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[LIVE GR]: Bucket lists and experiences!
The events of this year have given a lot of us time to reflect on our lives, and what we hope to achieve after coronavirus lockdowns end.
Whether you're keen for beach trips or book clubs, join us tomorrow night (Wednesday 12th August) at 7:30pm AEST to discuss:
What's on your bucket list?
Book a holiday when it is safe to do so!
Go on adventures!
Support local / Australian businesses!
Enjoy life!
Travel the world!
Keen for this one, so relevant! It's so important to have things to look forward to, especially now.
Hey guys!
We'll be kicking off this chat soon 😄
@Hozzles @lemurien @Saltwaterdreamtime @Tiny_leaf @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @indieinsanus @SDalbum feel free to join in! 😄
Welcome to tonight's GR everyone! We'll be chatting about our bucket lists and things we've done! 🙂
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Here's our first question:
Do you have a bucket list? Why/why not?
Do you have a bucket list? Why/why not?
I actually don't either! Mainly because I'm not really sure what most of my long-term goals are and what I want to do with myself lmao
There's lots of books I wanna read though, so I've kind of got a book-bucket list
@ecla34 @WheresMySquishy - I feel that so much. There's so many books out there that sometimes I get overwhelmed, like I can't read all the books as much as I'd like to! haha
I don't understand how people can read more than one book at a time, though! I'd lose track so easily
@WheresMySquishy, @Hozzles, @ecla34
In regards to how to keep tabs on where u're up to in books:
things i find helpful:
- Goodreads; it's an app in which u can record ur progress in a specific book as well as keep track of books in "shelves" labelled to-read, reading and read. Can create an unfinished "shelf" for books u have to return to the library or a friend, and it will keep progress for when u want to move a book back to reading.
- Keep all physical copies of books you're currently reading in the same place, preferably near where u read. For me that's next to my bed.
- Bookmarks; can be anything, but I prefer magnetic ones. Makes it harder for them to come out when my book is in my backpack, or really any bag.
- For ebooks; if have ereader, put on top of pile of books that you're currently reading, it's a book.
- For reading ebooks and audiobooks on phone; keep book related apps in the same place on the phone. I have a folder called "books", also keep library book apps like Overdrive there.
- See what u have; every now and then, go through all physical books, ebooks and audiobooks and actually assess what books u already have. If you're anything like me, there's a lot.
- For general encouragement in reading; dare a friend to a book race. (Eg. See who can finish the Harry Potter series first.) Gives u someone to talk about the series with, and brings some otherwise lacking competition to the reading world.
- Also sometimes the threat of spoilers can be a great motivator, though spoilers can also be a double-edged sword for motivation. So moderation.
- Last but not least, memes; they're a great way to enjoy you're fav part of a book with someone. Old-fashioned conversation works too.
I have a lot of books I still haven't got around to reading either. I swear I've been trying to read the Count of Monte Cristo for years. I'm still only up to around chapter 37 or 38 out of 117 and this is with an audiobook version. It's weird because I like the story, it's just so long.
I also have a list of books I want to read and another list with the chapters I'm up to.
@indieinsanus and @Hozzles that makes a lot of sense, no point in having a bucket list if it makes you feel pressured! it's nice having a list of things we'd like to do rather have to do 🙂 and that we can change it up at any time 😛
@WheresMySquishy the chapter list idea is such a good life hack, i'm in the middle of legit 10 books and i have no idea where i'm up to in any of them
@indieinsanus that's also a good point about plans for this year having to change!
i think most people have had to reassess things in a big way, but that doesn't mean that things won't happen eventually or that this year can't be meaningful in other ways than anticipated
@Hozzles i reckon we should have a GR on books one day 😛
@WheresMySquishy those are really nice ideas
What is something you'd like to try doing that you have never done before?
I have a few things I would like to try doing, but I recently have wanted to try martial arts/self defense. I just think it would be really cool to be able to have that kind of skill/strength. And I think it would be fun.
I also would like to try solo travelling/backpacking and going on solo 'expeditions' when the world goes back to normal, but I know I would feel kind of unsafe as a woman. However, I won't let that stop me, and its just another reason to learn self defense I guess.
@indieinsanus, That sounds like a great idea, I love the idea of backpacking places or hiking. But I've been putting off going hiking for a couple of years cause I'm inexperienced and don't really have anyone close to me who'd be willing to go with me. I was thinking earlier this year, that I should just go by myself, but well now this whole things happened. Ah well.
@AnnoyingCockatiel Yeah, I think backpacking would be an amazing experience sometime in the future when the world is in a better state. Its a shame about this situation. Hopefully things will improve soon though.
I was going to train in martial arts when I was younger @indieinsanus, but my parents thought it was going to be too expensive. 😞
@indieinsanus yess, I used to do kickboxing when I was younger. This also reminded me I also would like to learn first aid... just a simple one that most people take for granted, but I just love to learn!
2. What's something you'd like to try doing that you've never done before?
I have a few things that I've never done before on my list:
- I'd like to rock climb on a cruise ship. I wanted to do this the last two times I went on a cruise but it's hard because I get seasick. I've already gone rock climbing so it shouldn't be too difficult, but it would be cool to see the view from the top in the middle of the ocean.
- I had 'Jump on a trampoline' because I never really did that when I was younger, but I've heard it's dangerous.
- 'Learn the names of flowers and the language of flowers'.
- 'Grow a microherb garden'.
- 'Go on a long or scenic train journey'.
@WheresMySquishyIn regards to scenic train journey:
I've heard there are long trains routes in europe which go between countries, which I'd love to try. Though I overheard a family member talking about an experience involving a cheap train ticket, that led to an overcrowded train without aircon, on a hot day, a train breakdown, and a sudden illegible train announcement in German. So research is advised!
One thing I really miss about lockdown, is going on the train. Doesn't matter where, though preferably the city (/long journey), preferably with a window seat. Just a book and some music, or a podcast, and all the buildings rushing past. When lockdown ends, I want to catch a train somewhere, wearing my Doctor Who cosplay and reading a good book.
@AnnoyingCockatiel I'd love to try one of those routes too! I read an article about the train journeys in Switzerland and it looked so cool. Some of the people I've travelled with in the past went on train journeys but I regret not going with them.
Wow, that's such a bad experience! It doesn't sound very fun at all. I definitely try to do research before I go overseas Kind of reminds me of one time I went whale watching and it was a total disaster.
I also miss going on trains! I live near a train station and I've used it a few times this year but because it's hard to social distance, I have been taking the bus more often instead. I want to explore more train stations.
@Hozzles wow skydiving!?!? 😮
How was it? That sounds so intense but super cool!
The duolingo owl is a scary scary being....
@WheresMySquishy ohhhh man sea sickness is the worst haha, maybe if you try those bracelet things you could rock climb then?
@indieinsanus martial arts and self defense sound amazing! would you ever want to try something like boxing? 🙂
ahhh that sounds so nice, now i'm really determined to look into pressing flowers
@Saltwaterdreamtime yep we're still going! 😄 feel free to jump in whenever you like
What's something you'd like to try doing that you've never done before?
So much! As I type, I'm debating getting roller skates (as in, I have them in the basket) but I'm also worried I'll never use them + I'll end up hurting myself because I'm very clumsy... but I'll never know if I don't try! I would also like to travel on my own, or maybe even live in another country for a while. I'd like to try going vegetarian/ vegan once I have the means to, and I'd like to finish a story one day and maybe try and get something published (even if it's just in my uni student magazine!). I'll try most things once (within reason), I've already both gone skydiving and bungee jumping.