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Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:01 PM

We all seem to agree that celebrating the little things is anything but selfish! But how does it help us?


What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way? What is the impact of NOT practising self-love in these ways?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:06 PM

What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way? 


I think you'll get the extra awesome stuff out of life that people with the skills that @ryvb3 have get out of life. Things might not be perfect, but the perspective you'll get from being able to appreiciate the little things, and do little things to care for yourself will help you get through the less than ideal times a lot more comfortably. Along with appreiciating the good moments all the more!


What is the impact of NOT practising self-love in these ways?


Well, you'll miss out on all the above! You will also not get as much practice at being happy. Which sounds like a weird thing, but re-inforcing the parts of our brain that are wired for positive thoughts will in turn help us have more of them, and see more of the good things, something that's definitely worth doing I think. 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:15 PM

What is the impact of practicing self-love in this way? 



Maybe realising that you can do more with less things. How you can still feel happy even though you may not have everything you want. And how you may be focused on the priorties that matter to you and less on external obligations (i.e., what other people want from you). 



Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:17 PM

Totally @ryvb3!! Instead of feeling like you need to do more and more and more to feel accomplished or happy, appreciating what you are achieving 😄
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:22 PM

@CICI and @safari93: I liked how you both summarised what I wrote in a clear way. They sound like those motivational quotes. Thank you! 🙂
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:21 PM

So we are all in agreeement that it is worth doing but


How can we remind ourselves to do these things when we are feeling down on ourselves?

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:59 PM

@Stealth_ninja agreed, Tall Poppy Syndrome is definitely a thing in society, and I can't stand it sometimes. Why can't we let people celebrate and appreciate their efforts? Do we need to tear them down??

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:58 PM

@ClCl it's funny isn't it, how we're so quick to be kind and supportive to our friends but we don't seem to realise we can be so hard on ourselves? I feel like I'd never treat my friends the way I would treat myself sometimes

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:54 PM

Is it selfish doing this?


Definitely not! Validating achievements is super important, regardless of how 'big' or 'small' they are - if you had to work towards it, then it's a victory and you deserve to appreciate it. Plus, not everyone will appreciate the small victories you've had, so practicing self-validation can be important instead

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:57 PM

Definitely not selfish! I think being able to celebrate yourself is sometimes much harder than having other people celebrate you if that makes sense? and even more important! Great question though! I think sometimes society has tall poppy syndrome which is kind of this idea that you "shouldn't" celebrate your achievements cause that's boasting or something but i think. Be great, and be proud that you're great! Nothing wrong with that! But just be kind as well 🙂

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:52 PM

@N1ghtW1ng no worries! Enjoy movie night!!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:51 PM

The little positives are the best positives. Especially when you're feeling down and can't find any positives the little things are what really count. The weather, breakfast, lunch or dinner, how'd you wake up? Are you wearing a favourite or comfy outfit? It's those little things that can mean everything. 🙂

P.S hey guys! Sorry I can't stay but movie night 😛 I wish you all a good week! Until next time 😉
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:53 PM

Thank you so much for sharing that great bit of wisdom with us @N1ghtW1ng!! Enjoy your movie night!!
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:46 PM

Hey @Stealth_ninja, good to see you! And omg I LOVE sticky date pudding!! I'm literally salivating right now lolol

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:44 PM

@ryvb3 true! Bringing others into the celebration, even with a simple thankyou, can be a great way to affirm your victory!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:37 PM

@ClCl Sounds like having your own internal cheerleader! Like Lizzie McGuire but with pompoms or something Smiley Very Happy

I like this internal cheerleader idea!!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:41 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things? In what ways can we celebrate these things?


I think something else to think about is that it's not always about the destination, the journey is probably as important, if not more important than reaching the goal. For example if you spent 50 years working a really boring job, and you stayed back late every night, missed heaps of chance to just go have fun just so you could become CEO, is it worth the 50 years of not finding smaller, but still important goals to pursue? 



Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:43 PM

exactly @Ben-RO don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:46 PM

@j95 wrote:
exactly @Ben-RO don't forget to stop and smell the roses!

Or the fresh clean clothes @j95 😛


Hey @Stealth_ninja

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:45 PM



Sorry i'm late but "treat yo self" is like my favourite motto ever and i'm commemorating this forum discussion but eating a big piece of sticky date pudding/cake. 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:39 PM

Haha yes!!!! I forgot about that mini Lizzie McGuire! Thanks for reminding me @safari93
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:35 PM

@ryvb3 that's a good way of thinking about it! It's like knowing that it's okay to not be there yet, because you're trying

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:37 PM

yeah, you are on the way to getting there! @ryvb3 @safari93
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:32 PM

Why should we celebrate the little things? In what ways can we celebrate these things?


Probably for the reasons we highlighted earlier - its easy to forget the small victories when we only focus on the bigger outcome. To celebrate them, an important thing to learn is that small victories are as valuable as big ones, and can be really significant in the context of a tough time period in our lives.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 8:30 PM

Seems like we struggle sometimes with seeing the smaller picture! So let's take this a little further:


Why should we celebrate the little things? In what ways can we celebrate these things?