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[CHAT] I look after me

When you think about what self-care actually is, it really seems like a no brainer. Really, who wouldn’t want to do things that make them a happier, more mentally balanced and less stressed out person on a regular basis?




Even though it seems like a pretty obvious choice, a lot of us (me included) can be not too great at implementing self-care on a regular basis. Instead we might choose to do things that are easier or take less mental energy, like maybe spending hours scrolling through Tumblr… Not that I would know anything about that.




There are a few reasons why we might slip up a little on practicing self-care. For many, self-care can seem like it’s optional or even a bit selfish. In a world where we’re constantly pushing ourselves to achieve more and do more to reach strict ideas of what makes a “good life” it can be difficult to feel like you’re justified in taking time out to look out for your own needs. Self-care is something that we all need to do once in a while, no ifs, ands or buts.




So what actually makes something self-care? Self-care can be a really individual thing for different people, for example for one person going for a run would be self-care but for another it might mean baking a cake. All self-care, no matter what it entails, has one thing in common. Self-care all involves taking time to look after you, whether that’s physically, emotionally or mentally.  




Want to learn more about self-care and how you can make it a bigger part of your life? Great! Come and join @safari93 and @Chessca_H on Monday 20th, 8pm AEST as we chat about looking after yo’self.



Sophie-ROPosted 15-07-2015 02:12 PM

Comments (7 pages)

j95Posted 20-07-2015 08:58 PM
@stonepixie that is so true about looking run down to other people if you dont look after yourself. I've been asked a few times this week if I'm feeling ok because I "don't look well", no I'm not sick I just Iook like shit because cause I've havent slept in like 3 days haha
Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:57 PM

@stonepixie true, people just don't realise how necessary it is!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-07-2015 09:02 PM
Hey @j95 glad you could join us!

@FootyFan26 I get sidetracked so often too!
FootyFan26Posted 20-07-2015 09:04 PM

On the other hand, what are some of the benefits that come with practicing self-care?


You feel healthier and look healthier and it also makes it easier to do it again because you probably won't be in as deep a hole as when you started if you do it regularly.  But that all depends on the person and situation.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-07-2015 09:05 PM
On the other hand, what are some of the benefits that come with practicing self-care?
Healthier. Doing it regularly can help build a routine which makes it easier to do. And, when you do it while or after you've had a problem, the next time it comes around you are better equipped to deal with it.
safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:48 PM

@N1ghtW1ng so true!! Most people have so much going on, they might not have much time or they might think that time could be 'better' spent

safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:47 PM

For me, the most difficult thing was actually getting myself to do it, and think that I deserved it. I think I had warped the idea of self-care in my mind to mean 'any kind of slacking off', and it took a while to realise that there is a difference between looking after yourself and cultivating bad habits

Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:50 PM

@safari93 I think our culture is so focused on achieving and working hard that self-care often gets treated like an indulgence or a reward for hard work, so changing your own attitudes around it can be super difficult 😕

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-07-2015 08:54 PM
@Chessca_H that's true. Especially when it comes to school, your told to do your homework, study! study! study! So much focus is put on the school work, passing grades with the occasional talk about bullying and online safety. The school system really needs to revise what the focus is put on. I was lucky enough to have a great mum who would let me or my siblings have a day at home for a break. I think that if schools teach self-care, mental health awareness and put a little more focus on individual health rather than individual marks/grades, there would be less stress in schools, because students would know how (self-care) to take care of themselves.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-07-2015 08:50 PM

@safari93 Motivation, yes I struggle with that too.

safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:45 PM

This is sort of related to the last question, but let's answer it anyways...


What are some of the difficulties that come with practicing self-care?

stonepixiePosted 20-07-2015 08:51 PM

What are some of the difficulties that come with practicing self-care?


Finding time, knowing when to stop so as you suddenly become unproductive. Also if your self-care is something that can form a bad habit. Like there are people who go home after a long day a work to a glass of wine. Next thing they know, it is 3 glasses of wine or the whole entire bottle.


So basically making sure your self-care habits are healthy.

Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:52 PM

@stonepixie absolutely! Self-care, like most things, should be done with moderation in mind

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-07-2015 08:46 PM
What are some of the difficulties that come with practicing self-care?
The biggest one is taking care of yourself. A lot of people might find it difficult to actually take some time out of their day or week to take care of themselves, mentally and physically.
j95Posted 20-07-2015 08:52 PM

hey everyone! sorry I'm so late - footy training and lack of half decent internet connection will do that 

Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:53 PM

Hey @j95, glad you could make it!

Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:55 PM

Let's flip this discussion around a bit to something a bit more positive


On the other hand, what are some of the benefits that come with practicing self-care?

stonepixiePosted 20-07-2015 09:01 PM

On the other hand, what are some of the benefits that come with practicing self-care?


You are better focused, you use your time more efficiently. Not wasting energy on things that are completely outside of your control. You become grounded, so your 'old brain' allows your 'new brain' to function properly aka you can remember things! Stupid over-reactive amygdala. Smiley Frustrated Just means I have to practice more self-care than most people. 

holoholoPosted 20-07-2015 08:58 PM

Honestly, when I do practice self care better and in the right productivity actually goes up! When I take care of my self, grades and such often follow suit. Somehow I just keep forgetting this critical evidence 😛


Plus, when there are lengthy periods when life feels kinda dry with work and school and finances and all that stuff, little things like bath bombs or smoothies or a run- whatever it is that suits- really make a massive difference!

Chessca_HPosted 20-07-2015 08:48 PM

@N1ghtW1ng Taking the time out can be so difficult, but it's so worth it when you can!

safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:43 PM

@FootyFan26 this is true!! Thinking of how to look after yourself can be tricky, sometimes we don't figure it out for a while as well

safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:42 PM

@N1ghtW1ng I find youtube and tumblr relaxing as well, but there was a point where I did almost nothing else. It was a very unproductive time in my life

safari93Posted 20-07-2015 08:41 PM

@holoholo Omg I feel u!! Leaving work to the last minute and avoiding classes to ignore impending work, I have definitely been there

holoholoPosted 20-07-2015 08:43 PM

@safari93 I know right?! And it just makes it worse and worse, arghhh. DEFINITELY not self care, even if spending a day under the sheets might feel like it!!

holoholoPosted 20-07-2015 08:39 PM

Practicing self-care isn’t easy, and we might not always commit to it. Have you ever neglected self-care for something easier?


Oof, yeah. For me, sometimes I think I'm taking care of myself, but I'm actually taking the easier road while digging myself a deeper hole- I've slipped into the routine of avoidance many a time. For example, staying home from school because it seemed easier than facing anxieties and stress...but ending up behind and isolated. 


Gotta watch the line between a day off and several weeks off 😛

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