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Chill, bro!

Money. Friends. Assignments. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Parents. Marks.


There are so many challenges that we face in our everyday lives, and with it comes the unavoidable build-up of stress. This is our body’s response to threats and challenges, keeping us on our toes and sharpening our senses which can push us to focus on the assignment the night before it is due or even to be that little bit stronger. But, beyond a point the changes it makes to our mental and physical states can be quite harmful.


When we experience stress it can have a drastic effect on the way that we feel often making us moody, irritable, frustrated and anxious. It can also manifest as different physical effects: headaches, backaches, changes to our hunger level, indigestion and difficulty in sleeping.


So how do we manage stress??




Take time out from the daily grind to chill out by doing what you love to do, be it: going for a walk, watching a movie, catching up with some friends, taking a nice long hot shower, etc. It may sound easy and the obvious things to do, but it’s amazing how easily we can become tied up in our stressful situation and just forget! Other techniques which we can employ to decrease our stress levels include practising breathing techniques and meditating.


Something have you stressed out? Looking for ways to de-stress and chill out?  Join us on the ReachOut forums on Monday the 23rd of July, 8pm AEST.


Hope to see you there!


michinePosted 17-07-2013 10:58 AM


Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 10:06 PM

Thanks everybody for such a great session!!

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 10:01 PM
Yep get back on that Smiling Mind. Spend less time in front of monitors (computer and phone) and sleep properly
delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 10:01 PM

What will you take away from tonight? OR what is your number one tip for managing stress?

I'm taking away the need to get back into relaxing my breathing/ meditation to help me manage stress. I agree with LUTW, I definitely need to get back into Smiling Mind again! I'm also more aware of the effect of less tangible stresses on me.

My no. 1 tip would be to talk things out with someone. It always helps me.

Good night guys! Thanks for a great discussion, I've missed them while I've been away. And big thanks Rose, LUTW and michine for facilitating 🙂

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 09:31 PM

I didn't turn off the lights but I did close my eyes. Feeling a bit more relaxed after that. 🙂 
Just taking a few deep breaths sometimes really helps me to calm down and think clearer. 

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 09:21 PM
Hey Michine

Can completely relate to talk to someone until their ear fall off. I was just saying to my friend (over the phone) that I am really grateful towards Alex Bell for inventing the telephone.
delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 09:15 PM
I love all these ideas. Definitely a few here that I need to add to my stress management tool kit!

Acknowledging the stress sounds like a great idea Rosie - I'll definitely try that.
DorisPosted 22-07-2013 09:10 PM

What do you normally do to relieve yourself of stress? Are there certain techniques you've used before?


I usually call Kids HelpLine. 

Do some stretches outside

Plan ahead so I could visualise what I need to do and know how much time left for an assignment

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 09:06 PM

@delicatedreamer wrote:

What do you normally do to relieve yourself of stress? Are there certain techniques you've used before?

I like to try some exercise, writing things down, drinking a cup of tea, having a hot bath, listening to music, venting to someone, trying to change my thinking about the stressor and just chilling out/ doing things to take my mind off it (reading, watching tv etc.). Or if it's something I can change I'll try and do something about it!

Some great ideas there DD! 🙂 

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:59 PM

Good gifs Rosie Smiley Happy

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 08:35 PM

I think procrastination could contribute and cause some stress in me. Some times when I could alleviate the stress is when I am not procrastinating or have achieved something 😄
LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:37 PM

@Doris wrote:

I think procrastination could contribute and cause some stress in me. Some times when I could alleviate the stress is when I am not procrastinating or have achieved something 😄

Achiveving something can definitely be a great mood improver! 🙂 

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:39 PM

Sounds like we're all rather familiar with stress.
So on that topic...How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 08:45 PM

How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?


For sure. I am more aggro, impulsive, apathetic and emotional when I am stressed. Sounds a bit like a moody teenager hey?

I think when I am stressed, I am acting on instincts. Also stress changed my sleeping pattern and appetite. But, stress also make you better (what stresses you  makes your stronger...when the stress is over of coz)  

michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:50 PM
@Doris: Haha I'm very much the same, moody teen indeed!
When I'm stressed out I barely get any sleep as my mind just kicks it into overdrive and I'm flooded with a constant barrage of thoughts. I also usually take it out on myself rather than venting, which comes in the form of me telling myself off.
LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:48 PM

@Doris wrote:

How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?


For sure. I am more aggro, impulsive, apathetic and emotional when I am stressed. Sounds a bit like a moody teenager hey?

I think when I am stressed, I am acting on instincts. Also stress changed my sleeping pattern and appetite. But, stress also make you better (what stresses you  makes your stronger...when the stress is over of coz)  

I'd have to agree with some of those...
It tends to change my eating habits, I get grumpy, become emotionless sometimes, have negative thoughts and am more likely to talk negatively about myself, I get sore shoulders, occasional headaches...

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 09:00 PM

@Lightuptheworld wrote:

@Doris wrote:

How does stress manifest in you? Do you think that it alters how you think, feel and even your physical health?


For sure. I am more aggro, impulsive, apathetic and emotional when I am stressed. Sounds a bit like a moody teenager hey?

I think when I am stressed, I am acting on instincts. Also stress changed my sleeping pattern and appetite. But, stress also make you better (what stresses you  makes your stronger...when the stress is over of coz)  

I'd have to agree with some of those...
It tends to change my eating habits, I get grumpy, become emotionless sometimes, have negative thoughts and am more likely to talk negatively about myself, I get sore shoulders, occasional headaches...

I'm with you on the sore muscles/ headaches. I get that too.


@michine: Agreed. I tend to take things out on myself too.

DorisPosted 22-07-2013 08:25 PM

@michine wrote:

Hey Doris, glad that you could join us  :). I would of thought that walking a dog is great fun?

Now that we have a good idea of what really gets us all riled up...

How often do you feel stressed? Does it get particularly bad during certain times of the year?

Hey michine


Walking my dog has now fallen under the category called "Chores"


How often am I stressed?

All the time (even in the holidays 😞  )


It gets worst when - 

  • Uni starts up
  • Multiple assignments are due
  • Family conflict gets worst
  • Something external and out of control happens
  • When I am having a bad day


LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:29 PM

That sucks that you're quite often stressed Doris. Are there times when you're less stressed? 

Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 08:05 PM

Hey Guys!


So happy to be here tonight, Stress is one thing I can never seem to rid myself of 😕


What are some of the things that stress you out the most? On the smiley scale how much do they stress you out (:smileyhappy: :smileyindifferent: :smileyfrustrated: :smileymad: )


Apart from the usual (study, work, money, etc) I stress about


How I will save the world :smileymad:

How I will manage to do everything I've ever wanted to do :smileymad::smileymad:

How I will manage to learn everything I want to learn :smileyfrustrated:

Whether Elena will choose Stefan or Damon in the end :smileyfrustrated:

What people will think of me when they learn I watch the vampire diaries!! :smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent:

When I will get my next sleep in! :smileyhappy:

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:10 PM

@Rosie-RO wrote:

Hey Guys!


So happy to be here tonight, Stress is one thing I can never seem to rid myself of 😕


What are some of the things that stress you out the most? On the smiley scale how much do they stress you out (:smileyhappy: :smileyindifferent: :smileyfrustrated: :smileymad: )


Apart from the usual (study, work, money, etc) I stress about


How I will save the world :smileymad:

How I will manage to do everything I've ever wanted to do :smileymad::smileymad:

How I will manage to learn everything I want to learn :smileyfrustrated:

Whether Elena will choose Stefan or Damon in the end :smileyfrustrated:

What people will think of me when they learn I watch the vampire diaries!! :smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent::smileyindifferent:

When I will get my next sleep in! :smileyhappy:

Good one Rosie! The top two are definitely things on your list are definitely things that stress me out too.

Rosie-ROPosted 22-07-2013 08:11 PM

@DD, I think we underestimate how much these less tangible stressors contribute to how strained and exhausted we feel! 


Also, unlike exams and assignments, they never go away!!

delicatedreamerPosted 22-07-2013 08:16 PM

@Rosie-RO wrote:

@DD, I think we underestimate how much these less tangible stressors contribute to how strained and exhausted we feel! 


Also, unlike exams and assignments, they never go away!!

Yeah, I definitely agree we do underestimate the effect of those sorts of stressors I think. And you're right - they do never go away! I'd never thought of that before but it's true!


@michine: Yep, agreed!


Ooh I forgot to add my health to that original list. It stresses me out to Smiley Mad


michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:14 PM

Now you've got me thinking about uni again, only 1 week away Smiley Indifferent

LightuptheworldPosted 22-07-2013 08:09 PM

@ Michine: Moving house can be rather stressful! I hope you find a place and get it all sorted soon! Do you have some friends to help you get organised/motivated? 

michinePosted 22-07-2013 08:04 PM

Hey Guys! Looking forward to tonight's discussion 🙂

At the moment what's stressing me the most would be moving house, sooo frustrating Smiley Mad. Cleaning, packing, finding new places to rent with only dodgy realestate pics arrghhhh!

Welcome back!

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