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originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:41 PM

@Jeremyinthebox that is so cool like I would love to have a pet that is just like me.
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:28 PM

I think it would be great to hear more about it too @ruenhonx and @Jeremyinthebox 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:21 PM

I don't know @jvkn the goldfish that belongs to the house but no one who actually lives here now owns it. It is pretty judgemental! It hates me.

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:24 PM

hahaha @stonepixie i'm sure it doesn't hate you!

Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:23 PM

@stonepixie really? haha try playing with it and get it to follow your finger when you feed it! that's always fun.. i use to have fighting fish that would jump out of the water to catch the pellets of food 😛
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:24 PM

I used to have a fighting fish. :'(

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ
Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:25 PM

they're such beautiful fish... i really miss mine too. His name was Pablo
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:28 PM

@jvkn mine was Nami. So beautiful and it is so sad that his death could have been prevented. Stupid real estate not telling us that they were going to have the house sprayed.

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ
Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:31 PM

@stonepixie That sucks, sorry to hear about what happened to Nami... 😞 We had Pablo for a long time and one day he stopped moving... was really sad
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:27 PM

Haha a fish named Pablo, that is actually cute @jvkn
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**
Uber contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:17 PM

Pets make me happy! Hahaha. There is a guinea pig that visits regularly! 🙂

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:20 PM

Welcome @Platypus23
Aw must be so different being petless after you have been petfull 🙂
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:19 PM

Pets improved my mood because they were always happy to see you! They needed care and attention (LOTS of attention!!), and they thrived on the bond with you!



originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:20 PM

@Platypus23 so true! and what a cute pic

Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:14 PM

my cat in the midst of groceries



originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:16 PM

Haha aw your cat is so cute @benjamin_
Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:15 PM

@benjamin_ love the photo! looks like your cat was hungry!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:15 PM

@benjamin_ haha omg that grocery picture!

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:15 PM

@benjamin_ no - are you serious? is that really your cat?


hollllyyy shhhhhhizzzzzzzzzzz i need it to love and hug it right now


originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:15 PM

Haha @benjamin_ your cat reminds me of that cat cartoon, Garfield I think lol
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:16 PM

Hahaha you're right @ruenhonx  , @benjamin_'s cat  does look like Garfield! (Take it as a compliment 😉

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:18 PM

How can having a pet improve your mood?


Animals just make me so happy. When I'm feeling sad I'll sometimes go to my sister's house and play with her cat. It takes my mind off things and keep me entertained. The warmth and comfort of holding it also helps 🙂

I used to hold my guinea pigs to my chest and cry and tell them all my problems when I was 12... 😛 


This pace is insane!

Star contributor

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:06 PM

Hello all welcome to tonights GR session.


How many of you have pets? If so, what kind? how many? Post a photo if you can!


I’ve grown up with pets all my life, and currently we have two gold fish that my youngest brother (4 years old) looks after. Their names are Peppa Pig and Pingu… pretty hard to guess what tv shows he likes right? Here are some photos of the fishes.

 fishies.jpg(yes the tank does need a bit of a clean)

We use to have a Pomeranian when I was a lot younger… he’s name was Dexter. He was the cutest fluff ball ever heres a pic.

dexter1.jpg****HES SO FLUFFY***

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:04 PM

I have a dog! Her name is Frankie, she's an 11 month old German Shorthaired Pointer who I rescued when she was four weeks old 🙂Photo 4-10-2014 9 50 28 am.jpg

originally posted on 27-10-2014 8:08 PM

Hey @Jeremyinthebox
Wow what a huge doggy 🙂 and super cute eyes
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**