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[CHAT]: Eating Healthy

We all know we should be eating healthy, but it can be hard especially when uni/school/life gets stressful and instead of picking healthy options we go for that ice cream (or chocolate or cake or whatever else you crave) that is calling our name in the freezer instead.

It can also feel like the easy option to go for unhealthy food over healthy food when we're out and about. 


But eating healthy doesn't have to be hard and healthy options can save us money, time and provide us the energy we need to be the best. Eating healthy doesn't need to be a chore either with loads of healthy options tasting great and can even be substituted for unhealthy cravings.


But how do we go about eating healthy (or at least healthier)? What about eating healthy on a budget or when you're just too tired to cook? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring at 7.30pm AEDT on Monday the 26th.

Hope to see you all there!

ErinsAnticsPosted 19-02-2018 11:19 PM
ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:52 PM

@lokifishthe trick is to grab a mixed handful of nuts/fruit and chocolate and eat them all at once its so yummy! 

scared01Posted 26-02-2018 07:57 PM

my favourite snacks/meals are sweet potato, corn and carrots- can never go wrong with those

and blueberry muffins- not exactly all healthy but close enough 😉

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:59 PM

@ErinsAntics you know, I've never thought of that before... *facepalm* thanks for the tip 🙂


@scared01 do you ever make them yourself? Takes more effort (and I tend to buy them from the shops half the time too :P) but at least then you can control how much sugar is going in

BeePosted 26-02-2018 08:08 PM
@scared01 have you added cheese to pancakes? OMG it's soooo nice! 😄
@lokifish I used to love baking, I got good at banana cake, however, my last lot turned out terrible, they didn't cook evenly, so the top was brown/golden and the bottom was gooey 😕 lol

How can we get our 2 fruit and 5 veg into our daily diet?
We can incorporate fruit and veg into our snakes for study
We can aim to have fruit &/ veg at meals
Preparing snack sized amounts earlier so it's easier to grab and eat when we are hungry 🙂
letitgoPosted 26-02-2018 08:14 PM

Ahhh @Bee, banana cake is my second favourite thing to bake!! After chocolate brownies, haha.

scared01Posted 26-02-2018 08:11 PM

nah @Bee not much of a cheese eater 


how can we get our 2/5s?

i have prepackaged apple slices and carrot sticks so i reach for those as well as grapes often on hand so i reach for those before anything else and i always try to have at least 2 vegies at dinner time

BeePosted 26-02-2018 08:16 PM
That's okay @scared01 🙂
lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:05 PM

How can we get our 2 fruit and 5 veg into our daily diet? 

Snacks/frequent small meals are the best for this! I find it really hard to eat 5 serves of veg in one meal, so splitting it up throughout the day is key. A medium-sized can of baked beans has about 2 serves of veg in it so that's an easy way to boost your intake (go for the salt-reduced ones though)


I love fruit way too much and I don't have an issue getting in 2 serves. So I'm not gonna be too helpful there haha

letitgoPosted 26-02-2018 08:04 PM

If I'm feeling motivated, I try to put some fruit into my breakfast e.g. if I'm having cereal, I'll slice some strawberries and put them in there.

Or I'll take bunches of grapes to work as a snack. I find that the less preparation I have to do, the more likely I am to be healthy - I guess that says a lot about how motivated I tend to be in this regard, haha

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 08:07 PM

@letitgo I eat my main meal at lunchtime these days for exactly that reason - I'm never motivated enough to cook at dinner time lol. Dinner tonight for me consisted of a microwaved corn cob

scared01Posted 26-02-2018 08:02 PM

i havent as yet but i want to try, i had pancakes a little while back that were homemade and were made with wholemeal flower instead of white @lokifish and they werent all that bad!

basketofmonkeysPosted 26-02-2018 08:04 PM
My favourite healthy snack is hands down either sweet potato or banana. Plus anything in a smoothie. I preferred to make them myself as I know what's going in them but it's great when everything is blended and you can just have it on the go!
ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:32 PM

Let's start with an easy question:

What does eating healthy mean to you?

emilygreyPosted 20-11-2020 05:20 AM

Eating healthy according to me is eating food that does not make u lethargic , lazy and keeps u active throughtout the day.

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:36 PM

For me it's about balance, I need chocolate to live but if I ate chocolate all the time I would not be healthy so instead I balance it out. I let myself have chocolate but in moderation and I always try to pick the healthy options when I am out and about. I also aim to eat 3 healthy meals a day and limit my snacks where possible. 

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:38 PM

@basketofmonkeys I think we often neglect to consider the psychological side of it. It's definitely not just a physical issue but it's about how we think and feel too!

basketofmonkeysPosted 26-02-2018 07:34 PM
Hi all! How are you? 🙂

To me, I think eating healthy means thinking twice before making a quick decision about what you eat, and in turn putting your health over your cravings or impulses. (I can't say I'm very good at that though!)
letitgoPosted 26-02-2018 07:39 PM

Totally agree about the role of cravings or impulses @basketofmonkeys. Resisting those is a big challenge for me (and for many others, I suspect), and I tend to use food as comfort when I'm feeling flat or stressed. And the foods I crave are, of course, chocolate related! 

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:40 PM

... I may or may not currently be eating chocolate as I'm typing these posts...

scared01Posted 26-02-2018 07:36 PM

Hi all


to me healthy eating is basing your diet on the better food groups like fruit, veg and meats, and limiting sugars and junk foods to sometimes snacks

lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:34 PM

What does eating healthy mean to you?



Getting nutrition from all the food groups! You know, chocolate chip cookies, raisin cookies, oatmeal cookies... all are essential 😉



ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:37 PM

@lokifishraisins in chocolate chip cookies are why I have trust issues haha! 

letitgoPosted 26-02-2018 07:37 PM

Hey everyone! 🙂


What does eating healthy mean to you?


For me, it's an ongoing process, a choice to consume or not consume certain foods. It means trying to get as much balance in my diet as possible (minus meat because I'm vegetarian). It means maximising consumption of fruit and vegetables (just had broccoli for dinner, so I'm doing well today!) and minimising sugary, unhealthy foods like chocolate, also known as my greatest weakness! 

ErinsAnticsPosted 26-02-2018 07:41 PM

@letitgoI remember reading a quote from Emily Deschanel (the actress from the show Bones) about you can be an unhealthy vegan/vegetarian because lots of unhealthy foods don't contain meat and/or animal products. So we shouldn't assume that just because you don't eat meat you are healthier than those of us who do.

letitgoPosted 26-02-2018 07:45 PM

Oooh I like the sound of that quote @ErinsAntics, I'm going to look it up! Thanks for sharing!

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