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Confused about self-care?

Heard us go on about self-care but not quite sure what we're talking about?


Self-care is really important for your overall wellbeing, and of course, we can't stop talking about it 😛 So what is self-care you ask?


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I really like this definition from Life In Mind Australia,

“Self-care refers to activities that help individuals look after themselves both physically and mentally. It includes behaviours we can adapt to ensure that our bodies and mind function effectively and healthily. It is important to recognise that self-care doesn’t require the need to add more activities to already busy schedules, but to take time for ourselves when we need it.”


So self-care is focusing on wellbeing, and lucky for us there is a whole Wheel of Wellbeing that was made and it includes an action for each area of wellbeing!!
Body - Be active

Spirit - Give
Mind - Keep Learning
People - Connect

Place - Take notice
Planet - Care


So what does self-care look like?

It’s important to remember that self-care is different for everyone, so if your self-care doesn’t look the same as someone else's, that is completely okay!

We have an epic article - How to be awesome at self-care

And we have this great thread - I practised self-care today by…


But what about some examples?

Body - eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep

Mind - reading a book, listening to a podcast, managing stress eg yoga or meditation

Spirit - doing something nice for others, giving yourself a break and looking after you - remember that you can't pour from an empty cup

People - spending time with friends/family/loved ones

Place - start a veggie garden, recycle what you can


I also want to say that just as self-care is about looking after our wellbeing, sometimes self-care is also taking a break from stressful times to simply nap.


Image result for self care gif


Sometimes self-care isn’t enough and we need more support.

That is totally okay!

If it’s something we can help with, feel free to make a thread in tough times or Everyday life - Whichever is appropriate.

If it’s not appropriate to talk about on the forums, remember there are helplines you can contact such as

Kids HelpLine (KHL) 1800 55 1800

Life Line 13 14 11

EHeadspace 1800 650 890

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Qlife 1800 184 527

1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732

The Butterfly Foundation 1800 334 673

BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636

MensLine 1300 78 99 78

BeePosted 18-12-2018 04:24 PM


MB95Posted 05-12-2019 02:26 PM

Thanks heaps for sharing this @Bee ❤


I came across it the other day when I was feeling really down and needing help and this was a great reminder of how important self care actually is. I haven't had much time to myself lately with uni exams and work but have finally got a day off today and have just put together a list that works for me in the hope I can just turn to it and pick something off the list to do when I'm feeling really low. 


Thanks for the little reminder! My psychologist has been going onto me about how I need to practice some self care but reading your post has somehow reinforced what she's been trying to get me to understand so thanks 😊

BeePosted 05-12-2019 10:40 PM
@MB95 you are so very welcome 🙂
I'm so glad you found this when you needed it! Heart
So great you put together a list of what works for you!
MB95Posted 05-12-2019 11:50 PM

Thanks @Bee! I've stuck it in my folder with all the 'homework' stuff my psych gives me so now I've got something to refer to when I'm stressed or upset and can just pick something to do from the list 😊


I just tried to tag you in my comment on a post but couldn't work out how cause I'm not sure you're part of the thread?


Just thought I'd share with you that I practiced self-care today by painting my toe nails, doing a face mask, cleaning my room, calling my mum and going to the movies/dinner with a couple of my workmates. All because your posts inspired and reminded me of how important it actually is so thankyou!! ❤


I'm exhausted now but it was definitely worth it!!! 

BeePosted 06-12-2019 01:58 PM
@MB95 that is awesome to hear! 🙂
Hmm strange it didn't tag me, are you using quick reply or the other reply? Sometimes it may still tag even when it doesn't come up blue in the reply box. I'm happy to make a thread and where we can troubleshoot if you like 🙂

I love your self-care you did! So awesome! Heart
MB95Posted 07-12-2019 02:44 AM

Thanks @Bee ! It definitely felt nice - I forgot how calming it can be to do something as simple as painting your nails! And how it can give you a little self-esteem boost, it was a lovely feeling that's for sure 😊


Umm.. I was using the other reply? I couldn't get your name to come up on it at all for some reason lol I'm also the WORST when it comes to technology so probably managed to stuff something up 🤦‍♀️ Can you normally tag someone in a post even if they haven't joined that chat themselves?


Please don't judge me.. but what is troubleshooting? I've defs heard the word before but wouldn't have a clue what it is! 😂

BeePosted 07-12-2019 03:31 PM
@MB95 absolutely 🙂 I love the little boost of self-esteem when we do something nice for ourselves Heart

Ooh that makes sense. Usually if you have the spelling correct (including the right Capitalisation) if the user doesn't come up you can just leave it as text and it may still tag (it does for me anyway) sometimes the tag box can be a bit tricky, sometimes I've had users come up with 2 letters of their username but not 3. I'll pass the message onto RO though 🙂

Troubleshooting - in other words, looking at the trouble and seeing if it's an issue with the site or something else, sometimes the wrong spelling etc 🙂
MB95Posted 08-12-2019 12:08 AM

Sweet! Thankyou 😊

I was probably just doing something wrong knowing me 😂

Jay-ROPosted 18-12-2018 04:32 PM
This is a spectacular thread @Bee!

Self-care is so important and can be a difficult concept to understand. This thread has some excellent explanations, that quote is definitely a great pick! I love the images too! Thank you for sharing this.

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