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TW: Dealing with problems

Ever since we were 12, we became aware of each other. It's stressful to realize that no matter where we go, there is no escaping for the past.. I just want to live a normal life but that'll never happen now. Last night, our anxiety about this situation kept us up until 2am.. our insomnia has gotten way worse and our meds don't seem to be working. I don't want to go back to old habits but I also don't want to proceed through the stress. I'm struggling, we all are, I'm running out of ways to cope. 


Our parents aren't the worse but it's no doubt that their actions to us in our childhood has caused this, we're scared to tell them. They probably won't believe us even though it's really difficult to ignore, people fake things like this sadly. Other people who don't go through the same thing can't imagine how awful it is, there are people who actually want to be like this and we don't understand. We feel like we need to tell them in order to get tested for what we believe we have. 


We're learning about things that are slightly triggering and I'm scared about what happened in the past.. 


We need help, is there any way to help with all this.


Sorry for the triggering first post, this is just how it is rn.


-Teddybois system

TeddyboisPosted 25-10-2022 01:17 PM


PollenPosted 25-10-2022 03:14 PM

That's terrible what your going through right now.

As a fellow sufferer of insomnia, I get what you mean by that. Insomnia can be rough, and terrible to deal with.

Have you tried doing any physical activites before sleeping, or taking a shower? That usually helps me. 


Terribly sorry of what you all are going through.

TeddyboisPosted 25-10-2022 01:23 PM

I'm genuinly sorry if we triggered anyone

Portia_ROPosted 25-10-2022 03:11 PM

Hey @Teddybois and welcome to the online community! We're really glad to have you here 😃


I'm really sorry to hear that you've been struggling with anxiety and losing sleep. It sounds as though the stress from your past is really having quite an impact on you, which must be exhausting. What kind of things do you usually do to look after yourself when you're struggling to sleep or feeling anxious? If you're up for some reading, we have a few articles on managing anxiety and how to get good sleep which might have some useful tips that can help you cope in the meantime.


I'm also sorry to hear that your meds don't seem to be helping much right now. Are you in touch with a GP or a psychologist/psychiatrist? It might be useful to have a chat with them if you don't feel as though your meds are helping much. 


It sounds like you might be keen to talk to your parents about what you're experiencing so that you can get some extra support, but that you also have reservations about how they'll respond. You're so right, it can be really difficult to try and share your truth with someone if you fear they won't understand or believe you. I hope you know that you have a place in our community and that we are here to support you every step of the way 🥰


We're going to send you an email, so keep an eye on your inbox today 😊 


P.S. Please feel free to let us know your preferences when it comes to pronouns and if there's anything we can do to refer to your system in a more inclusive way! 

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