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How can I know if if I feel off and how to get help

Hey guys I just wanted to get some help because I’ve been feeling pretty off lately and just need some answers about how I’m feeling so I I’m just gonna tell you how I feel and then maybe you guys can help me out. I’ve been feeling really depressed and anxious and tired of everything and there is a lot more but I don’t rlly want to get into that and I just wanted to get some ideas so then I can feel like my self again and not so sad and anxious thanks for letting me talk about this it’s been really hard and just need to get it off my chest and I would like it if you could reply to the is message ….

Liv_09Posted 16-12-2024 01:04 AM


kat21Posted 16-12-2024 12:22 PM
Dear you,
It is okay to feel anxious and depressed, and I am really glad that you
reached out by first acknowledging your thoughts and seeking help.
Sometimes, life is getting in the way, as part of growing up. All i want to
say is be kind to yourself, and keep pushing through the feeling and find
something you want to do and just please try doing it in. I know it could
be because you are stressed and having the feeling but just trust yourself.
You can go for a little walk, get some physical activities and get
distracted by healthy habits. Stay strong and kind.
Liv_09Posted 29-12-2024 02:51 AM

It really means along I just need some answers and need help 😕 

Matcha_ToadPosted 16-12-2024 10:43 AM

Hey @Liv_09


I can see that this is your first post here on Reach Out, so I wanted to wish you a warm welcome to the online community! I also wanted to commend you for being so brave and sharing what you have been experiencing with us all. Opening up can be hard and scary, but you have done it, which is amazing💚


It sounds like things have been incredibly difficult for you, especially with these feelings of being depressed, anxious, and tired. Please know that you are not alone in your experience and we are all here to support you the best we can.


Have you attempted to talk about these feelings and your experiences with someone you trust, like a family member or a friend? It is okay if you do not feel comfortable or able to discuss things with them, but would you be open to talking to a mental health professional or even a GP? For me, when I was struggling with my own mental health, I opened up to my family, who then supported me to see a GP and a counsellor, which has truly helped me in the long run.


I can see that @LilacLeopard14 has given you Kids Helpline as a resource, as well as a very useful article from Reach Out on how to get and use a Mental Health Care plan, which is stunning, and I hope you will find them useful! 🤗


There is always ReachOut's PeerChat available where you can talk to a Peer Worker who has lived experience with mental health challenges. 


I hope some of this helps!


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

Bel_ROPosted 16-12-2024 10:35 AM

Hey @Liv_09

I’d like to start off by giving you a warm welcome to ReachOut’s Youth Community! I also want to thank you for being courageous and vulnerable, by sharing what you’re going through with the community. I can hear that you’ve been feeling anxious and depressed. This would be so difficult and exhausting for you to manage. I can also see that you’d like some support to be able to feel like yourself again, which is really valid and such a strength! Being able to reach out for support can be challenging for many young people, so you should be really proud of yourself! 


It sounds like there is a lot happening for you at the moment and I can hear that you really want to get this off your chest. I am curious to know how long you have been feeling this way? Speaking to others you are close to can be really helpful as they are made aware of what’s going on and can be supportive. I am wondering if you have spoken to any family or friends about what you’re experiencing? It can also be incredibly helpful to connect with professionals like a GP, psychologist or school counsellor for support, so I am interested to know if you are seeing a professional for support? In case you are interested in additional support, I encourage you to connect with Kids Helpline as @LilacLeopard14  suggested. They are available 24/7 via phone and web chat for young people aged 5 to 25. 


While doing self care can be difficult when you’re going through a tough time, it is really important to manage your wellbeing. So I am interested to know what you have been doing to take care of yourself during this time? I also want to share some resources with you that can be quite useful. Here is a topic on Anxiety and another on Depression which has a number of different articles with tips and advice on coping, and also stories from other young people sharing their lived experiences. 


I also want to let you know that an email has been sent to check in with you offline, so please keep an eye out for that! 


I hope this is helpful for you and I look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Liv_09Posted 29-12-2024 02:48 AM

Thankyou it really means a lot for the support I've been feeling like this for nearly 3 years and it's been rlly hard cos for like a year and like 8 months my parents didn't know about what was going on and they went through my phone and found everything but there just rlly confused and worried about me and I can't seem to open up to them about it but I've talked to friends that I trust abt my mh and they have really helped me stay alive lately 😢 

LilacLeopard14Posted 16-12-2024 09:02 AM

Hi @Liv_09 💐


I’m sorry to hear you have been feeling quite off lately. At the same time, I think it’s really great that you have been able to identify these feelings and have the courage to seek support. I am proud of you and just wanted to let you know that there is help available for you 🥰


Kids Helpline  is available to call or live chat 24/7 if you would like to check that out. I also would like to ask if you have ever considered speaking to a psychologist or mental health professional? If so, this Getting and using a mental health care plan page outlines the whole process and can give you some more insight into how you may be feeling. 

To answer your question “how can I know if I feel off?”, I think the fact you might be even asking yourself this says you may be feeling some sort of way. It’s completely normal to feel depressed, anxious, or tired at times. But as I am sure you have noticed, when these feelings go on for a while we may need to seek help from others, which is perfectly okay too ❤️ Being aware of our own needs, emotions, changes etc. is a super important skill which I think you are a champion at! 

sending love 🫶🏻


Liv_09Posted 29-12-2024 02:49 AM

Thanks really means alot I'll try to talk kids helpline I've also talked to lifeline alot 

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