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SLOW-MO GR: Generational Differences, 11th-15th of November

A generational gap refers to the difference of opinions between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values. Sometimes we can really struggle to stay on the same page with others, and understand where they're coming from. Similarly, it can also be really hard to communicate what we're thinking when wires just keep getting crossed! 





Next week from Monday to Friday we'll be discussing the differences between generations, how they can impact our relationships with our parents, grandparents, and other people we know who fall into a different generation, and what we can do to help bridge that gap!


We'd love to hear everyone's opinions and insights on this so please join us from MONDAY 11th November to discuss Generational Differences!

ecla34Posted 05-11-2019 02:56 PM


scared01Posted 06-11-2019 05:26 PM
this sounds great! will try to be here, its interesting to see the different perspectives
Not applicable

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BeePosted 12-11-2019 04:44 PM

Time for today's question 🙂

Remember you can jump in at any point during the week, answer all of just a couple of the questions!


What differences can you identify between yourself and your parents, do these differences impact your relationship?


Tagging users who've identified an interest

@ecla34 @Hozzles @Anonymous @Charlie22 @scared01 @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @SomeoneNADJS @Esperanza67 @drpenguin @WheresMySquishy @Bee 

scared01Posted 17-11-2019 01:04 PM
What differences can you identify between yourself and your parents, do these differences impact your relationship?

ive noticed a few things between the way my parents live and the way I live such as the clothing we wear, the tv shows that appear, the music, the cars we drive... I also notice that ive got a higher education then my mum (I don't know my dad) but in their days a lot of people left at the age they could so just before they turned 15.
WheresMySquishyPosted 13-11-2019 01:24 AM

Why do you think that differences between generations exist? What kinds of factors could be potentially contributing to them?
I think that they are often caused by aspects of society changing over time, such as the economy and cultural values. For example, I think it is pretty much undeniable that a lot of things have become more expensive and harder to obtain, at least where I live. My newer neighbours had to pay a lot more for their land than my parents and older neighbours did. I also think that younger generations have to pay more for the same things that their parents had, such as education. Transport has also changed a lot in my area. I believe it was poorly planned and car-centric, which made for huge traffic jams where a five minute drive could take an hour. Public transport in my area has greatly improved in the last couple of years. I have recently been able to get around much more quickly via bus and train than my parents have by car.
I agree with @Hozzles that the Internet has increased the speed of transmission of news, especially with regard to climate change and crime. I think that younger people are more aware of climate change than older generations and it is easy to find information or answers online.

What differences can you identify between yourself and your parents, do these differences impact your relationship?
Some differences between myself and my parents:
- My dad thinks that my volunteering is a waste of time and so do my grandparents. In their generations, they were able to find jobs without needing to volunteer or intern in that industry first. They also believe that I should be paid for the work I do. Volunteering was unheard of for them. In my industry, even if you have a degree, it is hard for someone to find work if they don't have relevant unpaid work experience, which wasn't the case for previous generations.
- I believe that my degree has cost me far more money than what my parents had to pay for their degrees.
- When my mum was growing up, she was very independent. She used to run errands and go to and from school by herself at a young age. But she was very overprotective of me, and still is. If I don't keep in touch with her, she thinks that something bad has happened to me. She thinks that the chance of random crime is higher than when she grew up. I believe that you hear about it more on the news.
- I think I am overall more frugal than my parents. I would rather spend money towards things that are going to help my career or health than expensive luxuries such as holidays, renovations, restaurants and cars. I often look at reviews and compare similar products before buying something, while they make a lot of purchases and decisions without thinking.
- The younger members of our family are more supportive of issues such as climate change action and LGBT+ rights. It doesn't really have much to do with political alignment in our family. The older generations also tend to vote for the same political parties but are less concerned with the types of issues the younger members are concerned about.
- I am a lot more proficient with technology than my parents, so they often come to me for advice. Sometimes, I just want to say to them, 'Look it up!' Smiley LOL

These differences impact on our relationship a bit. Sometimes, they have resulted in arguments. I often have to explain that their advice and thinking does not really apply to my generation because a lot of things have changed.

WheresMySquishyPosted 13-11-2019 01:37 AM

Here's our next question:

Do you think your parents had similar experiences with the generation before them? Is this something they overcame or do misunderstandings still remain?


ecla34Posted 14-11-2019 05:37 PM

@WheresMySquishy it can super frustrating trying to explain to people why you might not be able to get a job with just a bachelor's degree anymore, or that you need lots of unpaid experience in order to work your way towards even an unpaid internship. Definitely doesn't mean that what you do isn't worthwhile Heart, even if family/coworkers etc don't agree. 


Do you think your parents had similar experiences with the generation before them? Is this something they overcame or do misunderstandings still remain?


I think there's always that gap to overcome in a lot of ways. My grandparents had very different expecations for their kids, than my parents did for me and my sisters, and I think a lot of that had to do with the conventions of the time, as well as with religious expectations and more conservative beliefs/behaviours. That being said i think as adults they all agreed to disagree on a lot of things, rather than getting into arguments over them (at least in front of the rest of the family :P) It's interesting to think about what differences in their beliefs comes from their generation, and what comes from them personally. 

scared01Posted 17-11-2019 01:06 PM
Do you think your parents had similar experiences with the generation before them? Is this something they overcame or do misunderstandings still remain?

@Bee I agree with you in that parents had different expectations and beliefs too
ecla34Posted 14-11-2019 05:38 PM

We've spoken a bit about the frustrations that can arise with differences in opinions and expectations across generations, which could be interesting to further unpack, in terms of how to deal with it! Heart

How can we explain our experiences and/or differences to our parents and empathise with each other?

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 14-11-2019 07:59 PM
I’m gonna skip to today’s question, as this week has been horrific.

How can we explain our experiences and/or differences to our parents and empathise with each other?

I’m not really sure, but I know that my parents and I have different expectations of each other.
For instance, my parents expect me to continuously keep my room clean, and do my daily chore of sweeping the floor in the kitchen and dining room. I obviously struggle with this, as well as school work. They yell at me constantly, which hurts a lot, but we eventually work things out.

I guess it’s really communication that’s key. If you can't communicate with them, then there’s no way you can find a way to empathise. Well, you could, but communication is definitely a big thing for me and my family.

It’s hard, but it gets easier as life goes on. 🙂
WheresMySquishyPosted 14-11-2019 08:44 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  I'm sorry you've had such a bad week. 😞

Do you think your parents had similar experiences with the generation before them? Is this something they overcame or do misunderstandings still remain?
My parents had a lot of issues with their parents growing up, but they have a better relationship with their parents now. My grandma was (and still is) overprotective of my dad. My dad's parents were also critical of his career ambitions, so he changed careers to appease them. I think that overall, my parents have become like their parents and raised me with similar views to them.

How can we explain our experiences and/or differences to our parents and empathise with each other?
I agree with @xXLexi_Lou122Xx. I think that open communication and honesty can go a long way. I have found that showing news articles, research and statistics to my mum has also helped to illustrate my points about experiences my generation has faced. My parents like to see examples of other people in my generation, especially when it comes to my volunteer work and career. Acknowledging each other's point of view without criticism can also help.

WheresMySquishyPosted 15-11-2019 02:26 AM

Happy Friday everyone! 🙂

Here's our next question:

What can we directly learn from older generations? What do you think are the most important things people from older generations can teach us?

WheresMySquishyPosted 16-11-2019 12:52 AM

What can we directly learn from older generations? What do you think are the most important things people from older generations can teach us?
I volunteer in a nursing home and I've learned a lot about history from the residents. They've taught me a lot about their experiences during the wars and the countries that they've visited. I also got to hear a lot of old sayings and what it was like for them growing up. I love listening to their stories, even if they sometimes get a bit forgetful about which stories they've shared with me. Smiley Tongue
I was really surprised to hear some of their views about historical events. You can read about the kind of events that they told me about in the history books, but I didn't realise they would hold such strong opinions about them to this day.
I was also surprised to find that a lot of them experience loneliness, especially the ones with dementia. Some of them are also non-verbal and can't participate in events as much as a result. I try to make them feel included as much as I can. They really appreciate someone talking to them or simple acts of kindness.

HozzlesPosted 16-11-2019 06:01 PM

Awesome discussion so far guys! I'll try to respond to the rest of the questions later...


...but for now, here is the last question! (how quick has the week gone? 😮):

Sometimes it can be difficult to connect with older people, what are some shared activities you do with the older people in your life that help you bond? 



WheresMySquishyPosted 17-11-2019 06:50 PM

Sometimes it can be difficult to connect with older people, what are some shared activities you do with the older people in your life that help you bond? 
My maternal grandma and I like going shopping together. I've also gone shopping with my grandpa and gone out with him to places. We spent a lot of time together on the cruises we went on. My grandpa and I also watch the same TV shows, although sometimes it's hard because he never stops talking! Smiley LOL Out of all my grandparents, he is the one I can do the most activities with (the others aren't as interested), although he now has normal pressure hydrocephalus so he can't stay out for long periods of time and it's hard for him to walk long distances.
I often like going for a walk in the garden with the elderly people I volunteer with. One of them likes playing mahjong, although I have no idea how to play. They also like dancing, crafts, reading, knitting and listening to poetry, jokes and old sayings. Sometimes, it can be hard to communicate with them because some of them are non-verbal or constantly repeat themselves due to forgetting what they have just said, but I try to make them feel included as much as possible.

HozzlesPosted 11-11-2019 09:50 PM

Why do you think that differences between generations exist? What kinds of factors could be potentially contributing to them?

The political and social climates in which someone is born usually creates differences between generations. A person is moulded not just by their parents/ elders but by the society around them. As ideas change over time and become more widespread and accessible, this leads to generational differences. 

Today, it is 100% the rise of the internet (and related technologies e.g. smartphones). Younger generations are becoming more and more comfortable with accessing the internet -- younger people may not remember a time without it! While we all know it has its pros and cons, the internet has undoubtedly made the world a more connected place, and because of that we have more access to information than ever before. Due to the easy-access, text-based and sometimes anonymous format of the internet, the stories of those that have been historically silenced or overlooked are becoming more accessible. As people are speaking up for change, this has led to some political and social changes that makes the current generational gap seem particularly large.

BeePosted 12-11-2019 04:42 PM
@Hozzles nice answer about why theres differences between generations. So true we are moulded by many factors! I think the internet is a big one too. And because we have access readily available I think we're more likely to stand up and seek social and political change.
scared01Posted 17-11-2019 01:02 PM
hi everyone so sorry that im late to this and well its finished now but it looked like an awesome chat.

@Hozzles I agree with you. technology has played a huge part in the generational differences!

another point may be that as the times change so do the parenting methods, peer pressures, and also the way schools teach/content of what they teach. it influences the way current society learns and implements those skills etc of what they've learnt.
Charlie22Posted 07-11-2019 12:43 PM

Definitely would be interesting, would love to participate!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-11-2019 05:22 PM
This looks like an interesting one @ecla34!

Can you please tag me when the conversation starts?

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