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[CHAT]: Eating Healthy

We all know we should be eating healthy, but it can be hard especially when uni/school/life gets stressful and instead of picking healthy options we go for that ice cream (or chocolate or cake or whatever else you crave) that is calling our name in the freezer instead.

It can also feel like the easy option to go for unhealthy food over healthy food when we're out and about. 


But eating healthy doesn't have to be hard and healthy options can save us money, time and provide us the energy we need to be the best. Eating healthy doesn't need to be a chore either with loads of healthy options tasting great and can even be substituted for unhealthy cravings.


But how do we go about eating healthy (or at least healthier)? What about eating healthy on a budget or when you're just too tired to cook? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring at 7.30pm AEDT on Monday the 26th.

Hope to see you all there!

ErinsAnticsPosted 19-02-2018 11:19 PM
FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 08:37 PM
How can we eat healthy when we are out and about?

Make your own lunch and bring it or order an entree sized portion instead of main.
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:43 PM

@FootyFan26 great minds think alike! Main meals at a lot of restaurants are like 3 serves sometimes, it's insane and I don't know how anyone finishes them

FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 08:44 PM
I’ve found that my stomach has shrunk so while I probably used to be able to finish them I struggle now @lokifish.
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:47 PM

@FootyFan26 yeah, it's strange how it works. At least most people's stomachs aren't as enormous as Homer's hahah


lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:49 PM

Alrighty, next up on the list of questions:


Are there any prepackaged snacks/meals that are healthy options?

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 08:54 PM

It depends on what you define as healthy. There are healthier options of unhealthy snacks like chips and chocolate but then again you have healthy snacks some of which taste like cardboard haha.

Any pre packaged nuts and snack mixes are healthy, as are things baked not fried when it comes to savoury snacks.

I like the Cobs popcorn range and the bagel crisps are really good.


lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:56 PM

@ErinsAntics that's true - "healthy" is a subjective concept. A lot of foods advertised as sugar free or fat free have a heap of things added to them to make them palatable; sometimes you're better off going with the original version!

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 09:00 PM

What is one thing you are going to take away from tonight's chat? 

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 09:06 PM

 I will take away that eating healthy is doable and doesn't have to be restrictive 🙂 

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 09:04 PM

What is one thing you are going to take away from tonight's chat? 

That I'm far from the only one who struggles with this sometimes! We're all in this together and it's important not to beat myself up for enjoying junk food at times 🙂

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 09:06 PM

It's tumbleweed city here now so it's time to wrap things up. Thanks to everyone who joined in tonight @ErinsAntics @basketofmonkeys @Bee @letitgo @FootyFan26 @roseisnotaplant @scared01 ðŸ™‚

FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 09:08 PM
Thanks everyone, sorry I hopped on late but was still a great chat!!
scared01Posted 27-02-2018 06:36 PM

was a great chat, sorry i had to leave early. things here never seem to stop lol 

FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 08:52 PM

Are there any prepackaged snacks/meals that are healthy options?


Yep, there’s prepacked salads although I find that the dressings can sometimes be a bit unhealthy.  There’s granola bars and stuff like that as well.

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:54 PM

Are there any prepackaged snacks/meals that are healthy options?

Prepackaged fruit salads, natural/greek yoghurt (most yoghurts have a lot of sugar), sometimes things like muesli bars and popcorn are pretty good too. Oh, and dark chocolate! 😉

FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 08:49 PM
That’s be good to cheat in tests @lokifish, or hide a friends phone, or hold a book, or to pretend it’s talking, or hide junk food or even act as a blanket for the cat!
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:52 PM

@FootyFan26 hahahaha I never would've thought of its potential application as a cat blanket 😄

BeePosted 26-02-2018 08:36 PM
I'm going to head out now guys, I kinda abandoned the chat and got distracted. But thank you for a great chat, will read the rest later 🙂
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:38 PM

@Bee no worries! Take care, and thanks for joining in tonight 🙂

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:33 PM

@ErinsAntics yes to water bottles! People always comment on me being so organised because I never leave the house without one 😛

FootyFan26Posted 26-02-2018 08:29 PM
What are some tips and tricks/strategies you use to keep yourself eating well?

I try to drink well first and keep myself hydrated then just eat smaller portions of things that aren’t healthy, I also try not to beat myself up too much if I eat something that’s not great because it is allowed, just a little bit though.
BeePosted 26-02-2018 07:51 PM
What are your favourite healthy snacks/meals?
I love sweet potato and roasted veggie's! I could live my entire winter on them and my mum's veggie soup! (which is more veg than soup 😉 ) mmm now I want the veggie soup...
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:48 PM

What are your favourite healthy snacks/meals?


I always need things to snack on when I'm studying, so I try and have things like pieces of fruit or carrot sticks in my bag. For meals, I don't eat meat so I try and incorporate lots of grains, lentils and/or soy based products. I make a mean stir fry! 😄

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:48 PM

I do a snack mix of 2 parts almonds to 1 part M&Ms which is yummy as it's kinda healthy and keeps me full. 

I also love sweet and salty popcorn and bagel crisps for when I want something crunchy.

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:51 PM

@ErinsAntics I sometimes try and do the mixture of healthy/unhealthy snack mixes too, only I end up eating all the chocolate at once and leaving the nuts for later hahaha

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