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Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:52 PM

FAIL = First Attempt In Learning
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:52 PM

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without lose of enthusiasm"

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:53 PM

haha those are all so beautiful


Although I think if you fall down 7 times, you can only get up 7 times?

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:55 PM

@tsnyder that's true... maybe the 8th one is to stay standing lol 

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:55 PM

up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up.

Depends on if you start up or down @tsnyder! 😉
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:55 PM

As J. Cole said: "There's beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success"

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:54 PM

haha yea thats a quote FAIL!
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:51 PM

saw saw a quote on instagram: it said


fall 7 times, stand up, 8. 

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:51 PM

If you're not failing, you're not innovating enough” — Elon Musk

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:48 PM

Maybe talking to new people, or talking to those mates I worry about?
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:23 PM

6. Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly at something?


Tony AbbottTony Abbott

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:26 PM

I love how this got 4 High Fives in the span of a few seconds!

And yeah, Taylor Swift got some huge attention out of that!
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:25 PM


originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:35 PM

  1. How can you help a friend who is feeling like they failed learn from their 'failure'?

 For me I think about 3 steps:


1.Be with them where they're at; acknowledge the feelings and what they're going through, have a big listen! How does the person see things, is it even a failure to them? How big a deal is this to them?


2. Start exploring; help your friend think a bit bigger, I like this concept called blue sky thinking where you think about the best possible outcomes, time machines are allowed. But keep thinking past that (unless you have a time machine handy)


3.Put it in perspective, and set some goals to move on; There's always something to learn an there's always new things to learn and explore, help them figure out where they want to go next and the steps they need to take to get there!


@FootyFan26 If only I could give you more High 5's!


Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:17 PM

hahaha omg celebs failing... A LOT....

but some of the reporting (tabloids in particular) on this is so unfair.. like Britney was supposedly this big failure but she was actually going through a mental health difficulty...
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:14 PM

@Ben-RO that's a good point, it helps to ask "will this affect me in five years" sometimes, in the grand scheme of things, your failures are very very minute 

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:46 PM

wow @tsnyder its not easy to take on that kind of feedback sometimes so well done!

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:48 PM

thanks @chandelier 🙂 its funny, if it wasn't the girl I liked telling me, I probably wouldn't have listened!

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:45 PM

@tsnyder haha that's great! being called out/being honest is a great way of identifying a few ways that don't work
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:47 PM

yeah @jvkn I was really taken aback, I actually asked a bunch of other friends the same thing individually and they pretty much all concurred! hahaha I have really been trying to improve

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:24 PM

Yeah it's bloody freezing out there!
Hope you enjoyed footy.

@tsnyder just past experiences like being told off for minuscule things that have changed the way I do things.

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:19 PM

Hey @j95! 😄
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:23 PM

A lot of you guys mentioned success was about achievement and growth- Awesome work that links perfectly to our next question:


Can you think of something that felt like failure but ended up teaching you something? what did you learn?

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:29 PM

Can you think of something that felt like failure but ended up teaching you something? what did you learn?

This happens to me all the time!!
Examples of this for me are:
Getting dropped from my footy team - I've learnt to work harder and earn my spot, instead of expecting it.
Or when I fail a unit or assessment at trade school, I feel like I have just let myself and my teachers down, but each time I have failed I have learnt what I can do better next time, to pass.

A big one for me is last year I lost my electrical apprenticeship after 3 years because I made a huge mistake and did something stupid without thinking, I felt like a complete failure, let everyone down and most of all let myself down. I thought, I can't believe I have put all this work in, now effed up, what an idiot. Although I already knew stealing was wrong, I still did it and I have learnt the consequences. Learnt heaps. Would never make that mistake again.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:33 PM

@j95 i've also recently failed a unit at school and found that this semester i've been a lot more motivated to do better. Failures often motivate us and teach us lessons to do better in future outcomes 

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow