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[CHAT] Healthy Eating Aug 13

Healthy eating is relevant to all of us and not only does it effect our physical health, but our mental health too. Our diets are made up of a variety of nutrients, so knowing what is healthy and what isn't can be pretty hard to navigate. But if we have the knowledge, we have the power! The power to make healthy choices that is Smiley Winkgiphy



Join us on Monday the 13th of August at 7:30 PM AEST to have a chat about what healthy eating is and how we can make healthy choices for ourselves. If you're interested in doing some research beforehand check out the information here! This fact sheet outlines the macro nutrients in food, and how we use them in our bodies. 


MissXPosted 07-08-2018 03:52 PM
litgymPosted 13-08-2018 08:47 PM

woahh so many vegetarians @Birdeye @lokifish @May_ but it’s true being vegetarian you generally eat healthier in my perspective.

lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 08:49 PM
@litgym yeah there seems to be a massive overrepresentation of vegetarians on RO... at the mod workshops it's normally about a 50/50 split which is crazy to me. It must be a sixth sense or something - all vegos are good at eventually finding each other 😛
scared01Posted 13-08-2018 08:50 PM

thanks for the aweome chat tonight guys! im heading off for now 🙂


lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 08:53 PM

I'm also heading off now... it's been such an incredibly insightful, entertaining chat! Thanks so much everyone for joining in - we've had so many posters tonight! 😄


@scared01 @MissX @May_ @litgym @keezeik @Esperanza67 @Bee @Birdeye @missep


missepPosted 13-08-2018 08:55 PM
Thanks everyone for a great GR!
Goodnight 🙂
MissXPosted 13-08-2018 09:01 PM
Goodnight everybody! ;D
May_Posted 13-08-2018 08:51 PM

@scared01 @lokifish @MissX @litgym @keezeik @Birdeye @Bee @Esperanza67

Thanks everyone it's been a great chat! Goodnight!! 😄

lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 08:45 PM
@May_ I found the same thing! It forces you to actually learn how to cook and think about what's in your food/what nutrients you need because you can't just rely on the meat for iron etc. anymore. Interesting how dietary changes can have unexpected consequences 🙂
May_Posted 13-08-2018 08:47 PM

@litgymthat's cool being vegan would be great I tend to cook a lot of vegan meals but I think it would be so restrictive for me because I also have coeliac 😞

@lokifishso true!

lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 08:38 PM
@litgym wooo another fellow vego! 😄

My gut can't tolerate cows milk anymore (but can still have yoghurt and stuff in small amounts) so I'm sort of halfway to veganism 😛 It's sooooo hard to cut out all animal products though - I'd love to go full vegan but it means most processed foods are out the window and I love my chocolate too much haha. Let me know if you make it work though! I have mad respect for people who do it!
litgymPosted 13-08-2018 08:44 PM

@lokifish yeah it’ll be hard because i love my chocolate too !! there is vegan chocolate though.  i also eat a lot of yogurt so that’ll be hard to cut out but i really want to go vegan though i have to wait few years because my mum won’t let me 😞 also organic food is amazing, oml it’s so much better than normal fruits, veges etc.

BirdeyePosted 13-08-2018 07:44 PM
What do you think healthy eating is? Do you think eating the odd snack snack (chips, ice cream) is still considered healthy eating?

I think healthy eating is all about eating a balanced and proportioned diet. I've become a big fan recently of thinking more about how much I'm consuming as opposed to simply what I'm consuming, and even just the amount has a big impact on how healthy I've been. Which does make sense, because of course it's going to be healthier to eat a handful of chips over the entire packet. So with that, while I wouldn't say eating them is eating healthy, as long as it is in moderation and isn't leading you to otherwise not be healthy, it can still considered to be part of eating healthily.
But getting the right nutrients is the really big part of healthy eating, and that's what most immediately comes to mind. In my mind, this means a lot of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and not so appetising but clean/fresh seeming things.
May_Posted 13-08-2018 07:47 PM
@Birdeye very true you must have really good self restraint! Wish I had the same if I have chips, lollies etc available to me I can't help but eat too many so I have to just not buy them :')
BirdeyePosted 13-08-2018 07:50 PM
@May_ Lately I've taken more to just not buying. I'm very good at either eating just a few to get me through, or eating the entire packet. Inbetweens are hard.
lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 07:49 PM
@May_ I often have to buy the fun-sized chocolate bars because if I buy a full block of chocolate then I'll likely eat the whole thing in like a day 😂
May_Posted 13-08-2018 07:50 PM
That's a good idea @lokifish really craving a snickers now 😛
May_Posted 13-08-2018 07:51 PM

Neeeext question


2. What are the biggest barriers or challenges of eating healthy for you?

MissXPosted 13-08-2018 07:56 PM

What do you think healthy eating is? Do you think eating the odd snack (chips, ice cream) is still considered healthy eating?

For me, healthy eating is eating the right amount of calories for your body with a good mix of nutrients! I don't like the idea of restricting anything from my diet, so I think the odd snack is absolutely fine. At the moment I am trying to build muscle so I am focusing on eating more protein 🙂


What are the biggest barriers or challenges of eating healthy for you?

I find it challenging to know the right amount to eat. I can easily eat too little in a day without even realising it, which makes me very tired. Recently I have been using my fitness pal to track my food and macro nutrients, to make sure I am eating enough of the right foods.

BirdeyePosted 13-08-2018 08:00 PM
@MissX Myfitnesspal app was super helpful for me to realise how much I am and should be eating! Would definitely recommend it for anyone who thinks that they could notice kjs in a safe way.
lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 08:03 PM
Another vouch for MyFitnessPal over here! Obviously it's *really* important to keep an eye on how we're using kilojoule counting apps (it's easy to become obsessed with the numbers and develop unhealthy eating habits as a result) but I found it really useful for learning what a "serving" of food actually looks like 🙂
MissXPosted 13-08-2018 08:02 PM
@Birdeye Yay I'm glad to hear that! Its definitely important to have a good think about if counting calories is right for you. I am in a headspace now where I can safely do so, but a few years ago I probably would have obsessed too much about it.
scared01Posted 13-08-2018 07:54 PM

2. What are the biggest barriers or challenges of eating healthy for you?


one of the biggest challanges i face is eating healthy on a budget! i love fresh fruits and vegies but it can become expensive to create good healthy meals.  

the other is my pop is a huge fussy eater- if its healthy theres a chance he wont eat it! 

lokifishPosted 13-08-2018 07:57 PM
@scared01 cost is such an important contributor! I'm glad that initiatives like the Odd Bunch at Woolies are starting to become a thing. Cheaper fresh produce just because it looks a little different (I actually prefer 'em misshapen because they're more interesting to discover :P) is a pretty sweet deal 🙂
missepPosted 13-08-2018 07:59 PM
I love the Odd Bunch @lokifish, I think it's a great idea and reduces waste and helps farmers 🙂
scared01Posted 13-08-2018 07:58 PM
i havent heard of that @lokifish i dont normally shop at woolies but worth a look. i love fruits and veg but also co-incides with pop being fussy so he will say ill have those and ill buy them and they wont get eaten or onely one piece will be eaten before they start o go yukky
i will definenlty have a look!!

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