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Returning back here after a long time & reintroducing myself

welcome back everyone! I’m not sure if this section is the right place for this post but if it’s not, I’ll allow the moderators to move it to where it needs to be.


To start off.. It’s been more than a year since I’ve last been on here, I’d rather not go into specific details about it, but let’s just say there’s been things going on in my personal life which had lead me to leave the forums within the long period. But now that I’m in a place where I’m now fully ready to be back on here and hopefully reconnect you guys 🙂 but that’s to say I still have my own battles and struggles that I still go through and am currently getting the ongoing help/support I need.


I’ll reintroduce myself. I’m in my early 20s and I’m currently majoring in Fine Arts, doing an undergrad (not a bachelors degree but I hope I will get into doing the bachelors soon) with the hopes that I can become possibly/probably an art therapist. So by the time I get to do the bachelors degree in fine arts, I plan on doing some psychology units as electives to broaden my knowledge on the psychology of mental health & get the qualification to then hopefully pursue a masters degree after bachelors. I currently see an Art Therapist myself, so I think getting the experience of seeing one myself really does help me in knowing what exactly an art therapist does with their clients and how they support them through their issues, and can h increase the chance for me on getting into the masters.


Some of my hobbies include journaling, listening to music, exercising, watching YouTube videos - particularly anything related to pets and ASMR/no talking related. I like to do colouring in sometimes, but unfortunately I normally do that for at least like…maybe twice or so a year.


This is now my 4th month of living alone and honestly it feels so much free-er and relieving to be able to finally have this for myself, as living with my parents was absolutely not worth it given of how much they continue to invalidate my feelings and struggles, nor have they ever provided me any emotional support. I really hope that I do not have to go back and live with them again in the future cause otherwise that’ll be a complete nightmare.


I like to order bubble tea and some healthy meals on a weekly basis, and I love matcha. Never getting tired of having both matcha and bubble tea!


Well that’s all I need to share a bit about myself. 🙂


BlueberriesPosted Friday


SteadyStepsPosted yesterday

Hey @Blueberries,


It’s really great to see you reconnecting with the ReachOut forum, and I’m glad you’re in a place where you feel ready to come back to the forum. I can relate to the ongoing struggles, but it’s awesome to hear that you’re getting the support you need. 💛


Your journey to becoming an art therapist sounds amazing, especially since you're gaining first-hand experience with one yourself! That’s such a valuable perspective to have. Plus, it’s cool how you’re planning to expand your knowledge with psychology units. Also, journaling, exercising, and your interest in ASMR and pets all sound like great ways to take care of yourself too.


Living alone definitely has its challenges but also some freedom, and I’m really glad it’s feeling like a positive change for you. All in all, I can see you're trying your very best with everything you're doing and that's something you should be proud of. 😊

Green_GhostPosted Monday

Hi @Blueberries


Welcome back to the online community! 💜


Thank you for sharing that with us, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you in the future ☺️


I'm also in my early 20's, and have just completed a bachelors in psychology and counselling. I'm also interested in a masters of counselling/psychotherapy ☺️ and I'm doing lots of volunteering at the moment to gain some experience before I proceed with it  and trying to find a degree-related job.


Some of my hobbies are listening to music, watching tv shows, listening to audio stories, going to new places, and reading. I have also become interested in building lego recently.


It's so great to hear that you're feeling free living alone. I hope I can look forward to living alone sometime soon 🙂


Best wishes 🖤

BlueberriesPosted Monday

Hi @Green_Ghost


That's great that you've just completed a Bachelors degree in psychology/counselling! I'm sure that you're feeling very proud of it 😊 and it's great that you're doing lots of volunteering as well, as that's a really great way to add onto your resume when it comes to applying for roles in the future.


I've just submitted my application to volunteer as a crisis supporter to get some experience with a career that I want to head into (as of recently) while im still studying in the meantime, that I think would then lead me on gaining the experience and qualifications to be officially  qualified as  an art therapist in the future. I hope can get accepted into the role, fingers crossed 🤞

Green_GhostPosted Monday

Hi @Blueberries💜


It's so great that you've applied to be a crisis supporter to get some extra experience! I'm also currently volunteering in a crisis supporter role at the moment and it's been very beneficial in gaining experience dealing with mental health issues in a crisis situation. I would definitely recommend it to get some experience! I've learned more from that role than I did from my bachelors degree in supporting others.


I hope all goes well, I also have my figers crossed for you 🤞

BlueberriesPosted Monday

@Green_Ghost haha I've literally posted that previous response right before I even got the email notification from the company straight away! I've now entered the pre-start checks stage so can't wait for the orientation after I complete that stage. 🙂 the manager/supervisor even mentioned to me via email that the role sounds do-able for me.

Are you enjoying the role so far?
How far are you into the role from when youve first joined, if you don't mind me asking? No worries if not comfortable mentioning it. 

Green_GhostPosted Wednesday

Hi @Blueberries


Congrats! It's so amazing you've been accepted, I'm wishing you the best of luck with it. What a coincidence we were just talking about it 😊


I've been doing digital crisis support for maybe two months now or more (minus all the training I had to get through beforehand which took probably 2-3 months). It can be really stressful at times and really rewarding at other times, it will teach you so much about supporting people 💜

formulafrenzyPosted Sunday

Hii @Blueberries


So lovely that you've returned! Fine arts and art therapy sounds so interesting! You must be so dedicated, patient and talented. My jaw always hits the floor when I see what other Fine Arts students create.  


I'm also wrapping up psychology and you will surprise yourself with what content you find interesting. I always had an impression I might prefer one elective to another - only to realise its the other way around! 


So glad to hear you're finding independent living really rewarding. It's crazy how much of an input other people can have on your routine versus being able to do things completely on your own merit. You should be super proud of yourself because it could be really challenging or even isolating - but it sounds like you're taking it like a champ 🏆


Probably need to hop on this matcha train myself soon because I've hardly tried it - do you recommend hot or cold? Controversial to say but I think I'm sick of iced lattes 🥲 


Excited to hear your response 🫶 

BlueberriesPosted Sunday

Hi @formulafrenzy


I've recently just did two different drawings for this project assessment we're currently doing and I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out! Even my lecturer gave me wonderful feedback on them. I also think that the fact that she encourages all of us to seek feedback when we create a post of our artworks on the discussion board to be really helpful when it comes to doing them for the assessment! 🙂


My support worker is currently doing her honours degree in the psychology field as well. 😄


Honestly, I don't find living alone to be isolating haha, sure it can be like that but I think it depends on the person - as someone whose a lot used to the solitude throughout most of my life, it was actually really easy for me to adapt to it quickly. 🙂


I actually prefer the cold matcha (and bubble tea in general) for all seasons! 😄 not at all a fan of hot ones. I also like to make my own matcha as well in order to save up money. 

Calming_WavesPosted Friday

Hi @Blueberries, welcome back to the community! It’s great to see you back 🤗


First off, I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing well now and that you’re fully ready to reconnect with the community. Whatever you’ve gone through the past year, I’m sure they have not been easy, and I want to commend you for your strength. I’m so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too! It’s also so reassuring to hear that you’re getting the support that you need right now 😊


Being an art therapist is such a cool career! I’m not an artist but I appreciate art and I understand how personal art can be for people and the emotions that they put into it. Art can say something a lot about a person so it’s such a great way to be able to support and connect with clients this way. I also love that you’re taking notes of what an art therapist does during your sessions with your art therapist because you know this experience will help you understand more about how they support their clients.


For hobbies, I also like to listen to music and watch youtube videos, especially those related to pets! I’m obsessed with dogs (I have two) and I just love watching videos of them being so cute and silly. I also enjoy ASMRs but mostly when I can’t sleep because I find them relaxing and they knock me off quickly too! I also share your love for bubble tea and matcha, I think I get them almost every week 😆


Also, that’s so great that you’re finding living alone freeing and relieving. I’ve never lived alone and honestly, it makes me worried when I finally need to because I’m worried what if I get too overwhelmed by everything! But I can see that this is working well for you and it’s better than when you were living with your parents. It’s sad that your parents invalidated your feelings and didn’t provide you with any emotional support, and that made living with them unbearable. But you’re doing great now on your own and that’s really amazing.


Anyway, it’s really nice to have you back here and I hope to see more of you in the community! I wish you all the best and I know that you’ll be a great art therapist. Sending you lots of hugs and love 🤗💙

BlueberriesPosted Friday

Thank you so much @Calming_Waves🙂 I completely agree with your points about art, which was part of why I chose to major in Fine Art so that I can broaden my experience with drawing and doing other forms of art whilst I'm still going through my battles if that makes sense. Art does indeed allow individuals to express themselves in a way that they're creating, which is what makes art so interesting and a very interesting career pathway for me to take!

Ooooo what are your favourite bubble tea flavours if you don't mind me asking? 🙂 I normally get the Matcha Red Bean as well as the Taro Milk Tea. I at times do get the brown sugar milk tea with black pearls - all of those are great!!


And thank you again, I hope that I'll do well as an art therapist when I get to there!! ❤️


Are you currently studying and/or working at the moment? If you are studying, what are you currently studying if you also dont mind me asking? 🙂

Calming_WavesPosted Saturday

My go-to bubble tea flavours are earl grey milk tea or brown sugar milk tea! When the milk tea shop has it, I also like to get biscoff milk tea or strawberry matcha latte 😊


As for studies, I'm actually doing my honours year in psychology right now! I'm also working, but it's in a field completely unrelated to psych so I've been trying to transition from that to a job more related to psych 😊

Scarlet_LocustPosted Friday

Heya @Blueberries !


Welcome back and thanks for all the life updates, i'm so glad to hear that things have gotten a little better for you recently 🥰! 


Your study and career aspirations sound awesome. Art therapy sounds like a really cool way to be able to support people to express themselves and their feelings outside of more traditional therapies. It's really cool to hear that you've been seeing an art therapist too. I hope your study is going well so far! I've just gone back to uni for the year as a couple of weeks ago too for my fourth year of psychology. I always find it takes me a couple weeks to settle in and get back into the routine.


I also am a fan of a good youtube video, especially background noise type ones that you can play while studying etc! 


It's great to hear that you're feeling much more free since living alone, and that you were able to separate yourself from what sounds like a really hurtful living situation with your parents. This must've been a bit of a process so i'm hoping you're feeling really proud of yourself here 💜.


I haven't tried matcha before but know lots of people who love it! My personal favourite beverage is coffee, specifically an iced latte. While i'm open to trying new things I can't imagine liking a drink more than coffee so i'm a little hesitant 😂.


Look forward to seeing you around on here!! 💛

BlueberriesPosted Friday

Hi @Scarlet_Locust 4th year in uni at psychology? 😮 that's amazing! so does that mean you're currently doing your honours then - since bachelor of psychology is typically 3 years for a full time, or are you doing part time? My support worker is currently doing her honours for that, and I know she'll do amazing if she does get into a role related to psychology in the future. 🙂


I'm currently in my third week of doing the fine arts undergrad course and this is my first year for it. So far it's going good, but yeah, just been working on assignments day by day since I've first started haha 😄 I've been doing TAFE courses within the past few years after graduating high school in 2020, and I feel that I'm already behind on starting a bachelors degree, so I really hope I can soon get into the Bachelor in Fine Arts next semester or something.

Welcome back!

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