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[CHAT] I look after me
When you think about what self-care actually is, it really seems like a no brainer. Really, who wouldn’t want to do things that make them a happier, more mentally balanced and less stressed out person on a regular basis?
Even though it seems like a pretty obvious choice, a lot of us (me included) can be not too great at implementing self-care on a regular basis. Instead we might choose to do things that are easier or take less mental energy, like maybe spending hours scrolling through Tumblr… Not that I would know anything about that.
There are a few reasons why we might slip up a little on practicing self-care. For many, self-care can seem like it’s optional or even a bit selfish. In a world where we’re constantly pushing ourselves to achieve more and do more to reach strict ideas of what makes a “good life” it can be difficult to feel like you’re justified in taking time out to look out for your own needs. Self-care is something that we all need to do once in a while, no ifs, ands or buts.
So what actually makes something self-care? Self-care can be a really individual thing for different people, for example for one person going for a run would be self-care but for another it might mean baking a cake. All self-care, no matter what it entails, has one thing in common. Self-care all involves taking time to look after you, whether that’s physically, emotionally or mentally.
Want to learn more about self-care and how you can make it a bigger part of your life? Great! Come and join @safari93 and @Chessca_H on Monday 20th, 8pm AEST as we chat about looking after yo’self.
Huge thanks to all for a great discussion- the first on here for me!! Hope you all have a good night, and I look forward to chatting again!
Thanks for coming out everyone!! And thanks @Chessca_H for being a great co-moderator!!
Have a great night guys!!
@stonepixie oooh yes do! We could start an arts and crafts thread (assuming this hasn't happened already of course)
@safari93 I'm pretty sure there is one. I think it was created after the arts project or whatever that was. Hahaha.
Ok everyone, time to finish up tonights sesh! Here are some of the things that we talked about:
- First of all, we asked you guys what self-care is and why it’s so important. Some definitions of self-care included looking after physical, emotional and mental needs (in general, just looking after you). Some reasons that you felt it’s an important thing were stress relief, keeping you grounded and giving yourself a break.
- Next up, we talked about some of the places we first learned about self-care. Interestingly, pretty much all of you learned about self-care on the internet on places like Tumblr and RO, but one of you also learned about it from a psychologist.
- After that, you guys let us know if you practice self-care and what you do for self-care. A lot of you said that you do practice self-care (though some of you don’t think of it that much when you do it) and some of the things you do included generally taking time out, reading, pampering, walking, playing instruments, arts and crafts, watching movies/TV and soooooo many more (which is awesome!).
- Then we shared some experiences of times when we’ve slipped up a bit in maintaining self-care. Some of you felt that generally you’re pretty good at keeping up self-care, but others have done easier but not helpful things like emotional eating, not dealing with emotions well, avoidance and too much time online.
- We also talked about some of the difficulties around practicing self-care. Taking the time to practice self-care, feeling like you don’t deserve it, figuring out the difference between self-care and bad habits, having the motivation were some of the difficulties that we discussed.
- On the flip side, we then talked about some of the awesome things that practicing self-care could do for us. You guys said it helps you recharge, helps you focus, helps to be more productive, makes you happier in hard times, makes you feel better able to handle situations and helps with feeling/looking healthier.
- It’s pretty common in trying to practice self to feel like you don’t deserve it. A lot of you have felt like this before, feeling like others needs should go before yours and feeling like you were unproductive by practicing self-care, as well as feeling undeserving because of generally low self-esteem or mental health issues
- We also discussed ways of fitting self-care into our everyday lives. Some suggestions included actively making the time (whether you do it by scheduling or doing it in in-between moments like commuting), having mental health days, working it into everyday tasks, using apps to keep track and planning extra self-care in times of stress.
- Finally, we talked about ways to practice self-care going forward this week. You guys had some ideas including making a self-care plan, reading, meditating, yoga, carving, gymnastics and eating healthy!
And thats all folks! A big thanks to @safari93 for co-facilitating with me and also a big thanks to all of you for joining in! 😄
@stonepixie LOL noooo I would have just melted with nerves and shock!!!!
well if I'm already half on the topic of eating...How will you practice self-care this week?
Get back into a better eating habit and try to make some healthier + yummier choices. I've been neglecting eating well since the holidays started, but now that school's back, it'spretty vital to keep up to date!
I have a collection of short stories I'm planning to finish this week, and I also found out about a meditation class which is happening this Sunday which I'm going to make time for, so that's just a few things
Let's wrap this up then!!!!
How will you practice self-care this week?
How will you practice self-care this week?
Everything that I have previously mention. But as some of you have probably read, I am really into crochet at the moment, so making so many granny squares. I will have to take a photo of my project when I am finished, if I ever finish it.
How will you practice self-care this week?
Hopefully being able to play drums a bit more.
How will you practice self-care this week?
By making a more organised self-care plan! I have a busy week coming up so I definitely need it