel all over the world despite only being to places in TAS, NSW and VIC

2. I cannot wait to go to UNI and I'd love to study abroad at Glasgow School of Art 

3. I can only study to a few particular bands - Beach Fossils, DIIV and Childhood

4. I can't analyse a book in class without underlining quotes in it which doesn't impress my teacher or the librarians (even though I rub them out afterwards)

5. If I could see one band live it would be Red Hot Chili Peppers 


j95Posted 12-11-2016 10:50 AM
1. I love zig zag twisties
2. I volunteer at a couple of places
3. I think about going vegetarian at least once a day
4. I have never met my grandparents
5. Sometimes if it's too cold in the mornings I take my doona in the car with me, even though the heater works
ChillyyPosted 02-11-2016 09:53 PM
1- I'm the tallest in the family and my hair is the longest 
2- Butternut squash ice cream is my fave 
3- I watch too many documentaries especially about serial killers and mysterious deaths 
4- I love lgbt romance films
5- I do yoga and love dancing and I'm working on my parkour and tennis skills
peppermintpeonyPosted 03-11-2016 05:48 PM

@Chillyy Butternut squash ice cream sounds both strange and delicious! Do you make it yourself? I can't say I've come across it before!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-11-2016 11:43 AM
Hey @Chillyy and welcome to ReachOut 🙂 I've also got the longest hair in the family, although I wish I was the tallest! 😛
ThunderheadPosted 02-11-2016 07:04 PM

1- I generally like to be detached from other people, but this year I've grown quite interested in the people around me, and I would even be friends with them. 

2- I work best under strict time constraints, but only when I am at home, and if I cannot finish what needs to be done in those time constraints I get super freaked out. 

3- I always try to find the best in people, but sometimes there are people that annoy me to the mth degree, but I find that their friends have quite attractive personalities. 

4- There are people I want to be friends with, but I'm worried about how they will react and treat me afterwards if I say it. 

5- I'm a massive fan of Japanese language, history, and culture. I'm currently self taught, but I'm stuck at my current skill level. (Anyone who knows Japanese could teach me a lot!)

MeticulousPosted 23-10-2016 05:42 PM

1. Playground swings help me appreciate the good in life, even at 17 years old.

2. Short hair on a girl has mixed reviews.

3. Venturers/Scouts is the best 🙂 

4. Music is a lifesaver 🙂

5. Dance helps me loose myself.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-10-2016 10:40 PM
Hey and welcome to ReachOut @Meticulous! Swings are the absolute best, no matter how old you are! 😄 What kind of music do you enjoy listening (and dancing!) too?
See you around the forums!
MeticulousPosted 25-10-2016 10:03 AM

Any music. Preferrably acoustic or old school and alternative..

letitgoPosted 25-10-2016 04:59 PM

Hi @Meticulous! I love music, too! Do you have a favourite song/artist?

Maddi34Posted 14-10-2016 05:41 PM

Hi all!


You all sound like such interesting unique people!


lets give this a go..


1. I am the youngest of 9 siblings

2. I have a strong dislike for tomato sauce

3. Garlic bread is my weakness

4. I have climbed the Great wall of China.. twice, just coz Smiley LOL

5. andd hmm I recently bought a surf board! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-10-2016 09:06 PM
They sound beautiful @jswaker96 🙂
jswaker96Posted 13-10-2016 08:02 PM
Yoshi is a Labrador retriever and Cookie is a Maltese shitzhu! They're both beyond gorgeous!
jswaker96Posted 13-10-2016 07:06 PM

Hey everyone! 

5 random things about me: 

1. i have two dogs that i adore named cookie and yoshi

2. my favourite food is pineapple with chili flakes

3. tomato sauce is so good on everything ah 

4. i love llamas

5. my favourite movie is scream

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-10-2016 07:22 PM
Hey @jswaker96 and welcome to ReachOut 🙂 I am also a fan of tomato sauce, it's just so good to put on things 😄 What breed are your dogs? They have such adorable names! 🙂
letitgoPosted 11-10-2016 08:05 PM

1. I think I make really delicious chocolate brownies

2. I am currently trying to learn Swedish and Italian

3. When I was little and at a Wiggles concert, I was able to give Dorothy the Dinosaur a rose, and apparently it made child-me very happy.

4. I am afraid of heights, spiders and most other things.

5. I am a vegetarian but sometimes my grandma forgets so I eat the meat she serves me because I don't want to hurt her feelings.  

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