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[CHAT] Saying sorry and forgiveness
Join us, this Monday 6th July at 8pm AEST because....
It’s one of the hardest things to do, but forgiving someone can make a big difference to how happy you are. That’s because feeling bitter or angry towards someone prevents you from experiencing happy feelings.
Being overrun by negative feelings obviously isn’t great for your own happiness, so making an effort to transform those feelings through forgiveness is worth a go. When you forgive, the negative feelings you have disappear. This gives you the space to experience positive feelings again.
Research has shown that people who forgive:
- Experience more happiness
- Are in better physical health (particularly in terms of cardiovascular health)
- Have better relationships, which in turn can increase happiness even more
In other words, forgiveness is something you can do for yourself!
On the other hand, saying sorry can be awkward and difficult. Depending on why you want to apologise, you might have some hesitation. If you’re worried that the other person won’t forgive you, remember that apologising is still better than refusing to admit anything is wrong. Saying sorry is also hard if you don’t believe that you’ve done anything wrong. In this situation, try thinking about the impact of what you have done on the other person, and remembering that they are hurt. Your apology is a way of helping the other person and maintaining your relationship.
So join us on Monday for the chat!
"the person is more important than the problem" thats an awesome way to look at it ... and I think that's very true because you need to ignore any pride or ego you have ...
Hey everyone! Hope you’re ready for an exciting Getting Real session tonight. Tonight @sunflowers5 and I are going to be exploring Saying sorry and forgiveness with you.
Before we get started it would be a good idea to suss out the Community Guidelines especially if you’re new to Reachout. If your feeling overwhelmed at any stage, please check out our emergency help page.
- Tell us about the last time you had to say sorry to someone in a real way - why was it important?
A time when was was truely sorry was when I was when I was really close friends with two girls. and I somehow became sortof more then friends with both of them but I didnt mean to, and it ended just as badly as it sounds! I dont think I rarely apologised more for and been so sorry for putting myself in a stupid situation.
Something good I learnt is that friendship is more important to me then intimacy 🙂 Lost a good friend, learnt a lesson!
When people realise they have made a mistake or done something wrong they usually apologise. Is it ever appropriate to reject an apology?
yeah similar to @redhead I think if it is serious and particularly if it something that is happening multiple times, if its not okay then you need to send that message to them.
But i think there is a nice way of rejecting an apology and sending a message, and a mean way. have to be careful we arent being to harsh especially if someone had good intentiosn nad perhaps just misread the situation or misjudged.
@sunflowers5 you basically said what I was trying to get at but in a better way ><
Hey guys!
This is my first Getting Real session so I'm pretty excited.
The last time I had to say sorry to someone in a real way was to my close friend. It was important for me to say sorry because I valued our friendship and didn't want to lose something that meant alot to me.
Welcome everyone 😄
Tell us about the last time you had to say sorry to someone in a real way - why was it important?
Last time I had to apologise to someone with the most genuine intentions was to my mum!
It was real because of all the emotions and basically the regret involved in it ...
it was important because she means the world to me and it's a huge downer to see her upset!!