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[LIVE GR]: Bucket lists and experiences!
The events of this year have given a lot of us time to reflect on our lives, and what we hope to achieve after coronavirus lockdowns end.
Whether you're keen for beach trips or book clubs, join us tomorrow night (Wednesday 12th August) at 7:30pm AEST to discuss:
What's on your bucket list?
@Hozzles Your list sounds similar to mine. I would LOVE to live in another country, preferably europe, and I went vegan a little over a year ago, and I am yearning to get published. haha
Haha @Hozzles I got rollerskates as a present once when I was a kid. I think I only used them once because I was so unsteady. My mum used to go to ice skating rinks when she was younger but once she injured herself doing so so she always banned me from ice skating and I've never done it.
When I was 14, I had a short story of mine published in a short story collection and won a small prize. I Googled myself and found it again recently and I still have a copy of that collection. I used to represent my schools in writing and poetry competitions, but I've never really written again after high school.
It's so cool that you've gone skydiving and bungee jumping!
What's something you'd like to try doing that you've never done before?
Bit of a random one, but I'd really like to try pressing flowers and making stuff out of them 🙂 People are so creative and dried flowers always look so beautiful Plus it looks like a really cute way to make a physical reminder of a day or experience 😄
@ecla34 I love pressing flowers! Its so wholesome and just brings me back to nature a bit. I like putting them in hand written letters too. Since it's winter I only have roses atm to press, so I'm looking forward to spring.
@ecla34 I went skydiving on my 16th birthday so it was a while ago now, but I remember the best part was when the parachute was deployed and I was kinda just spinning above the Earth. It felt so freeing, and weird to think everything can seem so small.
@indieinsanus Hahah, so much in common! I've been learning it on and off for a few years and I'm always surprised how much I remember after long breaks.
I feel like the biggest obstacle to completing bucket list things is costs!
@ecla34 I have been wanted to get a punching bag for a while but they're pretty expensive. But I would love to try boxing.
annnnnnnnnnd question 3! 😄
Describe a time when you did something that you've wanted to do for a long time. What was it like? How did you feel?
Describe a time when you did something that you've wanted to do for a long time. What was it like? How did you feel?
A few things come to mind, big and small. For example, a big one would be when I went to see the Grand Canyon -- I think it's a bucket list for a lot of people. I was in the US to see my ex and she didn't want me to go, but I went anyway because it was something I really wanted to do. I travel around with my family a lot, so I'm used to experiencing things with other people, but here my ex was at work, my family was asleep due to time zones, and my phone was broken so it would barely charge. It was so incredible, I was able to be independent and reflect on things on my own! I'm always so grateful for that experience
A smaller, more recent thing is when I made a cheesecake from scratch. I was really proud and it turned out pretty good! Haha, it was so delicious I miss it every day, but it was sooo unhealthy and took a lot of time!
Whoa @Hozzles I'd like to see a lot of scenic locations too. I've heard some people with my kind of personality end up liking the Grand Canyon, and others are just like, 'Well, that was cool, what's for lunch?'
Haha your cheesecake experience reminds me of how I went from being a fire hazards to somehow getting an A in my cooking class in high school. It's weird because I hated cooking but I liked other creative things like scrapbooking and crafting certain things (just don't let me do anything to do with sewing, knitting, or crochet).
@WheresMySquishy hahah I feel like I have the same cooking experience, I remember the first year of high school I was horrible at it and the teacher was always telling me off but then I took it as an elective in year 10 and suddenly I was really good at it, the teacher even asked if I was a new student at the school because she didn't remember me in year 7 ahah
Have you ever helped someone else tick something off their bucket list?
Weird answer but I guess being born counts? Hahah, my mum always wanted to have two kids and she has shown me list of names she had when she was a teenager, and they always include my name and my brother's name. also, I always help a little in planning family trips, which are mostly places my mum has always wanted to go to. A few of my friends have always wanted to go to a Pride event but had no one to go with, so I invited them to things I knew of (that I wouldn't have gone to either alone) and now it's like a yearly tradition!
Hahaha @Hozzles my parents always disagreed over the number of kids they wanted to have and what to name them. My name was originally going to be something like Diandra. My mum hated it though and wanted to call me Sarah. But my dad didn't like that name so they went with a different one. I mostly plan the trips in our family too! It's so cool that you and your friends have been to pride events!
Describe a time when you did something that you've wanted to do for a long time. What was it like? How did you feel?
I went swimming with sharks a few years ago. It was a lot of fun! I got to pat and feed them. They were quite placid and friendly, but I had to keep remembering to hold my fingers away from them. A stingray I was feeding also jumped out of the water on top of me and chased me around the pool, which was a bit scary. It was like a big glomp!
@WheresMySquishy Oooh that sounds so cool! Hahah, that's so funny about the stingray though
@indieinsanus I'd love to go to a music festival one day! I've been to a few concerts and I love the energy of them. My brother worked at one of the Spilt Milk events and it sounded like it was a great time!
Here's our next question:
Have you ever helped someone else tick something off their bucket list?
Have you ever helped someone else tick something off their bucket list?
I'm not sure if anyone I know has a bucket list, but I've done a lot of things with my sister that she ended up liking. We went to an aquarium in Noumea and she ended up really liking watching the big turtles swimming around. I have a video of it somewhere and she was totally enthralled by it (kind of reminds me of the Double Rainbow viral video haha). We also got a photo with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (you can tell where the turtle obsession comes from) at Sea World. At Movie World, they put us in a VIP section because she was in a wheelchair and a bunch of superheroes came up to us and hugged us and we have a lot of photos of that. She also wanted to see Cher, Adele, Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift in concert so we went to all of those together. I really treasure these memories because these things happened before her FND got bad and she could still walk at those times. We'd like to go on another cruise when she gets better because she didn't really enjoy our last one due to her FND.
@WheresMySquishy awww, that's so special! They sound like such great memories . And yay for turtles!! hahah, that kinda reminds me of a video I have of penguins at the aquarium swimming gracefully... until one decided to try and eat the stuffed toy I was holding through the glass (he's my cat that likes to travel
Next (two in one) question!
Can a person's bucket list change over time? How do you decide if something's worth adding to your bucket list?
Can a person's bucket list change over time? How do you decide if something's worth adding to your bucket list?
I think that people's goals and bucket list items can definitely change over time, particularly ones you have in the short term. And it's a good thing! It can be really easy to get FOMO and think of things you think you should do, but if it's not meaningful to you, what's the point you know?
I was talking to my dad recently, and he was saying how he regrets not reading more of those huuuge classic novels, but that he thought they sounded really depressing and he didn't really want to read them. And it can be that way with a lot of things! I think we can get caught up in what we're told people want to do rather than our own personal goals
For example, for a lot of people getting married is super important, and for some people it isn't -and that's okay! It's also okay if this changes! It's your own goals
tldr: do what you like 😛
I'd like to read more of those novels too @ecla34! I used to read some of them when I was younger but I haven't had much time to in the last few years. Life just gets in the way. That's so true about how other people can tell you what to do. My dad always wanted to be a pilot but his parents refused so he's just had to stick to flight simulators and TV shows.
Can a persons bucketlist change overtime? How do you decide if somethings worth adding to your bucketlist?
I think bucketlists change a lot, at least for me. But I feel like there are some things that just have a stronger calling than others. A 'bucketlist' for me isn't specific, so it would be more vague, but big things, like moving overseas and travelling. I guess I think its worth doing if I have wanted to do it for a long time. But I also value spontaneity, so I think if you feel like doing something, just go for it.