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[CHAT]: Eating Healthy

We all know we should be eating healthy, but it can be hard especially when uni/school/life gets stressful and instead of picking healthy options we go for that ice cream (or chocolate or cake or whatever else you crave) that is calling our name in the freezer instead.

It can also feel like the easy option to go for unhealthy food over healthy food when we're out and about. 


But eating healthy doesn't have to be hard and healthy options can save us money, time and provide us the energy we need to be the best. Eating healthy doesn't need to be a chore either with loads of healthy options tasting great and can even be substituted for unhealthy cravings.


But how do we go about eating healthy (or at least healthier)? What about eating healthy on a budget or when you're just too tired to cook? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring at 7.30pm AEDT on Monday the 26th.

Hope to see you all there!

ErinsAnticsPosted 19-02-2018 11:19 PM


lokifishPosted 26-02-2018 07:43 PM

@letitgo @ErinsAntics yes! You can live on a diet of nothing but oreos and coke and still technically be a vegan. I've been vegetarian for nearly a decade and could write so many rants about the misconceptions about vegos hahaha

May_Posted 25-02-2018 08:50 PM
Looking forward to this one - hope I can make it! 🙂

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