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Chill, bro!

Money. Friends. Assignments. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Parents. Marks.


There are so many challenges that we face in our everyday lives, and with it comes the unavoidable build-up of stress. This is our body’s response to threats and challenges, keeping us on our toes and sharpening our senses which can push us to focus on the assignment the night before it is due or even to be that little bit stronger. But, beyond a point the changes it makes to our mental and physical states can be quite harmful.


When we experience stress it can have a drastic effect on the way that we feel often making us moody, irritable, frustrated and anxious. It can also manifest as different physical effects: headaches, backaches, changes to our hunger level, indigestion and difficulty in sleeping.


So how do we manage stress??




Take time out from the daily grind to chill out by doing what you love to do, be it: going for a walk, watching a movie, catching up with some friends, taking a nice long hot shower, etc. It may sound easy and the obvious things to do, but it’s amazing how easily we can become tied up in our stressful situation and just forget! Other techniques which we can employ to decrease our stress levels include practising breathing techniques and meditating.


Something have you stressed out? Looking for ways to de-stress and chill out?  Join us on the ReachOut forums on Monday the 23rd of July, 8pm AEST.


Hope to see you there!


michinePosted 17-07-2013 10:58 AM


LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:00 PM

Hey everyone! 🙂

Welcome to tonight’s getting real session on Relaxation and Stress Management. Facilitating tonight’s session will be Michine, Rosie and I.


We’ll be discussing all about stress, ways to prevent stress, how it can impact our lives and ways to cope with it when it does.


As always, if anything in tonight’s session upsets you in any way there’s an emergency help tab in the top right hand corner which we urge you to use. Also keep in mind that we want to keep this discussion safe for everyone so try to stick to the community guidelines.  


So to start us off here's the first question:
 What are some of the things that stress you out the most? On the smiley scale how much do they stress you out (Smiley Happy Smiley Indifferent Smiley Frustrated Smiley Mad )

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:07 PM

Hi all! Looking forward to the discussion as I'm actively trying to improve my stress management at the moment.


What are some of the things that stress you out the most? On the smiley scale how much do they stress you out (:smileyhappy: :smileyindifferent: :smileyfrustrated: :smileymad: )


Fighting with family and friends/ trouble with my relationships = Smiley Mad

Uni = Smiley Frustrated

Work = Smiley Indifferent

Not knowing what to do/ how to do something = Smiley Frustrated

Not meeting my own expectations = Smiley Mad

Money = Smiley Indifferent


Loving this smiley scale btw!

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:14 PM

Hey DD! Glad you could join us and thanks for sharing some of the things that are stressing you out. 


There can be so many stressful things, can't there?


Some things that stress me out are:

Uni- always so many things to think about Smiley Frustrated

Looking for work Smiley Indifferent

Trying to keep up with so many committments Smiley Frustrated

michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:11 PM

hey DD: Thanks for joining with us tonight!

Agree with not meeting our own expectations, that usually gets my blood boiling especially if I do it again!

@Lightuptheworld: Thankfully I do, but unfortunately no pianos to move 😞

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 08:15 PM

Hey all


My stressors


Family conflict Smiley Mad

Uni starting up again Smiley Frustrated

Chores Smiley Frustrated

Walking the dog Smiley Frustrated

My to-do list before uni starts again Smiley FrustratedSmiley Frustrated

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:18 PM

@Doris wrote:

Hey all


My stressors


Family conflict Smiley Mad

Uni starting up again Smiley Frustrated

Chores Smiley Frustrated

Walking the dog Smiley Frustrated

My to-do list before uni starts again Smiley FrustratedSmiley Frustrated

Sounds like you have a lot of things to do/think about! 

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:17 PM

Thanks for joining us doris! 🙂

michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:21 PM

Hey Doris, glad that you could join us  :). I would of thought that walking a dog is great fun?

Now that we have a good idea of what really gets us all riled up...

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:28 PM

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?

I feel stressed fairly often lately. However it definitely gets worse during heavier assessment times, on prac, the festive season (or when we get a lot of visitors), and when I experience change or something new.


EDITED: I agree with LUTW, mine gets worse when I'm overcomitted too.

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:31 PM

@delicatedreamer wrote:

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?

I feel stressed fairly often lately. However it definitely gets worse during heavier assessment times, the festive season (or when we get a lot of visitors), and when I experience change or something new.


EDITED: I agree with LUTW, mine gets worse when I'm overcomitted too.

I'm also with you in terms of change/new things. adapting can be difficult sometimes. 

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:27 PM

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?


I probably get stressed at least several days a week. It's probably worse at the beginning and end of semesters and times like that or when I take on too many things, etc. 

michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:32 PM

I usually feel stressed about once a week, although that is usually frustration being built up as a result of being lazy and not getting things done.

The time which I'm usually most stressesed out is towards the end of the uni semester, no surprise there, as the assessments just keep piling up with the exams just around the corner.

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:36 PM

@michine wrote:

I usually feel stressed about once a week, although that is usually frustration being built up as a result of being lazy and not getting things done.

The time which I'm usually most stressesed out is towards the end of the uni semester, no surprise there, as the assessments just keep piling up with the exams just around the corner.

How hard can it be to get motivated sometimes? I can definitely relate to that but I think I'm getting a little better with being organised which I've found helps to reduce the stress a bit, even if it's little bit by little bit. 

Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 08:37 PM

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?


I've been at uni so long now I htink I'm just trained to get stressed in June and October, even if I don't have any exams!



michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:40 PM

@Rosie: haha and here I was thinking 1.5 more years and I'll be stress free, guess not Smiley Indifferent
@DD &Doris: Totally agree, I guess I should start planning now for the upcoming semester.

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:39 PM

I agree with you guys. Procrastination definitely causes me stress too. But I am trying to be more organised this semester which is helping 🙂

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:40 PM

@delicatedreamer wrote:

I agree with you guys. Procrastination definitely causes me stress too. But I am trying to be more organised this semester which is helping 🙂

Awesome that you're getting more organised! 🙂 


Also, for all us that are procrastinators out there, there's an awesome new factsheet about motivation: 🙂

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:49 PM

How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?

Emotionally, I think it makes me more irritable and prone to crying fits. I do think it can change my thinking too - I think it makes me more prone to wanting everything to happen a certain way. I think that's because when I'm really stressed I want to try and maintain some control over things when I feel like I'm losing control over others (if that makes sense?). I also think I'm more likely to fall into negative thinking patterns and think I can't cope or handle things. In terms of physical health it seems to have a negative impact on my sleep (hello insomnia!) and I usually eat more unheathily and do less exercise (unless I'm trying to use exercise as a management strategy).

Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 08:53 PM

.How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?


I just end up like this





michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:58 PM
@DD: Yeah I totally get you, usually when I'm stressed out it's because I feel I can't overcome or have lost control over something, so I end up over compensating on things which I can control.

@ Rosie: That looks like it hurts!
michinePosted 22-07-2013 09:01 PM

Knowing how detrimental stress can be to our mindset as well as how we physically feel...


What do you normally do to relieve yourself of stress? Are there certain techniques you've used before?

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 09:05 PM

@michine wrote:

Knowing how detrimental stress can be to our mindset as well as how we physically feel...


What do you normally do to relieve yourself of stress? Are there certain techniques you've used before?

Concentrate on my breathing, watch youtube vids, eat chocolate, drink water, listen to music, talk about it. 

Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 08:55 PM



Or this





In other news, I just discovered searching gifs on tumblr. 



delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 09:02 PM


@Rosie-RO wrote:



Or this





In other news, I just discovered searching gifs on tumblr. 



Hahaha OMG yes, agreed Rosie!

Welcome back!

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