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originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:12 PM

@SanguineSally , very true!!! sometimes being grateful is important

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:14 PM

@SanguineSally i think my personal opinion about optimism is the same as your answer! good one 🙂


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:09 PM

everyone tonight should also know that i am OPTIMISTIC about the power & awesomeness of pictures in any Getting Real sesh Man LOL






originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:03 PM

Love the picture @lanejane!

Hey everyone I am excited to chat tonight about optimism. optimism doesn't always mean a glass half full. Sometimes it is just about having a brighter perspective about things in your own life!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:03 PM

Optimism to me is about having a little bit of hope when things are going bad! You don't have to be compeltely "glass half full"... it's about just having a little bit of hope that things can go okay 🙂
