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Man, I feel dumb always.

Okay, I feel dumb all the time. When smart people around me say something smart, i just blow out of my seat and think "Who'd the hell put me in the highest class!" Been sick lately last term and been missing out on school notes etc. and in science, teacher asked me a question which was considered 'simple' and i said something absoulte rubbish in other words: unrelated. So yeah, here i am typing my way. Losing my confidence and thinking what the heck to do next. My parents think i am a time-waster (which to be honest is true) and i don't know how to keep my mind straight and be a successful student who actually knows what the heck to do stuff.

Also on monday i got a envelope from the front office (school) saying i got a award and i was like WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT?!

Please help peeps!

Doni99Posted 19-07-2013 07:36 PM


BirdeyePosted 20-07-2013 04:53 PM
I'm not sure whether you said that you were in classes for the advanced learners or not, if you are then that should already be some evidence to show that you're not as dumb as you're currently feeling.
If not, then that's fine. I know plenty of people who aren't in the advanced classes who are very intelligent people and aren't in them for a range of reasons. I know some people in the advanced classes who are only good in their advanced subjects, in the other ones they're closer to the bottom of the class.

I think you have to ask yourself how important doing well in school is to you. If you want to succeed, understand what's going, get results you're happy with, and feel like you can compete with the people you deem smart you're almost certainly going to have to put effort in.

To begin with, could you speak to your teachers about what you've missed? Teachers are there to teach you. If you don't understand something they want to know so they can teach you it.

Friends and family are also a good place to go for help. You could even form a study group with some friends.

Do you think getting more organised could help with the time-wasting? This could be in the form of utilising a diary, listing off all of the work you have to get done and prioritising it, breaking down work in to smaller steps, scheduling in time to do homework etc.

Congratulations on the award. Be happy about it!
blithePosted 19-07-2013 09:59 PM

Hi Donni99,

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling negative about yourself, and lacking confidence in your abilities. I understand how it feels when your confidence has taken a knock, those kinds of negative feelings can hold you back from doing as well as you'd like in school and other parts of your life. When I'm feeling really stressed out or upset, I start to notice that I'm not doing very well at having conversations with people - it feelsl like I'm constantly saying the wrong thing in conversations, and i'm doing a bad job at getting along with people. When that happens, I know I need to take some time to take care of myself, and when I'm feeling a bit better, I'll get better at dealing with people again.

You may have already looked around this site and seen some of the info that's available, but I thought these fact sheets might be helpful for you:

All About Confidence

What is Self Talk



On the positive side, you mentioned your school was giving you an award - which is a good sign that they think you did something really well! What was your award for?









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