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Can someone tell me if my post in the 'about the community' space titled 'Quick question' went up? I can't see it anywhere.

Uncertainty_Posted 29-12-2024 06:18 PM


Beach_enjoyer2101Posted 29-12-2024 07:10 PM

Hello, just in case you get a problem with your posts again, you can quickly copy (and maybe paste somewhere else) everything to make sure it doesn't get lost :).

Bailey_ROPosted 29-12-2024 06:45 PM

Hey @Uncertainty_

It looks like this is your only post. When you posted your other post titled 'Quick Question', did you recieve an error message or did it say that it posted? 


Uncertainty_Posted 29-12-2024 07:10 PM

Hi @Bailey_RO, it said it posted it but it isn't showing on my end for some reason.

Uncertainty_Posted 29-12-2024 07:10 PM

Hi @Bailey_RO, it said it posted it but it isn't showing on my end for some reason.

Bailey_ROPosted 29-12-2024 07:54 PM

Hey @Uncertainty_

Thank you for flagging this with us. I am not sure what has hapepned but I will have a look into it.
As your post isn't showing up, I encourage you to create another post. 

Please let me know if you have any other issues with posting. 

Thank you ☺️

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