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Fave Game?

Hey guys how are you? I'm a Inspire Youth Ambassador, just letting you know I'm here to chat with at any point if you want so yeh 🙂


But I also would like to know your favourite game any type whether it be xbox, pc or even an app ? like dodle jump or song pop 🙂


Inspire All 🙂




InspireAllPosted 09-08-2012 10:38 PM


N64 Kid
N64 KidPosted 19-03-2013 09:23 PM
Although its old now my fav is Ocarina of Time for the N64
monkeymoo24Posted 11-04-2013 03:27 PM

i like the mario games

how do you play dots and boxes

Bananatime04Posted 10-12-2019 03:44 PM
Hmmm I’d probably have to go with clash of clans.. lol I haven’t played it in ages but I don’t really play games much

(totally didn’t make this post because I wanted to post on the oldest games thread.. hehe)
JJRPosted 30-12-2012 09:15 AM

my fave game is who can build the best sand castle. it may seem like a kids game but it fun when you are grown up and can build them over 3 foot high

HillaryPosted 27-08-2012 11:09 PM

I think it's still 'The Sims'. Yeah, not a new and fresh one, but still so nice!





AtmaPosted 10-08-2012 01:07 AM

Hey Inspire All,


I too am a YA but I don't think we've met on the forums before. Well not on the new ones anyway.


My favourite game doesn't really have a name. But I play it at uni and sometimes when I go on camps. A police officer taught it to me.


Basically you have little balls in lines like this:


.     .

.     .     .

.     .     .

.     .     .


5    4    3


Each person takes turns to remove some of the balls. You can take as many balls as you want, but you can only take them from one column. So you could take all three from the last column but you can't take two from the middle column and one from the first.


The loser is the person who has to take the last ball.


It's really fun! Especially when you're the one who knows how to win!

BeePosted 19-08-2012 07:52 PM
@Atma, My math teacher taught us a similar game last year in maths (or the year before? I had him two years in a row)

It's pretty much the same but you could take any number of dots from any row (we'd play it in rows like this)

5 . . . . .
4 . . . .
3 . . .
2 . .
1 .

we used to play it with counters, it was hilarious, esp when our teacher lost.... he'd always try to cheat! 😛
LightuptheworldPosted 10-08-2012 03:17 PM

@Atma: That's pretty cool. It's like the complete opposite of the dots and boxes game! 😛 I might have to try it sometime. 🙂

AtmaPosted 10-08-2012 07:27 PM

It is a great game.


Speaking of the Dots and Boxes game... I used to play that with my Grandma! I loved playing games with her. She taught me all the card games I know!

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