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Getting Reals - Your Opinion!

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Slow-Mo Gr's recently!


1. What do you think of Slow-Mo GR's? Do you like them? Why/Why not?

2. Do you prefer the normal one night a week GR or the Slow-MO GR?

3. How often should we have Slow-Mo GR's? (once a month, fortnight, couple of months, etc)

4. How often should we have each GR? (fortnight - so GR, Slow-Mo, GR, Slow-MO, have 1 once a fortnight and alternate between the types etc)



@N1ghtW1ng @lokifish @LeoTheLion @mrmusic @keezeik @cupcakes_032 @May_ @scared01 @gina-RO @ErinsAntics @letitgo 

BeePosted 07-08-2018 02:51 PM


lupacexiPosted 07-10-2020 08:59 PM

Thanks you for sharing

LeoTheLionPosted 07-08-2018 07:21 PM

1. Yes I like them because it fits my schedule a lot more. Most of the time I don't have the time so a question each night is very nice for me. 

2. Why not both? Mix it up ha!

3. No idea. 

4. No idea.

May_Posted 08-08-2018 01:55 PM
1. What do you think of Slow-Mo GR's? Do you like them? Why/Why not?
Yes I really like them! As @LeoTheLion mentioned it can be hard have enough time each Monday to participate and to schedule around work commitments.

2. Do you prefer the normal one night a week GR or the Slow-MO GR?
I prefer the flow-mo GRs 🙂

3. How often should we have Slow-Mo GR's? (once a month, fortnight, couple of months, etc)
I'd be keen for them to happen more frequently 😄

4. How often should we have each GR? (fortnight - so GR, Slow-Mo, GR, Slow-MO, have 1 once a fortnight and alternate between the types etc)
Alternating sounds good or possibly having the slow-mo GRs more often?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-08-2018 03:45 PM
Excellent questions @Bee! Thanks for doing this thread 🙂 Sorry for taking so long on replying.

@ErinsAntics I love your idea of having deep topics be for the Slow-Mo Getting Reals. It sounds like a fantastic idea as it definitely does give people more time to think about their response and take a step away if it's too much without missing out on the chat.
Trying to log on every day can be tough, however I think encouraging that questions can be answered at any time, rather than only one question for that one day might help with that as reading through responses can be just as helpful as post responses.

@scared01 voting could be a difficult thing to manage as it means not having a good idea of what kind of GR we're doing that week if that makes any sense. It might be useful in the future and definitely something we can look on however we'd have to know what topic or topics we'd do and give ourselves enough time to be able to get answers and implement the choice.
We do have places for users to suggest GR's floating around (I think it's a thread in Everyday Life) so tagging new users or those who have been online recently every now and again for ideas might help with getting ideas for future GR's, and if they give their usernames we could also try tagging them in that GR blog post when it goes up.

@LeoTheLion we'll definitely try to include both! 😄 I'm glad you like the slow-mo gr's, it can be super helpful to have a whole day to answer a question, especially if we need time to think about them 🙂

@May_ in having the slow-mo's more often, would you like to have 2 weeks in a row sort of more often? (did that make sense? :P) I'm glad you like them!

It looks like we'll definitely be keeping slow-mo gr's happening 🙂 I love all these responses! Such excellent feedback 😄
scared01Posted 13-08-2018 06:46 PM
that makes sense @N1ghtW1ng
scared01Posted 07-08-2018 05:41 PM
hey @Bee this is an interesting topic..
The entire forums of late seem quiet to be honest! i dont know if that just me or not but ive noticed heaps of our regular members are away atm.

im wondering if a 'vote' option would be able to be done to see what GR should run that week? So say like start a thread and give 3 options and whichever one gets the most 'likes' try to run it the following week?
that way we can include some more members and hopefully get more interactions during the GR's?
Does that make sense?
For example a member suggested a GR on what helps people to cope and a few people were interested in that by liking or commenting which to me would say we might get some more members participating that night..
May_Posted 13-08-2018 10:32 AM
@scared01 that's a great idea did you want to make a new thread for that? 🙂

Maybe it could be "What topics you want to chat about?" "Suggest and Vote for Getting Real Topics" or something similar?
ErinsAnticsPosted 07-08-2018 04:25 PM


1. What do you think of Slow-Mo GR's? Do you like them? Why/Why not? They are good but I feel like to really get the benefit you need to log on everyday and for some users that is not doable. 

2. Do you prefer the normal one night a week GR or the Slow-MO GR? Honestly it depends on the topic if it's a deep topic the Slow-Mo GRs are great as you have time to really think about the questions and let them sink in. Unfortunately the one night a week GRs are dying and some nights it feels as if the mods are only on and doing all the work.

3. How often should we have Slow-Mo GR's? (once a month, fortnight, couple of months, etc) Once a fortnight 🙂

4. How often should we have each GR? (fortnight - so GR, Slow-Mo, GR, Slow-MO, have 1 once a fortnight and alternate between the types etc) Have one GR a fortnight and really advertise them everywhere possible leading up to it 🙂

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