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The ReachOut Online Community is getting a major redesign!



The ReachOut Online Community is getting a major redesign!


We are here to announce some really exciting news. We have been working on a new Online Community experience. On the 5 May 2021 we will be launching the redesigned community, and we can’t wait for you all to see it. We have worked with... read more

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Introductions from Janine

Hey, everyone!


wave hello GIF


You may have seen my name pop up on the Weekly Wellbeing post, but I haven’t properly introduced myself – how rude of me! I’m Janine, and I’m super excited to have joined the ReachOut team this week as an online community moderator.  It’s my second day today, and I’m so impressed... read more

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HOW TO - Make threads, posts and tag users

This post may contain sensitive or triggering information

Sometimes figuring out how to make a new thread is a bit confusing, what section, how to you do it, what the what. That's what this is for! To help you out 🙂 I will also talk about tagging users.



Making a new thread:

Step 1: Go to the section you want to make a thread in and click "Start... read more

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HOW TO - Upload images to imgur

This post if for photos on your computer that are being a pain and won't upload properly to RO. Imgur is a neat way to get yourself a link for your image so that you can upload to RO through the link. 


Here is a link to Imgur, it's an image hosting server. Then in the top right corner, click New Pos... read more

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Services outside of Australia

The ReachOut forums are run here in Australia and we can best support young people who live here. Smiley Happy 


We can only refer to and give advice on the mental health services within Australia. If you live in another country, you may find our articles and discussions helpful to read, but it's probably more... read more

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Linking to resources/websites

Hey guys!


I thought I'd make a post which explains our guidelines around linking to resources and websites (thanks @annabethxchase for raising the issue!). The guidelines, which you can read here, cover the basics but don't really explain this in a huge amount of detail.


Anything that's published he... read more

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HOW TO - Upload images/gifs

Hello everyone! This is going to be a tutorial on uploading images and gifs, which is pretty much the same thing. 🙂 To upload ANY image or gif, you first click on the Photos button, which is nicely labeled as Photos in the toolbar.





From your computer:

Step 1: You can either drag you... read more

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Visit the forums but never post? We wanna hear from you!

Hi guys! I'm Kat from the research team at ReachOut 🙂


You might have seen that we are doing an online study on forum use. We've had heaps of interest from people who post on the forums, but we also want to hear from people who visit the forums sometimes, but have never made a post.


So, if you c... read more

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Small issue with log out - please read (especially if on public computer)

Hi all! We've discovered a small technical issue we wanted you to know about.


The logout function on non-forum pages isn't working properly. If you are logging out, please make sure you do it from a forums page (not a content page, for example).


We're working on a fix, but in the meantime please... read more

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Stuff that's happening!

This thread is a place for anyone to share links to threads, posts or other activities that you can get involved in.  


Here's what's happening:


Say thanks 🙂

Say thanks for some good support here


Tell us who you look up to, and why 

Here's the thread


Learn a coping strategy or two for the ne... read more

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How to make a complaint or give feedback

Nobody is perfect, including us here at RO, sometimes we might not provide support to someone in a way that they're not so happy with. Or we could just plain stuff up.


This thread tells you a bit more about lots of ways you can talk to us about that and what your options could be if you need to ta... read more

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MUST READ: Community Guidelines

Our Community Guidelines


Whale Hello There GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Our forums are based on the values of courage, compassion, generosity, inclusiveness, responsibility and fun - you can read more about that here


The forums are a moderated peer support space for Australian youth aged 14-25.  They are monitored from 9am-11pm. If you’... read more

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