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Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:58 PM

@treebytheriver of course!! Once you're ready you can start looking for a great relationship. The best relationships come out of knowing exactly who you are and what you want from a relationship

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:57 PM

Wow, we have seen some stories here!! Some breakups happened well, with lots of communication, and then there were the breakups which didn't go quite so well. Speaking of breakups (as if we haven't been doing that this whole time!!)


Do you think it’s worse to be the dump-er or the dump-ee?

Dreamer 95
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:01 PM

i think both can be equally bad, like being dumped was horrible and wanted to cry, but on the other hand when i dumped the guy it felt great but due to circumstances but i know people who have been worse after they broke up and i was just there for them, but as i say its always determined on the circumstances 

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:00 PM

Do you think it’s worse to be the dump-er or the dump-ee?

It's hard for both. The dump-er, as they have to figure out a non-harsh, non-nasty way of breaking up. The dump-ee, as they may or may not know what's going on. 

Stay excellent
Star contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:03 PM

i agree with @Myvo for our latest question (Do you think it’s worse to be the dump-er or the dump-ee?)


it's equally hard for both.


well - probably harder for the dumpee if they don't want to break up. but it's important to recognise that neither side is fun.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:05 PM

Or you can just do it quickly and mostly easily by being a prick and breaking up with someone through text (me, once)
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:09 PM

A text break up j... for realllllllz?


Although - sometimes it is actually the easiest way to do it. Especially if you are text fighting.


Wait. Maybe not. Maybe we should take text fighting to a real life convo. PREVENTING BREAK UPS.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:10 PM

@lanejane I was like 16, no hate, plz
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 9:03 PM

I agree with @Myvo both are very hard!
The dumpee is difficult because, even though it might not be them personally, but rather other issues such as the other persons mental health, it is so hard not to take it personally and think oh god I'm a horrible person.

The dumper is hard to, you might really love this person but it just doesn't work or click anymore. Having to accept this and put it nicely is so so hard
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:55 PM

I know - to be fair to them, what I did was a bit of a a**hole move, but it had to be done. Was pretty terrible though was not expecting it😔
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:54 PM

@j95 you never expect the family to get involved in a breakup!!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:53 PM

Hey there @treebytheriver !! Your post actually reminded me of an almost-relationship which fell apart because I tried to play it cool!! I was so immature about it as well. Sometimes you just have to be honest

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:55 PM

I think it's also made me more aware of what person I need to be like before I get into a relationship. Which also means I have not really done anything to do with dating for awhile, because I don't feel ready yet. Although, I don't think I ever will feel ready, we are all imperfect human begins right 🙂

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:59 PM

sometimes you're just not ready until you meet the right person @treebytheriver 


one day relationships are a mystery and you don't know how to go about what.


the next day it's like, hey wait? this is what i think i want. do you want it? and then that's all you have to do sometimes and relationships just work themselves out.


it really just depends on you and the special person!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:51 PM

When I broke off an engagement I had her family abusing me through text for at least a couple of weeks. That was defs a nasty one ://
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:55 PM

@j95 was that engagement break up just recently? i must have missed your post about that on RO.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:54 PM

Oh gosh @j95 That is so horrible and I can't even imagine the stress that would put on you,
**Believe in the power of you because you are your own hero**
Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:50 PM

@Dreamer 95 glad you got the heck out of there!! Kudos for standing your ground and knowing what was best for you

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:49 PM

Hey @ruenhonx !! Glad to see you here 🙂

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:47 PM

@Myvo I think we all learn things from going through a breakup. I know that I wasn't nearly as mature about relationships when I was younger, and had a lot of notions about them that seem really strange now

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:44 PM

@lanejane that happened?? I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but if that isn't a sign of a bad relationship I don't know what is

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:44 PM

Have you ever experienced a break up? (Did it go as well as could be expected?)

My last few relationships have ended with bad breakups. The relationships were supposed to end on good terms but i guess not everyone takes it well (fair enough too). My worst break up included burning of my favourite clothes and flat car tyres.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:43 PM

@j95 that makes sense, it can take a while to get to know someone and love them and trust them, so putting yourself out there again can be hard. Also if you were in a relationship where you slowly lost your independence/had it taken away from you, being single can be almost unthinkable

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:41 PM

@Dreamer 95 that's a good point - maybe the way in which the breakup happened can determine whether it was for the best or not. You might be in a bad relationship and then go through a bad breakup which can take a while to heal from. Leaving if there is no other choice is for the best, but the way in which it happens can still affect you later on

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-02-2015 8:39 PM

Seems like sometimes breakups can be for the best - even when it doesn't seem like it at the time.


Onto the next one: Have you ever experienced a break up? (Did it go as well as could be expected?)