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Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 03:55 PM


Teddy47Posted 09-12-2020 02:56 AM

Now my fav games is Phasmophobia. Do smd know about it?

kayleesophiePosted 05-04-2021 11:29 AM

@Sophie-RO I am playing call of duty and also m favorite game.

YungFury_Posted 30-04-2020 12:16 PM

My fav game is Destiny 2

Animallover2003Posted 16-10-2020 12:53 PM

Right now I bet everyone is addicted to 'Among Us' 


Loony88Posted 10-11-2020 05:21 AM

Among Us one of my favorites and also - new Kingdom Rush

rivasoliverPosted 01-11-2018 08:33 AM

My favorite game for game-boy was pokemon


Animallover2003Posted 15-10-2019 12:14 PM

My favourite game I play sometimes is ROBLOX. I got great friends on there and there's plenty of fun games. Don't judge me, i know ROBLOX is probably one of those child games but some of the games are too old for the childrenz like horror games, slender man games and such. Even a SAW game 😆

martin27Posted 21-04-2018 02:27 AM

My favorite game now is the apples catcher game.

My high score is 412. What's yours?

Erin-ROPosted 21-04-2018 10:21 AM

Hi @martin27 thank you for posting about your fave game Smiley Happy


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GameBxPosted 26-10-2018 07:10 PM

I used to play it too hard to pass

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