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[CHAT]: Physical health and exercise
Just like mental health, physical health is an important part of our overall wellbeing. However sometimes, it can be a little challenging to get active:
There are lots of ways to exercise and look after our physical health - you just have to find one that works for you. That might be a team sport, going for a walk, going rock climbing (yikes ), or taking spectacular marks in the AFL.
Want to talk more about physical health and exercise? Come chat with us here at 8pm AEST on Monday 12th June!
I don't know how long I'll be able to stick around though
Second last question:
How can you incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine if you're not a very active person? Similarly, what is your favourite way to improve your physical health?
How can you incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine if you're not a very active person? Similarly, what is your favourite way to improve your physical health?
Choose to walk up stairs instead of elevators and try to walk to places that are close by.
My favourite way to improve my physical health is by playing sport. Since I'm not well I can't do it and for me it's hard to find an alternative but I guess watching what I eat and walking to school (however hard it is) does improve my physical health and development.
I try to take the stairs instead of the elevator and try to park a bit far away from where I need to go, so that I get a bit of extra walking in each day.
My favourite form of physical activity is walking. If the sun is out, I'll go for a walk in the area around my house, and I do fun walks/runs when I can.
Also, even though I had a nap earlier (maybe because of it) I'm feeling quite sleepy at the moment, so I'll be heading off soon. Good night, everyone!
And final question of the night!!!
7. How can you measure your physical health?
7. How can you measure your physical health?
How it CAN be measured:
- Ability to complete chores, exercise and physical activity without exhaustion
- BMI measurements
- Cholesterol levels
- Blood pressure levels
- Absence or presence of disease
What is difficult to measure:
- Energy levels
- How physically well you feel
- Functioning of the body's systems
Alright, 10'o'clock which means it is time to go to sleep and recharge for the sake of my physical health!
Take care and have a good night everyone!
Thanks to @roseisnotaplant@letitgo@redhead and @j95 for joining us!
Physical health is very important If you ignore it create many health issues.Exercise ,sports,gym Improve your health.To enjoy your life you have to conscious about physical health.
Getting to and from school/work in an active way such as walking or riding is a good way to incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine. My favourite way to improve my physical health is to play soccer 🙂
What are some enablers and barriers to maintaining good physical health?
Diet, between what is easy and what is healthy.
Our first question for tonight is...
1. What is physical health?
Oooh, looking up a proper definition, that's a great idea @FootyFan26 and I like what VCAA have given. (Even though I don't overly like them, hahah)
I like the inclusion of development - definitely true that proper development is a big part of physical health
Great question @FootyFan26!!
Hmmm... physical health is a state of wellbeing that is not just the absence of illness. It is...being fit, possibly? I'm struggling with a definition! Being able to complete the physical tasks that you need to in order to live the life you want. So physical health could vary from person to person. e.g. I couldn't run a marathon right now but I'd still consider myself to be physically healthy
I think you're looking at the WHO definition of health which is off the top of my head, a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Yeah @FootyFan26 I think that's where I pulled the idea from. I'm reaching back to year 12 psychology, where they drilled the WHO definitions of physical and mental health into us over and over again. (Metaphorically, of course!)
2. Is there a difference between physical activity, sport and exercise? Which one do you do the most?
Physical activity - An activity that involves some form of energy expenditure from movement of the skeletal muscles.
Sport - Is organised and involves rules, skills, tactics and competition
Exercise - An activity that is planned, involves repetitive body movement and aims to improve or maintain at least one of the components of fitness
I do physical activity the most as I'm not physically well enough to participate in sport or exercise. 😞
Very clear definitions @FootyFan26 - I like them!
Sorry to hear you're not currently able to do much sport/exercise, but it's great that you'd do it if you could. Al lot of people couldn't say that!
Okay, question 2 for this evening:
Is there a difference between physical activity, sport and exercise? Which one do you do the most?
Yes, there's much difference between the physical exercise and sports. In sports your body just gets the exercise related to that sport. but what you need is full exercise of your body.
Hmmm... I think there is a difference between physical activity, sport and exercise.
Physical activity I'd say is more general than sport or exercise. It could encompass any observable movement. e.g. I'm typing with my hands at the moment, and that's a form of physical activity.
sport is more of an organised thing, where one person or a team of people competes against another person/team through some form of physical activity.
Exercise is also physical activity, but it lacks the competitive aspect that sport has.
I definitely do exercise and physical activity more than I do sport... I'm not very co-ordinated and always worry about letting other team members down, so I tend to stick with other activities.