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CHAT - Spring Cleaning

Hey everyone! 

It's that time of year again, time to do a little cleaning and a little organising


When cleaning, organising or trying to do anything it can be hard to stay focused...


So join us here tonight at 7:30pm AEDT (remember, it's daylight savings now!!!) for a chat about cleaning, organising and some life hacks and tips on getting things done. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-10-2017 06:28 PM
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:05 PM

What are some of your tips for staying on task?

Esperanza67Posted 02-10-2017 08:11 PM

What are some of your tips for staying on task?

1. Having a to-do list! 

2. Rewarding yourself for each section of cleaning you've completed


By the way @RevzZ, this is my first GR session and so is it possible if you can notify me when future sessions occur (especially since daylight savings have already begun!)?. These GR sessions sound really interesting to participate in!


RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 08:15 PM
Well...hahaha. Guess I should hope for a good relation with the inspector because I'm not the tidiest of people @FootyFan26.

Yessss @redhead. Music is a must for me when cleaning 🙂

Of course @Esperanza67. I'll add you to the tagging list so I can tag you everytime a GR starts.
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:23 PM
As long as there's no damage a little bit of mess should be fine @RevzZ :).

I find htat the reward is the end product, that's the big reward anyway. Along the way I like to reward myself with breaks and maybe a bit of time on the computer.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:14 PM
@Esperanza67 rewards are so important. Any rewards in particular that help you to stay on track with cleaning? 🙂
Esperanza67Posted 02-10-2017 08:20 PM

@May_ I guess it depends on what is considered rewarding for people. Like for example, I usually reward myself by watching a TV episode on Netflix because I love watching movies and TV shows in my spare time 🙂

RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 08:26 PM

Well, that's pretty good @Esperanza67. I think some people have their TV on at the same time as cleaning so we just end up with this:


FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:31 PM

 Do you find organising things easy or hard? Why?

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:34 PM

Do you find organising things easy or hard? Why?


I find it hard because there's limited space so I have to pick and choose how to organise things carefully and generally the places I want to organise things into are dirty so I have to clean them before I can start organising.

May_Posted 02-10-2017 08:40 PM
Do you find organising things easy or hard? Why?

I guess it all depends what it is, how much space you have to organise it in and how much of the thing you have! I like organising my wardrobe in colour coordination... 😛 Although generally I find organising hard because I have too many things but also want to make it so that everything is visible which is basically impossible
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 08:44 PM
@May_ my wardrobe is coordinated in whether it's for a cool day or a hot day. Most of my normal tops and shorts and stuff are in my draws but my good shirts and big jackets are in my wardrobe with my shirts on the left gradually getting cooler until it gets to the really big fluffy jackets.
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 08:50 PM
I think my wardrobe is a little on the messy side @FootyFan26 @May_. I've just got clothes I wear on the top and clothes I don't wear on the bottom. I did hear that people use coat hangers to sort out their cleaning. So over the span of a year, they have all the coat hangers facing backwards and when they use a jacket/coat, they turn it facing forwards. Then during spring cleaning, they'll donate everything that's facing backwards because they probably don't need it anymore if they didn't use it in a year.
Esperanza67Posted 02-10-2017 08:55 PM
@RevzZ I've actually used that tip before and it actually works! It helped me so much when trying to figure out which clothes to chunk out each year 🙂
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 09:01 PM

Haha, well I suppose it's not for everyone @May_. Doesn't work for me either because I somehow manage to keep misplacing my clothes so I can't throw them out anyway. Still, works for @Esperanza67 so maybe it's worth trying again (for me at least) for the next year.


What are some ways your organise and plan things during your spring cleaning?

The extent of my organisation is a recycle bin, a garbage bin and a couple boxes. Rubbish goes out, everything else which doesn't seem as important to me goes in the box where I hopefully forget about it. So that way, in the next couple years, if I find it again and it's no longer important to me, I throw it away and it just feels easier.

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:07 PM

Are there any tips or tricks to life you'd like to share? A life hack, if you will 😛

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:15 PM
This is a hard one but I always try to have a bin with a bag in close by so if I see any small pieces of rubbish I can put it straight in and also having a cardboard box if you have one so when you have recycling you can chuck it in the carboard box and then throw the whole box out if you need to get rid of the box.
May_Posted 02-10-2017 09:11 PM
Are there any tips or tricks to life you'd like to share?
The "KonMari" method seems to work pretty well for some people (look it up on youtube if you are interested). The main idea behind it is to only keep items that "spark joy" 🙂
May_Posted 02-10-2017 09:16 PM
I'm going to have to head off now but nice chatting to you all tonight! Goodnight 🙂
RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 09:20 PM

Night @May_, thanks for joining tonight 🙂 🙂 🙂


What are the easiest and hardest jobs when spring cleaning?


FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:25 PM

What are the easiest and hardest jobs when spring cleaning?


The hardest job would have to be my wardrobe since I hide a whole lot of stuff in tehre as well as throwing things out sometimes because it can be hard to throw things you've had for so long in the bin.  The easiest would be getting all my clothes sorted since they either go in a box or back my draws.

RevzZPosted 02-10-2017 09:25 PM

What are the easiest and hardest jobs when spring cleaning?


Easiest? - The overall feeling of success at having managed to do it.


Hardest - throwing things away which you feel might be important someday. Perhaps this might be the "hoarder" in me but I've still got scraps of paper with writing which I feel is important.

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:27 PM

9. Do you spring clean alone or together with other people? Do you find it easier with other people or by yourself?

Esperanza67Posted 02-10-2017 09:31 PM
9. Do you spring clean alone or together with other people? Do you find it easier with other people or by yourself?

I usually spring clean alone. However, sometimes other people need help spring cleaning and so usually I help them in that instance. I usually find it easier to spring clean by myself (perhaps it's because I'm introverted).

I'm afraid I have to head off as well. Thanks guys for inviting me into this session, I really appreciated it! 🙂
FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:34 PM

t's cool @Esperanza67, it's 9:30 which means we are finishing up anyway!  Tonight has been a great chat about spring cleaning and a very educational one as well!  Thanks for everyone who came tonight and shared their opinions and ideas, especially @May_, @RevzZ and @N1ghtW1ng for helping organise and run the GR!

FootyFan26Posted 02-10-2017 09:35 PM
Thanks everyone for the chat tonight, goodnight and take care! I reckon I'm going to be using some of these ideas as well if I can!

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