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originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:45 PM

If you identify that way... not being embarrassed. Public displays of affection are ok. Coming out if you feel comfortable. Exploring new relationships. Just being yourself.

Casual scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:32 PM

@jvkn stay away from negative people and that sort of situation. Problem solved haha. Stick to your true friends who don't act like that and you won't have any issues. If people have a problem with it, they shouldn't be there simple as that
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:35 PM

so true @JB1611 sticking with friends you know won't pressure you into drugs is always a good idea.

But you never know, you might encounter someone on the street that is under the influence and they might stir some trouble with you.

It is important to know how to respectfully communicate with them to lessen the drama or plainly ignoring them. You never want to aggravate someone that has already taken drugs.
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:35 PM

@JB1611 so true!

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:16 PM

Anyways peeps I've got to go! Thanks @lanejane  and @jvkn  for this GR session, it's a really interesting topic that I knew really little about and it's definitely helped my understanding.  See you in the forums!

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:18 PM

@tsnyder thanks for joining us tonight mate, goodnight!

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:17 PM

Thanks @tsnyder 


Have a great night. It was good to have you!


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:19 PM

Okay so only a few tips and responses about safe partying and looking after yourself at Mardi Gras. I wonder if the rest of our lively gang might be able to repond to this next question... it's about policing mardi gras!



In 2013 the police caught and charged over 100 people with possession of drugs at Mardi Gras – in just four hours! Do you think drugs at Mardi Gras is acceptable or something that should be patrolled?



Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:23 PM

In 2013 the police caught and charged over 100 people with possession of drugs at Mardi Gras – in just four hours! Do you think drugs at Mardi Gras is acceptable or something that should be patrolled?

Drugs at mardi gras should not be accepted. You hear of horror stories with party drugs and how it can ruin peoples nights. Staying clear of drugs is the making sure everyone has a good night!

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Dreamer 95
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:22 PM

I don't think drugs in any celebration with mass amounts should be allowed, drugs can ruin a lot of peoples night and also may cause trouble
I think my self that they should patrol so people can have a great time and not have to worry about things like that
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:24 PM

@Dreamer95 too true. just on @lanejane 's stat, 100 people had their nights ruined and this just happened in four hours... if they hadnt taken the drugs they would have been able to continue in the celebration!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:24 PM

I think that's a really great point @Dreamer 95 - there are lots of people who would be at mardi gras who don't want to be involved or around drugs. The police are there to keep everyone safe.


Their actions and arrests at mardi gras aren't about the LGBTQI community its about maintaining the law.



originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:26 PM

For anyone thinking about partying / drugs  or alcohol in the lead up to mardi gras just remember that there are lots of resources on RO!


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:30 PM

Just popped out for a bit, but I'm back!

Drugs are an issue anywhere there is a gathering of crowds. Take music festivals for instance.

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:31 PM

@stonepixie good to have you back!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:06 PM

Celebrating pride can often feel like a hugeeee party! How can you take care of yourself and your friends during mardi gras and ensure to avoide “next day regrets” (eg: respecting yourself, partying safe, safe sex)


think before you act! That's the best way to look after yourself this weekend at Mardi gras.

Party safe and practice safe sex: sounds like common sense but it is super important, be smart and don't get intoxicated. So much fun can be had if you know how to control your drinking 🙂

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:13 PM

Celebrating pride can often feel like a hugeeee party! How can you take care of yourself and your friends during mardi gras and ensure to avoide “next day regrets” (eg: respecting yourself, partying safe, safe sex)


I think this link from the RO website is going to be my response to this question!


It's all about next day regrets and how to avoid them!


You can have fun without overdoing it - doesn't have to even be related to drugs and alcohol. You don't even have to overdo it with staying out late! Just all the "normal" little things that we forget when we are having a good time.


Those damn adult responsibilities...:P

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:13 PM

Celebrating pride can often feel like a hugeeee party! How can you take care of yourself and your friends during mardi gras and ensure to avoide “next day regrets” (eg: respecting yourself, partying safe, safe sex)


We Like To Party GR SESH Check this out in your own time, we did a GR sesh a while back about partying and how to stay safe. Worth a look if you're planning on going to Mardi Gras

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:00 PM

@stonepixie Mardi gras is definitely more than just a parade there are film festivals, art exhibitions, fair day and so much more fun stuff
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 8:57 PM

@tsnyder "go me" moments are the best. Loving and treating yourself and practising self-care is just as important
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 8:55 PM

Yes!! @AmberJayne cannot wait for gay marriage to be legalized in Australia!!! We need to catch up with the rest of the world!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Casual scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 8:59 PM

Hey @jvkn when do you think marriage equality will be legalised here in Australia?
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:17 PM


"Hey @jvkn when do you think marriage equality will be legalised here in Australia?"

I'm not quite sure, but hopefully in the near future. I would like to think that my future kids would not have to worry about gay marriage.
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:00 PM

i think we have a little while to go for marriage equality here in aus! it was close at one point with kevin rudd... but that kinda went out the window.


fingers crossed though 🙂 we've got a good community of support out there! shouldn't be too far away.

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 8:58 PM

@jvkn  I honestly had no idea that gay marriage hadn't been legalized here.  I just assumed it had been, seems almost medieval to have it not be!  Come on people