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Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:59 PM

What even is a ‘little thing?’ Well, it seems to depend on how we are feeling and thinking. Chores, hygiene, uni work and exercise could be little victories when you feel like everything is too much. Sometimes it’s hard to even see them as accomplishments, especially when you’re so used to celebrating bigger achievements!


It’s not a difficult mindset to fall into though – big achievements seem so much better to celebrate, especially since others also want to celebrate them with you. How many people would congratulate you over getting out of bed or doing laundry? In that kind of mindset, it can also be really easy for us to be unkind to ourselves, and easy to forget that one failed goal is not the end of the world


Remembering small victories can combat that mindset, by reminding us that we’re making it through each day. They are reminders that we’ve come so far already, and that we deserve to be kind to ourselves. They can also be motivating, and help you appreciate the journey. Creating this mindset isn’t always easy, especially when you’re used to big achievements, but having a little celebration when you have a little victory (like an impromptu chocolate break) can really drive home the importance of celebrating the little things


You might be thinking: but isn’t it kind of selfish and self-centred to celebrate small victories? To which we say HELL NO, it’s anything but! Celebrating small victories is a type of self-validation, and reminds us that even when we’re low on energy or motivation (i.e. spoons), we managed to achieve something. Just because it isn’t a huge achievement, doesn’t mean it is easy or effortless


So then reminding ourselves of our own victories can change our perspective to a more positive, self-loving and self-affirming one, and could even make us happier! It can also make you more resilient, as you realise the importance of caring yourself in this way when things get tough. Neglecting this kind of self-care can have the opposite effect – you can become very self-critical, and you might even work yourself into a bad physical or mental state trying to get to those big goals. You might get caught up in trying to be someone else for other people, and not be true to yourself or considerate of your needs.


So then how do we stop ourselves from going to that difficult, critical place? It can take some perspective-changing, and reminders to celebrate those little victories. It can be tough, especially when you’re already feeling pretty low, but there are plenty of strategies. Write sticky note reminders, or take a moment to look back on everything you’ve already achieved. Basically, try anything that helps you affirm your achievements in a positive way! You could even celebrate your achievements with a little treat, like some yummy food, a nice nap or just a few kind words to yourself.


This is all well and good, but what about celebrating small wins on the forums? Well, we have an entire thread dedicated to it, and it’s right here!!! We also have this thread where you can celebrate what you’re proud of! You can also join in on celebrating others’ achievements, because forum parties are the best parties!!


Thanks so much to everyone for coming out, and especially to @ClCl and @Ben-RO for their awesome help!! Hope you guys enjoyed this session as much as I did, and hope you all have a great night Smiley Happy


Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:02 PM

Wooo! Go @safari93 - what an amazing and fast summary!! Thank you!

And thank your @j95, @ ryvb3 for hanging with us throughout our discussion tonight. And @stealthninja and @N1ghtW1ng for swinging by!

And of course @Ben-RO for your constant support and presence.

Goodnight everyone - we all did so well contributing tonight, time for a pat on the back
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:05 PM

thanks everyone, good chat
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:54 PM

@Ben-RO I was thinking the same thing!!!!!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:54 PM

How will you celebrate small wins on the forums from now on? How might you encourage/remind others to do the same?


Well we have the Achievement Unlocked thread, where we literally celebrate small achievements and progression! Hanging out on there can also be a cool way to encourage others who post, since it's basically a big celebration of small (and sometimes big) wins

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:58 PM

How will you celebrate small wins on the forums from now on?



There's loads of other forum threads like Three Positive of the Day that I guess I will start contributing to. 


How might you encourage/remind others to do the same?

Maybe I might tweet or write a post on FB about the small wins that happen. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:01 PM

Seems like some pretty legit ideas @ryvb3 and it'll be nice to see you around, i feel like you could offer our community quite a bit of awesome knowledge out of that brain of yours 🙂 

Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:04 PM

@Ben-RO; I shall visit the forums more often then to chat 😄

I usually frequent the games forum 😛
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:05 PM

We would love to have you everywhere you feel comfortable within the forums @ryvb3 🙂
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 10:03 PM

Thanks for stopping by @j95 @ryvb3 @Stealth_ninja @N1ghtW1ng

Thanks for running an awesome GR @ClCl @safari93


Have a lovely snooze all of you! See you reaaaaly soon!


Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:51 PM

@ryvb3 sounds like you've made some great progress! And that's how I think of small victories too, they're like little chill celebrations and celebrating things generally make people feel good!



Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:54 PM

How will you celebrate small wins on the forums from now on? How might you encourage/remind others to do the same?'


I found the Achievement Unlocked thread was really useful for me (as I like playing video games so it tickles my fancy) especially the process of making a token like thing to make the celebration real. I would like to post to that thread more often.


I might try suggesting it to others, or encourage others to start their own tread with a different way of celebrating small wins. But I would love suggestions from you guys as to how you would like to be reminded 🙂

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:48 PM

@j95 if you can't think of any recent ones, maybe think about how you would normally celebrate small victories? Do you do anything to celebrate when you've made a small achievement?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:53 PM

@safari93 i don't usually celebrate small victories, sometimes i post on the What Are You Proud Of thread but thats it.

@CICI I forgot to add that I went to the pool despite having no motivation what so ever and it taking me half an hour to find my clothes and then I stalled my car before I even left, I could of called it a bad morning and gone back inside but I went anyway
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:56 PM

That is a great one @j95! despite a bunch of set backs and barriers you still plowed through at got to the pool! You even didnt give up completely coz you also went out for lunch, thought about your job application AND went to football training. Awesome work!
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:59 PM

Great, the What are you proud of thread! because little things are worth being proud of 😄 Thanks for sharing that one @j95

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:59 PM

I'll definitely be posting about my small victories on here more often
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:50 PM

Soooo what I was saying was coming up @j95...


How will you celebrate small wins on the forums from now on? How might you encourage/remind others to do the same?

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:53 PM

How will you celebrate small wins on the forums from now on? How might you encourage/remind others to do the same?


This is one of the reasons why i made Achievement unlocked :P. 


I think with my friends, i am going to be a bit more annoying and bother them about the little things a bit more. Or just point out the good stuff that's happening if i feel like they're missing out, good thing i have really patient friends 😛 



Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:44 PM

Do you have a little victory to celebrate today (or maybe from a few days ago)? How did you celebrate it?


Well today I ran some errands, so I decided I would relax a little in the afternoon and take a nap! It was also quite warm and I was kinda sleepy so it was probably also necessary 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:46 PM

i can't think of any
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:48 PM

Could we help @j95? What did you get up to today?

One I know of from my observations is that you joined us for this GR discussion 😄 The discussion would not have been as good without you and even though you mentioned you were finding it difficult to concentrate you have done amazingly!!!
|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:50 PM

@CICI I didn't too much, I spent the morning at home thinking about cleaning my room, went out for lunch to have a bit of think about a job i want to apply for then went to footy training
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 18-04-2016 9:40 PM

Now it's time to celebrate!!!! (Ce~le~brate good times come on!!!)


Do you have a little victory to celebrate today (or maybe from a few days ago)? How did you celebrate it?