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originally posted on 20-03-2017 8:23 PM

Where do you think your motivation came from? Did you motivation waiver?


My motivation wavers all the time. It's super fluid - sometimes I'm really into what I'm doing, and sometimes I just don't want to do anything and UGH (although that might not be lack of motivation, that might just be a dip in mental health, idk). My motivation comes from a bunch of places, I think the two main ones are fear (like fear of consequences about having not done my maths homework), and success (like finishing an awesome creative project).

Uber contributor

originally posted on 20-03-2017 8:16 PM

as in you have to repeat the whole year? like year 11, year 12 etc? @FootyFan26 WOAH
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 20-03-2017 8:09 PM

When is a time that you've been really motivated to work towards something?
If it's a project I'm SUPER into, that helps me with motivation. Also if it's something important, or if it's due really soon, I tend to be motivated to do things, but I much prefer the first reason. I did NaNoWriMo last year (where you write 50,000 words of a novel in the month of November) and that was really motivating because I had a daily goal to meet, and a bunch of other nerdy amateur writers supporting me.

originally posted on 20-03-2017 8:18 PM

@roseisnotaplant I love that we both used the example of NaNoWriMo, haha!

// Spiral outward, keep going. //
Uber contributor

originally posted on 20-03-2017 8:07 PM

@Ben-RO and one day I'll catch up to @j95... maybe 😛

No human being, however great or powerful, was ever so free as a fish