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CHAT - Spring Cleaning

Hey everyone! 

It's that time of year again, time to do a little cleaning and a little organising


When cleaning, organising or trying to do anything it can be hard to stay focused...


So join us here tonight at 7:30pm AEDT (remember, it's daylight savings now!!!) for a chat about cleaning, organising and some life hacks and tips on getting things done. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-10-2017 06:28 PM


OliviaGRPosted 24-05-2021 01:44 AM

I'm missing that old cozy chat rooms... Especially chatting with my old friends here. I lost my old account, so I created a new one. Unfortunately, now I haven't much time to spend on myself. But I would like to talk about various lifehacks, not necessarily about cleaning. Lifehacks help me a lot, but sometimes I have to call professionals, such as carpet restoration service. Maybe I should create some new lifehacks and tips about that services 🙂 I wonder if you plan to start a new chat this week. I would glad to join you.

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 07:30 PM

Tonight is all about organisation, planning and life hacks 😉 Thanks for joining us here!


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If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!

RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 07:30 PM

Letting you guys know once again that GR is on! 🙂 @roseisnotaplant @j95 @nc_reachout13 @honky @BunnyWalks

May_Posted 02-10-2017 07:31 PM
May_Posted 02-10-2017 07:31 PM

First question of the night....


When is the last time you spring cleaned? Describe what you did

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 07:35 PM

When is the last time you spring cleaned? Describe what you did

My spring cleaning never stopped because I never finished :P.
I just did my room and tried to clean up and put away as many things as possible that were in view of anyone.  When that was done, I put a whole lot of clothes away and made sure that everything that didn't fit went in a box that I still have in my room.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 07:39 PM
@FootyFan26 same for me it's really an ongoing process that I work on whenever I have spare time 😛
May_Posted 02-10-2017 07:38 PM
@RevzZ definitely....if only garage sales were more successful 😛 I've been meaning to have a market stall for clothing for so many years now....someday soon it will happen!
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 07:38 PM
So...the clever "push under the bed - out of sight out of mind" technique? @FootyFan26 😜 I use that a lot so that totally counts, right? Haha
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 07:41 PM
That's what I've been trying to clean up at the moment @RevzZ! I did it for so long that everything was just kinda popping out everywhere and since my bed's in the middle of the room there's not many places to hide! I reckon it counts until you clean everything else up then you have to start crawling under the bed with all the dust :P.
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 07:42 PM

Haha @FootyFan26, when I start climbing underneath the bed and coughing, I know I've left it too long XD


Feel like joining us @Esperanza67?

redheadPosted 02-10-2017 07:44 PM
I spring cleaned when I moved out of my old house.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 07:49 PM
Hey @redhead 🙂
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 07:45 PM

Next Question...


What are some of the benefits of spring cleaning?

Esperanza67Posted 02-10-2017 07:59 PM

Thanks for the invite @RevzZ


What motivates you to start cleaning?

When other people (especially my mum) tell me to do so haha

May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:00 PM
Hey @Esperanza67 thanks for joining! 🙂
May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:02 PM
What motivates you to start cleaning?
- Feeling weighed down/overwhelmed with having too much clutter and things I don't really need or want
- Seeing other people's spaces that are less cluttered
- Thinking about travelling or moving and how difficult it would be to pack everything up quickly
- Watching YouTube vids about cleaning/organising/minimalism journeys (I've watched waay too many of these.....)
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 08:05 PM

Oh god @FootyFan26, house inspections? What are they like, since I'm planning on moving out soon so I'm guessing I might have to run into it sometime? My dad owns an investment property and I did go with him before but he's never done a house inspection except before and after tenants move in and out.

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:09 PM
@RevzZ someone pretty much comes through your house and makes sure it's looking good and everything's in good condition so they report anything that's damaged to the owner. We just make sure that everything's looking clean and organised so it looks like we're taking care of the house which we do anyway but it looks less messy.
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:17 PM

What are some of your tips for staying on task?


  • I like @redheads idea of listening to some good tunes and
  • Doing one thing at a time
  • Having constant breaks
  • Snacks every now and then
  • Trying to minimise how many times you have to leave the room so taking all the things that need to go to a certain room all at the same time instead of once you find something, taking it straight there.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:19 PM
True - tunes are essential!! @redhead @FootyFan26 @RevzZ
redheadPosted 02-10-2017 08:09 PM
What are some of your tips for staying on task?

Break it down into chunks, eg scrub the bathroom, clean stove/oven, organise part of your room and keep building on it.
Or do it to your favourite tunes.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:13 PM
What are some of your tips for staying on task?
Definitely breaking it down into tasks as @redhead mentioned. Often I make an enormous mess and then feel overwhelmed by it and give avoid that I would say 😛 Making to-do lists with really small and achievable things should be helpful 🙂
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:05 PM
@May_ I've been to weird parts of YouTube but haven't watched any of those, I reckon some exploration is needed :D! Seeing other peroples clean rooms can also be really motivating as well!

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