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[CHAT] Saying sorry and forgiveness
Join us, this Monday 6th July at 8pm AEST because....
It’s one of the hardest things to do, but forgiving someone can make a big difference to how happy you are. That’s because feeling bitter or angry towards someone prevents you from experiencing happy feelings.
Being overrun by negative feelings obviously isn’t great for your own happiness, so making an effort to transform those feelings through forgiveness is worth a go. When you forgive, the negative feelings you have disappear. This gives you the space to experience positive feelings again.
Research has shown that people who forgive:
- Experience more happiness
- Are in better physical health (particularly in terms of cardiovascular health)
- Have better relationships, which in turn can increase happiness even more
In other words, forgiveness is something you can do for yourself!
On the other hand, saying sorry can be awkward and difficult. Depending on why you want to apologise, you might have some hesitation. If you’re worried that the other person won’t forgive you, remember that apologising is still better than refusing to admit anything is wrong. Saying sorry is also hard if you don’t believe that you’ve done anything wrong. In this situation, try thinking about the impact of what you have done on the other person, and remembering that they are hurt. Your apology is a way of helping the other person and maintaining your relationship.
So join us on Monday for the chat!
One thousand apologies by demon hunter
We'd love you hear you theories on why this is!! Go!
When we forgive we rewrite our neural pathways. Forgiveness releases good brain chemicals. And holding onto unforgiveness releases bad brain chemicals and stress hormones.
And to have a healthy body we need the right brain chemistry. We can function with unstable brain chemicals but it's far healthier if they are the food ones.
Talking to someone you trust about what's going on.
Mindfulness or meditation.
Turning negatives into positive thread.
have a laugh with a mate.
10. Research has shown that people who forgive experience more happiness and even are in better physical health (particularly in terms of cardiovascular health). We'd love you hear you theories on why this is!! Go!
I guess it's what poeple call extra baggage and the more you carry the heavier it gets. I'm not really sure how to describe it.
Hey guys! Thanks for an awesome chat… some really good points have been made, especially on self-awareness so thats epic! 😄
As a fun last question to finish off on a light note: What is your ultimate saying sorry song???
Here’s basically a summary of all the awesome things we chatted about tonight!
When asking we forgiveness we know, “the person is more important than the issue” or that we are in the wrong.
Also, most of the times hurt arises from misunderstandings! Its important to apologise none the less and also make sure we present ourselves in an approachable manner 🙂
Often there are things which stop us from wanting to apologise, PRIDE is a huge reason. Other may involve being embarrassing, misunderstandings, feeling weak or thinking you are right.
It’s not good to apologise if we do not mean it because it abuses the other person trust and also loses all meaning. But it may be morally acceptable if we are doing it in a social context to be polite.
And sometimes we may apologise out of fear and not mean it at all. This may be when we know how the opposite person will react (maybe violently, or take something away).
When we do apologise sometimes a verbal sorry does cut it. Depending on the situation we may need to do more (presents and sweet talking haha). But most importantly change is needed because your actions speak louder than your words and its important to stick to your word.
Morally, it can be okay to reject an apology if the person keeps making the same mistake again and again. But everyone deserves a second chance and so we mustn’t completely disregard the first time someone asks us to forgive them. But its completely understandable to ask for more time to stomach everything.
Its also helpful to let a person know how you feel and why you aren’t willing to accept their apology… and let them know how they can make it up to or gain your trust back.
Sometimes an apology can leave us feeling satisfied, so its important to know what you expect from an apology and also let the other person know it to!
Somethings we expect in an apology is to make sure we see change or action taken after forgiven is given, too make sure we aren’t held against it in the future, we would also love to see the apology be genuine. Sometimes, it might also be fine not to say an apology at all but mentally acknowledge it with the other person and move on to not do it again.
Commitment is a huge part of an apology. Usually when we forgive someone we/they must commit. Its nice to commit on an understanding to avoid making the situation come up again, having a better attitude and making a change.
Saying sorry and forgiving involves self-awareness, some ways to build on these is to: Live in the moment, learn from the past and don’t get caught up about the future, reflecting and evaluating on the situation, self-talk and reassuring your self that these things happen, meditation and other calming activities!
While going through such phases in your life its important to combat the negative thoughts! Always remind yourself that thoughts DO NOT equal reality. Also, talking to someone we trust just to get all that negativity out of our system, turning positives into negatives, having a laugh and doing something fun.
Forgiving people and Asking for forgiveness will lead to a happier and healthier mind. This is because you are less tense (no stress hormones released), more open to things and take the day as it comes… We tend to rewrite our neural pathways and allow our brain to release positive chemicals. Also, letting things go, you get rid of extra baggage! Hell yeah!
Have a great night everyone 😄
Thanks for contributing everyone!!!! we had some great perspectives and ideas 🙂
Try to live in the moment. Forgive and learn from the past and don't get caught up about the future (so hard to do tho, I can't even do it)
Reflection is a great skill to help build up self awareness
When was the last time you had to forgive someone for something significant - what did you commit to as part of the apology?
Hmmm, I can't really think of anything because I'm personally a really forgiving person (unless I am angry or stresssed af) but usually a 'sorry' with the redeption. FOR EXAMPLE; choir member doesn't show up to practice, realised they stuffed up, says sorry and then comes back to practice = Forgiven. BUT if you say sorry, I forgive and then you keep doing the thing that you said sorry for....... NO DEAL (unless you give me the fluffiest cat ever).
When people realise they have made a mistake or done something wrong they usually apologise. Is it ever appropriate to reject an apology?
I think in some circumstances it's acceptable to reject, maybe because the 'mistake' was absolutely terrible (like cheating on someone, or kidnapping someone's cat). Sometimes it's best just to give the person space to cool off.
It's possible to be left feeling unsatisfied when someone apologises to us. What do you expect from an apology?
Yes! Absolutely!!
I had high expectations for my team at work and one person ditched their duties leaving all of us to pick them up (I became so stressed....) and then all they say is sorry and give some crappy excuse. NOT HAPPY and defs not satisfied. The amount of stress and lies and excuses you have provided me with, you'll need to do better than that! SORRY! *needs more cats*
@dreamcatcher I could dedicate a whole topic to complaining about work related complaints 😛 hehe luckily I get free movies where I work now.
GUYS DONT BE SHY TO MIX THINGS UP WITH SOME PICTURES 😜 these cat ones are too good 😛
"saying sorry and forgiveness involves being pretty self-aware. what are some of the ways that you know to build self-awareness & understanding"?
Thining about how I react to certain situations after they occur and work on improving my attitude.