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Live GR: Body Image, 13th July 7:30 AEST
Hey guys!
This Monday we're going to be having a live Getting Real chat surrounding Body Image! 😄
The way we view ourselves and our bodies is so important to talk about, because it directly impacts the way we think about ourselves and the way we treat ourselves!
We're all so different in lots of beautiful ways! But a lot of the time we're fed this toxic idea that there's a right or wrong way to look and that's just not true! Things like advertising and social media, as well as other societal pressures, really feed into this and it's hard to escape the negativity when it comes from so many different places 😞 So we'll be chatting about ways to challenge this!
We've been talking a lot about Body Image here on RO this month
There's the awesome Guide To: Body Image!
as well as the Let's Chat: Body Image ! 😄
Which you should check out! 😄
We'll be kicking off this live chat at 7:30 pm AEST and we'd love to see you all there!
Body Image can be a super confronting issue to talk about, so if this GR brings up some triggering feelings both Kids Helpline and the Butterfly foundation are really good resources to reach out to! We really want this GR to be as safe and welcoming for everyone as possible! So we also encourage you to check out our community guidelines here as well as RO's 6 ways to be body positive page
Can't wait to chat Monday! 😄
What are some things that you like about your body/ that your body lets you do?
I like how my body lets me go from place to place and dance along to music like a bit of a dork! I also like that i can see features of mine that other family members also have
Next question 🙂
3. What does it mean to have a positive or healthy body image?/ What does having a positive body image mean to you?
@Bee I don’t have a positive body image so I can’t really explain it as what it’s like for me..
What does it mean to have a positive body image?/ what does having a positive body image mean to you?
I think having a positive body image isn’t about having the ‘perfect’ body or meeting societies standards, it’s about being happy with what you look like and being proud with no shame. It’s being able to accept who you are, not feeling like you have to change and not letting other things affect your view on yourself 🙂 (I wish I could do this tbh)
Hey @Bananatime04
I also think positive body image has a lot to do with accepting your body at times where you don't necessarily feel happy with it. I think often people want to jump from negative body image straight to positive body image without remembering the work in between on just having an accepting body image. Some affirmations I try to remember when I am leaning toward the negative side of things could be:
- This is my body
- I am more than my appearance
- My appearance is always going to change throughout life and this is okay
- Looking and feeling attractive are not gate ways to happiness
I encourage anyone starting their journey towards body acceptance to remember these body neutral ways of thinking are just as good as body positive affirmations if they work for you. Maybe even make a few of your own! 🙂
@Bananatime04 I think that's such a good answer. I really liked the part about not letting other things affecting how you see yourself. 🙂
I think that having a positive body image can be an ongoing learning process and sometimes we can be happy in our skin and sometimes not. I often feel negatively about my body and I'm still working on my body image myself.
@WheresMySquishy wrote:@Bananatime04 I think that's such a good answer. I really liked the part about not letting other things affecting how you see yourself. 🙂
I think that having a positive body image can be an ongoing learning process and sometimes we can be happy in our skin and sometimes not. I often feel negatively about my body and I'm still working on my body image myself.
@WheresMySquishy absolutely, so many things can impact how we perceive ourselves and our view on ourself.
![Heart Heart](https://forums.au.reachout.com/i/smilies/16x16_heart.png)
I currently sit in a similar boat struggling a bit with my own body image
3. What does it mean to have a positive or healthy body image?/ What does having a positive body image mean to you?
I think having a positive or healthy body image involves being comfortable in the way you look and accepting the parts of yourself that you don't like.
What does it mean to have a positive or healthy body image?/ What does having a positive body image mean to you?
I think that having a positive body image means that we value our bodies for the way they are, and try to challenge feelings of shame or worthlessness for not meeting impossible and arbitrary standards.
What does it mean to have a positive or healthy body image?/ What does having a positive body image mean to you?
Respecting your flaws, and appreciate the things your body can do! It also means positive self talk. For example, just today I saw a picture of my friend and I thought, 'she looks so good!'. Unfortunately the next thought was 'why can't I look like that? I look bad!'. Then I thought, 'okay, it's a selfie with a good camera, and good lighting, and makeup. Right now I'm feeling a bit of a mess, so I look like a bit of a mess, and that's okay!'. Positive body image has a lot to do with not comparing yourself to other people, and recognising that each body is 100% unique (unless you're an identical twin, then it's still unique but less-so ).
That's such a good idea about being kind to yourself and not comparing yourself to others @Hozzles! 🙂
@Bananatime04 massive hugs i really like the way you framed your view of positive body image
it's not an easy thing to achieve 😞 it's okay that it's an ongoing journey
@Bananatime04 I also really liked your definition! I think it's completely natural to have problems with body issues as everyone's body changes at one point (from being a baby to being an adult, for example!). I have been struggling a lot lately, too. Hang in there, we're all here for you!
Wow, that's so cool that you have an identical twin @ecla34! 🙂 We don't have any twins in our family that I'm aware of.
My sister and I look so different and she used to wish we were twins when she was younger. Because we were both born through assisted reproductive technology, she even used to ask my parents if there was a chance we could be twins even though we were born many years apart.
Aww @WheresMySquishy that's so cute! I remember people always used to ask if me and my brother are twins because we look a lot alike.
Next question time!
4. What resources are available if you are struggling with your body image? How can we support a friend/ourselves struggling with body image?
4. What resources are available if you are struggling with your body image? How can we support a friend/ourselves struggling with body image?
Here are some resources I've managed to find online:
Some body image and self-esteem tips
Tips for developing a positive body image from Kids Helpline
A big page of activities, songs and quotes
A free workbook about building body acceptance
A list of resources and links about how to raise concerns about how body image is portrayed in the media
There are also organisations such as the Butterfly Foundation, which can provide support to you if you are working towards a healthier body image.
I have learned that if a friend or anyone else complains about not liking a part of themselves, listening can be more helpful for them rather than jumping in to offer suggestions such as 'Why don't you try X to help you with your weight?' or 'Other people would like it if you changed X about your appearance'. Those kinds of things tend to reinforce their negative perception of their body. Sometimes, it has helped me to think about what I would tell a friend who looks like me or is going through a similar issue.
4. What resources are available if you are struggling with your body image? How can we support a friend/ourselves struggling with body image?
Brain fog has kicked in so I'm not quite sure on resources, I know @ecla34 shared some articles from here! There's also the Butterfly Foundation, which I'm sure someone has mentioned already before I can click 'post'.
One thing I want to mention about supporting a friend is never take it personal, for example it's often very unhelpful to say, for example 'well, if you think your X, how X do you think I am?'. A person's own body image can be very distorted and may not reflect how things 'really are'. A lot of the time, they are not meaning to hurt you with things like this, and it's best to support them as an individual instead of considering your own body in comparison (if they say such comments about themselves around you, then that shows they trust you with such a personal thing!). An individual will never be able to see themselves how others see them -- even photographs or the mirror can have distortions!
Again, much like we all mentioned in 'what does body positive mean to you', it's important to remember every body is unique and capable in their own ways!
That's so true @Hozzles. I think you can listen to someone and offer your support to them without agreeing with their perception of their appearance. We also tend to be more compassionate towards our friends than we are towards ourselves.
@WheresMySquishy for sure! I also think it has a lot to do with self-concept. For example, you can both be very happy and proud of seeing someone else love themselves no matter their body, though at the same time feel unhappy with your body as you perceive your body doesn't match up with your own, personal self-concept.