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Join an event. Happening today.


So I have a couple of questions.
1. Why do people tell me I'm retarded because when I cut it makes me feel better?
2. I think I have bulimia and some form of bipolar
3. I've been having this things since I was like 8 where everything gets really really loud and I hear voices that have spoken to me before and they are always extremely angry, also if I'm asleep and It happens it's like my eyes are open and whatever I look at it spins around in circles really really fast with the screaming at the same time. Or I might see somebody running at me like his going to hurt me.

I hope someone can help.
Cheers jman99
jman99Posted 01-07-2013 09:57 PM


jman99Posted 09-07-2013 10:16 PM
Thank you guys, I don't see my psych til Friday so il let you know what happens and yes I don't know what it is either.

Cheers jman99
michinePosted 11-07-2013 03:25 PM
All the best with the appointment Jman :)!
AtmaPosted 18-07-2013 11:07 PM

Ditto. Hope you get some answers soon mate!

NozphexezoraPosted 05-07-2013 12:38 AM
Oh my god I have the same problem with no. 3, I think. Sometimes when I go to bed, my touch sensors go crazy, making everything seem so detailed by the touch, and it gradually gets heavier to the point there are voices screaming at me and the room keeps spinning. I still don't know what this is.
NigioCPosted 07-07-2013 08:29 PM

Hey Jman99,


Did you decide if you were comfortable raising this stuff with your psych? And, if you did, how did you go with it?


I know you've had a really rough week, I just wanted to check in with you and see if you'd managed to get some of the answers you were looking for.



Jay-DeePosted 08-07-2013 08:36 PM
Hey jman - i wanted to chime in and say anyone who says you're 'retarded' based on what you've said seems to lack empathy and understanding 😞
Sorry to hear you're having a crappy time.
Have you been to the counsellor yet?

mischiefmanagedPosted 01-07-2013 10:52 PM
Hey jman99,

The others have given you some great advice... Definitely bring it up with your psychiatrist at the next appointment... You could even just show him this exact post!

It's definitely not nice that people are calling you retarded.

Take care of yourself mate
AtmaPosted 01-07-2013 10:45 PM

Hey @jman99,


I guess I just wanted to back up the suggestion already mentioned that it's probably best to bring up these topics with a health professional. I find my GP the best place to start because I have a GP who is really open and I feel comfortable talking to.


Sometimes I go in with a list of questions or symptoms that I'm having so that it's easier to speak with my GP, because sometimes I tend to forget important parts, get intimidated by their expertise or get interrupted by crying or other symptoms of being anxious.


I'm also really bummed out to hear that people are calling you names, such as 'retarded'. I don't think it's ok for anyone to make you feel awful by using a word like that. Is there someone you feel comfortable talking to in person about this problem? They might be able to help you find some coping mechanisms or teach you ways to confront what you're experiencing.


I hope you can find some answers soon.



NigioCPosted 01-07-2013 10:13 PM

hey jman99,


It sounds like you've been struggling with these issues for some time now. That must be really difficult for you. It's great that you're looking for answers, you deserve to understand what's going on in your mind and body.

Unfortunately, no one on Reach Out is qualified to answer those questions for you. The only person who can do that is a Doctor or Health Professional. 

I know you've posted in the past that you haven't had a great experience with this but is it something you'd consider?

jman99Posted 01-07-2013 10:41 PM
Hey NigioC,

Yes I am currently seeing a psychiatrist once a week so I let him know and see what he thinks.
Cheers jman99
NigioCPosted 02-07-2013 09:29 PM

Hey Jman99,


That's awesome.


Have you checked out any of the Reach Out factsheets regarding mental health stuff? This is the link to all the different info and stories dealing with mental health issues. There might be something in there that you find helpful.

I really like reading the stories from young people and hearing what worked for them.


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