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Chit Chat

Sometimes I just feel like talking to somebody, just having a chat about stuff, not even bad stuff, just things. Thats why I'm making this thread because that is sort of what I'm feeling tonight. We can talk about heaps of good things on here, try to keep it positive. 

 Man Very HappyCat HappyHeartCat Tongue


j95Posted 06-04-2017 08:48 PM

Comments (143 pages)

Lan-ROPosted 31-05-2018 08:26 PM

Hi @j95 sorry to hear you are feeling this way. What's made you angry and are you alright? We're here to listen Heart

ZeldasmilePosted 03-06-2018 08:53 PM
What's up with everyone?
j95Posted 19-05-2018 03:52 PM

This is so cool!! 06B2E76E-8AE2-47A0-9307-596222BE9C78.jpeg


BirdeyePosted 19-05-2018 04:03 PM
Really nice design too, right @j95?
j95Posted 19-05-2018 04:17 PM
I think I’m going to get it, been walking around thinking about it
N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-05-2018 09:45 AM
Nice @j95 😄

@Cheeseburger replying here instead of the uni support thread because here makes more sense 😛
Happy birthday to your mum from yesterday! (I totally thought your message was from Sunday, which is why it's taken so long :P)
j95Posted 19-05-2018 04:16 PM
Yeah that’s why I like it so much @Birdeye
j95Posted 12-05-2018 09:47 AM
I haven’t been on much lately is anyone around to chat to?
j95Posted 30-04-2018 10:20 PM
So I won’t be playing footy for a couple of weeks by the sounds of it
j95Posted 30-04-2018 08:45 PM
@Bree-RO did you end up getting surf lessons
FootyFan26Posted 30-04-2018 08:47 PM
@Bree-RO was gonna get surfing lessons?!?!?!?!?! I don't really know too much about skating or surfing. I did used to roller skate though. I haven't done it in ages though.
j95Posted 30-04-2018 08:48 PM
I’m no good at that which I guess is kind of suprising considering I can do the other stuff
mrmusicPosted 30-04-2018 08:55 PM

I’d love to be able to surf one day @j95. I don’t have the body or the co-ordination for it, and I live at least an hour away from my nearest beach. 😞

FootyFan26Posted 30-04-2018 08:57 PM
I don't really go to the beach often, can't even remember the last time I was there :P. It's getting cold too so probably not too long till it'll be really rainy too.
j95Posted 30-04-2018 10:12 PM
Nothing wrong with going to the beach in winter
mrmusicPosted 30-04-2018 09:00 PM

@FootyFan26 I’m not going to complain about any rain, at least for a little while! We need it badly up here, everything is ridiculously dry it’s not funny.

FootyFan26Posted 30-04-2018 09:01 PM
Depends on where you're located whether it's good or not @mrmusic :P. It's footy season now so I'm taking advantage of the sun before I'll have to be running out in the rain.
mrmusicPosted 30-04-2018 09:05 PM

True @FootyFan26, where I am everything is so brown. I just want to get enough rain to turn the landscape to turn green again. We did have a storm last night, but we’ll need some more unfortunately. I honestly can’t understand why we have had so little rain over the last 6 months or so.


Yeah, running in the rain would be a pain though, for sure.

j95Posted 30-04-2018 08:45 PM
Does anybody want to talk about skating or surfing or anything??

j95Posted 29-04-2018 12:55 PM

Stupid footy

j95Posted 28-04-2018 01:24 PM

It’s so sunny today 

j95Posted 04-05-2018 12:55 PM

Anyone around to chat? 

j95Posted 29-04-2018 02:02 PM
How the hell is hitting someone to get the fuck away from me a red card that’s not even how it works I’m so pissed off
Lan-ROPosted 29-04-2018 02:20 PM

Sounds rough @j95. I don't know too much about footy to be honest but are you alright? Heart

j95Posted 29-04-2018 02:27 PM
Yeah but I got sent off for the game and have to go to the tribunal @Lan-RO which is just bullshit

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