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SLOW-MO: Coping with Study Stress, 21st-25th of September

Hey guys! 😄


Starting tomorrow the 21st of September, we're going to be running a week long chat about coping with study stress! Heart



I know for a lot of people studying right now, this time of the year is starting to get super busy with assignments and in the lead up to exams. A lot of people are still online for the most part as well, which can still be pretty up and down in a lot of ways 😞



So each weekday we'll be posting a question about studying and managing the related stresses that come with it, so that we can share our experiences and any tips we have 😄 



If at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone about any issue then you can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!


We'll be kicking this chat off tomorrow! See you then! Heart


ecla34Posted 20-09-2020 06:54 PM


Tay100Posted 23-09-2020 01:18 PM

Ohhh I almost missed this one!


Are you studying at the moment? How are you finding it? Anything you're really loving or finding challenging?

I've been in the study game for almost 18 years...that's crazy, when you think about it. I finished my Honours year last semester. I get this semester off before (hopefully) doing my Masters next year. It was really challenging, can't really write a thesis without face2face learning, but I did it.


What are your top study tips?

Create a playlist that hits different, that makes you excited to listen to it. It makes study a lil more fun


How can we cope when we don't get the grade or mark we wanted? 

I went to my supervisor to try and learn from it, so I can be more efficient in my learning next time. I try and keep it pragmatic as possible.



Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 20-09-2020 09:40 PM
Ooh this should be an interesting chat! Looking forward to hearing everyone's perspectives and study tips!
ecla34Posted 21-09-2020 03:37 PM

Happy Monday everyone!

Let's get this started with today's questions 😄


Are you studying at the moment? How are you finding it? Anything you're really loving or finding challenging?


MB95Posted 21-09-2020 11:16 PM

Thanks for tagging me @WheresMySquishy, I always manage to miss these! 


But yeah, I'm studying at the moment and am REALLY struggling with the online learning! I hate it and really miss face to face connections... online lectures are cool cause I can pause and take time making my notes but workshops online SUCK! 👎

WheresMySquishyPosted 21-09-2020 11:23 PM

@MB95  I can relate to that! I used to feel as though as I had to go to tutorials and on-campus things. During my degree, we did a lot of interesting practical things and group work in class. I wonder what people who are taking science-based classed are doing.

WheresMySquishyPosted 22-09-2020 12:47 AM

Hi all!

Here's our next question:
What are your top study tips?


featuringmePosted 22-09-2020 09:47 AM

Great thread idea @ecla34 and thanks for tagging me @WheresMySquishy Smiley Very Happy


As a recent high school graduate, the stress of studying is still fresh in my mind. I think the first tip to deal with stress is to do some acts of self-care and take breaks from your work. I remember during the HSC, I would allow myself to eat some tasty treats and played tennis every week.


Another tip is to find the right studying habit for you. I think this is a bit trickier, since I've seen a lot of posts where people explain how they study for exams. However, study habits are not a 'one-size-fits-all' scenario, so you should find one that suits you. I, for example, find it helpful to listen to music when I'm writing down notes, but not when doing more intensive revision since it can be a bit distracting. Some people are able to write concise and short notes, but I prefer writing more detailed notes since I'm a very visual learner.


Finally, talk to family, friends and other trusted people if you have any concerns or questions about exams (the school councillor, year advisors or teacher, for example). Connecting with others is itself a form of self-care, especially during this stressful period!


I know that the upcoming exam period can be daunting, particularly under the current circumstances. I wish everyone the best of luck for their tests, you're more than welcome to reach out (hehe) to us on this site if you need to Heart

November13Posted 22-09-2020 02:38 PM

I'm in uni. People start to get stressed out around week 3 of the term and it doesn't really stop until you finish your last exam Smiley LOL. My most favourite tip is if you're feeling overwhelmed about studying, doing just anything is better than nothing. Study 1 slide, write 1 sentence, whatever that can get you started. And sometimes you may even want to keep going after that! 


And sometimes I procrastinate on one assignment by doing the next. I'll still feel stressed out when the first one is nearly due (which will happen anyway) but at least I'll get the next one done earlier!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 22-09-2020 07:20 AM
Thanks for the tag @WheresMySquishy! I wouldn't have seen it if you didn't lol! 🙂

1. I am currently in high school, so I'm studying there. I will be going into year 10 next year, and I've already started picking out my subjects for it. I want to do a double degree in psychology and social work at uni, like most people here, but for now, it's Music, Drama and Art, along with Business, and I will start doing the more required ones in year 11 and 12. 🙂

2. I know that I've been stressed with study and all that too, and I need some better ideas of what to try to help it. At the moment, keeping sleep levels regular is a good thing - Don't stay up late just to get something done, and don't wake up super early either. It really sucks, and that's what I've been doing lately. I have to though, because school is a 40 minute drive away... Smiley Frustrated

Listening to Orchestral music can be good, too. music without lyrics can make it easier to think, instead of typing the lyrics whilst trying to write what you want to say! (Totally has not happened to me numerous times lol)
MB95Posted 22-09-2020 07:42 PM

Awesome tips guys, I loved reading them all 😊


I'm someone who is VERY EASILY distracted so have to make sure my study area is dead silent! Can be hella difficult though so I've learnt to listen to soothing sounds on the Calm app. If you haven't heard of it and struggle to study with noise around or even with getting to sleep I'd highly reccommend it! I listen to crashing waves to fall asleep every night and rainforest noises while I'm studying! 😍 Just helps to drain out some of the annoying sounds and people talking in the library 😂


My other tip is.. if your uni/school is open during these rediculous times then take advantage of it! I cannot study at all when I'm home so find physically going in and sitting at uni is my 'work day'. I try and work hard there so when I come home it's ZERO uni! My favourite time of the day lol 

Hannah-ROPosted 22-09-2020 03:59 PM

Lots of great tips in here, thanks @ecla34 for creating the thread Man Very Happy

So true about the importance of sleep @xXLexi_Lou122Xx ! And I'm with you, I can only listen to music without lyrics when I'm studying/reading!

And those are such good tips about taking breaks and tasty treats @featuringme and @StarGirl101 !


What you said about just doing one thing really resonated with me @November13, starting can be so hard but I would always be glad that I did, even if it was a small start. I used to work in student support at my old uni and we would often talk to students about ways to "get in the zone" to study. One of these common suggestions was to set up a designated study space that you could focus in -  Of course this isn't possible for everyone, we don't all have a home office/our own desk but other environmental changes can help with getting in that zone like picking a time of day to study (maybe you feel more energised/focused when the sun is up!) or going to the local library.

Another cute tip I like is about changing how you feel by putting on shoes! Sounds a bit odd, but when I put on shoes I know I am not lounging about and I feel like I am getting ready to be productive, it gets me in a headspace to do work. The power of shoes.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 21-09-2020 04:25 PM
Yep I am! I'm studying psychology as a major atm but the majority of the work is online! I'm not enjoying online study really and procrastination is at an all time high. What I am enjoying hmm.. one of my stats assignments involves some creativity which is making it more bearable
WheresMySquishyPosted 21-09-2020 08:31 PM

Tagging some people who have been online recently and might be interested in this GR:
@Tiny_leaf   @xXLexi_Lou122Xx   @MB95   @Remi @Bingo1234  @sunnygirl606 @wanderingwasp @celestialdreamer @Mayour @ameliaj @meganjane14 @Abderian @Guitarman97 @marlee @funnyusername @A_Friend @Ezle @LeapofFaith @FluffyDog @h0peful @Anonymous @featuringme @cicadas @Jimh @Vuyo @Sharnaayheey @StarGirl101 @JasminH @indieinsanus @StormySeas17 @November13 @sapphieandelfie  @JullyBean  @squiggly 
Sorry if I've missed anyone. It's okay if you don't want to participate. 🙂

sunnygirl606Posted 23-09-2020 10:21 AM

Goodness, I didn't even see this tag but I love this thread!

Are you studying at the moment?

- Yes I am! I am currently studying forensic psychology!

How are you finding it?

I love it and contrary to popular opinion, I really like online learning! (I think its the waking up 10 minutes before class and not having to drive to uni everyday!)

Anything you're really loving or finding challenging?

- Despite loving it online, i do miss the opportunity to make some friends Smiley Frustrated

StarGirl101Posted 22-09-2020 08:36 AM

Thanks for tagging me in @WheresMySquishy! It’s an awesome chat and it’s great to be collectively brainstorming ideas we can all use to cope with school stress. 

I am in year 12 currently and of course stress is...pretty much the most used word around here. I do have some study tips to share, some things I have personally found really helpful when managing day to day tasks. More than that though, just wanna emphasise that taking a break - no matter how long if that’s what you really need - or talking to someone when the stress gets to you, is absolutely okay. That’s something I have had to adjust to and understand. We are all human at the end of the day, not robots 🙃. This ties into my first tip: listen to your body - if you are exhausted take time off...if you feel overwhelmed, maybe try something else for the moment and come back to the task only when you are ready. 

My second tip would be to learn how you work best. For me personally, when I get home after an hour and a half of travelling on bus, I find that I am extremely tired and don’t feel like doing anything. So I instead try to complete as much as I can during school hours and in class - this way works well for me. I also learnt that I am an auditory learner - meaning that I hate reading textbooks for hours on end and find moving around while studying a little distracting. I would love to hear about what works for you guys too 😊


Finally I think procrastinating is okay! I found that if you sort of accept it and adapt your study schedule to would actually end up being helpful. I have had my fair share of moments where I can’t take my eyes of the screen - but what I do is basically build up the time I take to study and cut down the time I focus on other things. So when I first sit down, I am super I spend a little bit of time on Pinterest, then spend ten minutes studying, and then come back to the screen again. The next time, I increase the time I study by about another ten minutes, and cut down socials to five minutes or so. Soon enough it will be a little easier to put away other stuff and focus on your task for a little bit longer. 

Hopefully this helps 😁


marleePosted 23-09-2020 11:35 AM

Thanks for the tag @WheresMySquishy! I'm currently studying again for the first time in 2 years, and jumping back into it while everything is online has been pretty difficult!

I've been finding it helpful to set up blocks of study, by setting a timer on my phone for say 20 minutes, where I focus on just smashing out as much work as I can and then rewarding myself with a little break, and then repeating the process. That way I find it easier to focus for those 20 minutes instead of just sitting at my desk for 6 hours with only an hour of actual productivity! 

ecla34Posted 23-09-2020 12:32 PM

Happy Wednesday guys!

Time for some more questions 😄


How can we cope when we don't get the grade or mark we wanted? 


featuringmePosted 24-09-2020 10:33 AM

Oh boy, I'm not the best when it comes to dealing with disappointing marks Smiley LOL It's good to indulge yourself in some self-care and step away from the assignment, to start off with. I think it's also important to consider the fact that academic success is something we can work on, rather than something that cannot be improved on. This is related to the idea of a growth mindset, where intelligence is not fixed and can be worked on through hard work. Finally, reach out to others if you need help with understanding the assignment, or if you just want to talk. These are just the tips I wanted to share, everyone else has already made some great suggestions!

Hannah-ROPosted 24-09-2020 01:58 PM

This is a great question! 

My friends who are currently studying have absolutely noticed a change in their grades since covid too @MB95 - you are not alone there! I hope that brings some comfort Heart


I definitely think stepping back and doing some self-care is a great strategy @featuringme. I'd usually will have a moment where I would think "Well what do they even know?!" about my lecturers/tutors and be very reluctant to accept things at first! But then I take a step back and consider their feedback in a more objective way. 

I also think getting some support from others is a great tip too! I was lucky that my brother studied something similar to me and we were able to debrief and share stuff. He also taught me how to reference, had absolutely no clue how to do that Cat LOL 


(Also @Tay100 Ì really appreciated your Jane the Virgin gif, I miss that show so much Heart

Tay100Posted 25-09-2020 01:51 PM

@Hannah-RO  I know, Jane's writing blocks and breakthroughs mirror the study experience well, I think.


@celestialdreamer I relate to the low grade= low motivation paradigm a lot, it sucks!


@MB95 it sounds like the realisations you've had about studying during covid are really freeing for you!


@featuringme love the idea of growing, and that nothing is fixed or irreversible when it comes to progress!

lokifishPosted 25-09-2020 03:18 PM

It's been a great discussion so far! Time for one more to reflect, and wrap things up


What's a study stress-busting tip that you'd like to try going forward?


Tay100Posted 26-09-2020 12:40 PM

What's a study stress-busting tip that you'd like to try going forward?


Ooo definitely making study an enjoyable experience- with snacks, water, lofi music, and a comfy workspace! Combining aesthetic and practicality, if you will.


See this studio Ghibli gif for inspo:


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 27-09-2020 06:42 PM

I definitely agree with @Tay100- When studying is enjoyable, or even fun, it's so much easier. I should try and take up some of my old study hacks from my high school days. Lots of mnemonics and studying with my friend haha 😛

I wish there was a way to make assignments fun. I suppose if the topic is interesting enough. Maybe I just need to frame things differently to make it seem more fun. Hmm

ecla34Posted 24-09-2020 07:55 PM

sneaking in to post a question for today!


What strategies do you use to help you cope with study stress? 

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