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CHAT - Spring Cleaning
Hey everyone!
It's that time of year again, time to do a little cleaning and a little organising
When cleaning, organising or trying to do anything it can be hard to stay focused...
So join us here tonight at 7:30pm AEDT (remember, it's daylight savings now!!!) for a chat about cleaning, organising and some life hacks and tips on getting things done.
@RevzZ @N1ghtW1ng @FootyFan26@Esperanza67@May_
Thank you all for coming to last night's chat and keeping the show on the road!
Such a huge fan of the Kon Mari method btw. As someone who just horde's all the things, it's been a huge help!
9. Do you spring clean alone or together with other people? Do you find it easier with other people or by yourself?
Most of the time I've cleaned by myself and find it easier since I can take my time and it allows me to take breaks and do things in the order I'd like to do them instead of having more people and having them doing different things than you which may require them to have to stop what they're doing to help you or vice versa. Doing it with other people generally is faster because you take less breaks and you can move things around a bit easier. So tehre are upsides and downsides to both but I think I find it easier not bothering anyone else with the mess I made and just doing it myself since I'm the one who made it.
9. Do you spring clean alone or together with other people? Do you find it easier with other people or by yourself?
With other people when I can, only because the house is filled with completely random and odd things. I also do it because then I can keep track of where things go and not wonder why I can't find a particular something where I last left it.
I do find it easier with other people since chatting and cleaning makes it less mundane. It doesn't always happen though, since we're always busy. Overall though, it's definitely fun doing it with others
What are some ways your organise and plan things during your spring cleaning?
I just try to kinda do it in a big block. If I feel like cleaning then I try to take advantage of that and clean as much as I can before I get bored and unmotivated again. I also try to make sure that I focus on one part of the room at a time which can be hard when trying to put things away in places that you haven't cleaned yet but it'd work out in the end.
Yep, visitors always make us have an impromptu "mini-spring clean".
What are some ways your organise and plan things during your spring cleaning?
-Choose an area and focus on that area until it is done (I usually get bored and move on before it is done though which I would not recommend...)
-Sort things into 4 garbage bags/boxes/piles: bin, donate, sell, unsure
Hey @redhead! Glad to have you join us 🙂
What are some of the benefits of spring cleaning?
Well, I'd have to say it smells a little better after I cleaned. I can't describe the point about 9ish years ago where I managed to make it smell real bad by keeping old food and that in my room and having forgotten it.
Oh and of course, a little side story I have to mention: I did have a friend once whose house was quite literally filled with rubbish. You couldn't even see the floor because there was so much stuff around, like paper, toys, cardboard etc. It was at the point that they couldn't fit anything in the house anymore so they chucked it in the backyard instead. Even then, there was stuff out there that they hadn't seen in years when we asked. On the plus side, they do find money every now and then
What motivates you to start cleaning?
Coming to the realisation that my room is a shithole and house inspections which are coincidentally coming up soon.
2. What are some of the benefits of spring cleaning?
I think it's beneficial because it helps reduce household clutter and increases storage space, it makes things easier to walk through if your room is like mine and you only have a couple of square metres of space to walk through and it helps you feel a bit more organised which generally makes us feel better and I know makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
It's great to have a clean house, it organises your space and your mind.
- Clear house/space = clear mind
- Helps you to keep track of all of the things you own rather than just forgetting about stuff
- Can be fun to go through old things if you have the energy/motivation for it
- Can start fresh by getting rid of things you no longer need
When is the last time you spring cleaned? Describe what you did.
Last year, around this time. Haven't mustered up the energy to do it this year quite yet haha. I think I essentially vacuumed up the house, mopped and cardboard boxed everything that I didn't need and either gave it to charity or threw it out. I think there's a correlation here between spring cleaning and garage sales, don't you reckon? 😛
It has been a while...I think I did a little bit in the winter holidays this year but very very minimal. I did a lot at the end of last year - cleaned out my closet, bathroom things, desk, books, etc (all of which are in dire need once again!)
I always have big aspirations but then get too overwhelmed with all the things I have 😛