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have reached an end

bro i cant believe high school is done, 6 years of mucking around and easily seeing people 5 days a week is over, in a very emotional way


school is so structured and sheltered that im scared for what had yet to come, how do we go from seeing each other 5 days a week to once a few weeks its wild. not as many things will be free, support wont be as easy to get access to. i think ive still taken things for granted over the years, friendships that didnt fully latch on and opportunities that we didnt take


this isnt THE end but theres too much uncertainty to figure out whats ahead

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 13-11-2024 09:36 PM


Delilah_DandelionPosted 18-11-2024 10:47 AM

I feel you, bro. It’s surreal that six years have flown by, and everything has changed. It’s like we’re leaving this bubble of structure and safety, and heading into the unknown. High school made everything easy—seeing our friends every day, getting support when needed, and having things planned out for us. Now, we’re in a space where that regularity and comfort just won’t be there, and it’s scary.

It’s natural to feel like maybe we didn’t take full advantage of everything, like those friendships we let fade or the missed chances. But the fact that you’re thinking about this now means you're more aware going forward. This isn't the end—it’s just the start of something new. There’s uncertainty, yeah, but there’s also potential.

The best thing we can do is stay connected to the people we care about and keep looking for growth opportunities. We’ll work harder to stay in touch and find support, but it’s possible. This next chapter might be unclear, but we’re not facing it alone, that makes a huge difference. Keep your head up—we’ll figure it out.


-D_D 💜

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 29-11-2024 05:22 PM

hey im glad you can resonate with me the break between high school and uni seems really boring so embracing this new chapter seems tough, starting new seems surreal and demotivating no comfort

LilacLeopard14Posted 14-11-2024 04:59 PM

hi @yeah_it_tahtperson💜


I can definitely relate to these big feelings now that high school has come to an end. I felt the same way when I finished year 12. The lack of structure and purpose, along with the uncertainty for the future can be scary. You are not alone. I'm sure many other people would be experiencing these same feelings and will find your post relatable, so thankyou for speaking out and sharing your thoughts.


Even though the end of exams, the end of  all the schooling years etc. is expected to bring a huge sense of relief, I know from experience that it can make us feel a bit lost. I know I'm feeling this way right now, after my uni exams and coursework is all done for the year. I think it's important to be gentle with ourselves during times of unease. Are there any self-care practices you particularly enjoy? You may want to check out this Ways to chill for cheap infographic for some awesome ideas to chill, spend time with yourself, and fill your days now school is over. 


@Be_the_Light has shared some great points regarding post-school life. This transition can be daunting, but at the same time it can be really exciting. I'd love to know, is there anything you'd love to do now schools over? It's the perfect time to try new things, make mistakes, meet new people, and create awesome experiences. There is sometimes pressure to have your whole life mapped out, but I want to let you know it's perfectly okay to not have a clear idea of the future.


hope to speak again soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Beach_enjoyer2101Posted 13-11-2024 10:22 PM

Hey @yeah_it_tahtperson,


Yes, finishing up high school is quite a big change that is fully understandable in the fact that it causes these emotions. I want to congratulate you on all your effort and hard work during your exams. School is journey of mixed emotions when reflecting about the good times of comfort and support in the school structure and shelter.


Now that you've finished it is best to remember the really good memories from school. You can still hold on to those good memories with your school friends. Maybe it's a good idea to ask others, whether it's siblings or friends or other close people, about how their experience was with finishing school. This way you can find some commonalities in these mixed emotions.


From my personal experience, I was in the same situatiion exactly a year ago. It feels really weird, that it goes from 6 years (especially the last two) of really hard work and all of a sudden a big relax. The uncertainty is within the big transition over this period and it is more than normal. Especially the change in the supportive feeling feels a little weird.


The end of school is most certainly not the end of opportunity, as there is lots of opportunity waiting for you. If your comfortable, it'd be great to hear what your ambitions are for your time after school. Work experience or tertiary education perhaps. I think it is best to take these emotions and recognise this is a stress-free time now and there is an endless list of goals to acheive. Most importantly, please have fun in your break and congrats on passing a big milestone!


pewpewj19Posted 13-11-2024 10:11 PM

Hey @yeah_it_tahtperson ,


First of all, congratualtions for reaching the end of highschool! You've done so well and as part of the RO Community, we are so proud of you for coming so far. I'm sure you've learnt so many things and have grown so much during your highschool days!


When I graduated high school a few years ago, I felt the same as you, and I kind of had a bit of crisis in my first year of uni because I didn't expect the world to be the way it was. here's no one to tell you what to do and the world suddenly feels so much bigger. It might be a bit harder to maintain a balance between relationships, work, study, etc., but I think that this is just a sign that you care really deeply for some aspects and you worry about them, and I personally think that's great in itself. Sometimes things won't go the way you plan it to, but it just serves as an opportunity grow more as a person!


I can assure you everything will turn out fine in the end! What worked for me to overcome these thoughts was to learn how to slow down and just really think about what things I want to prioritise; living in the moment; and if I can, plan and prepare for any opportunities that may arise.


Wishing you all the best!

Be_the_LightPosted 13-11-2024 10:04 PM

Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson and welcome!

Thank you for sharing this. I understand where you're coming from. As someone who finished high school 5 years ago it was quite an overwhelming time and honestly still is after finishing university last year. It can be a huge change in routine and something that you are familiar with. It can definitely cause feelings of uncertainty because there is stability and structure that you have had for a large part of your life. You're going from seeing familiar people every day and you're stepping into a new world which can be scary. It is an entirely new type of independence but it is also full of amazing new opportunities! The challenges you will face will help you grow and explore what you want in life. It is a really exciting time! 

You said you are feeling uncertain about what's ahead. I promise you, you will find your way! Everyone experiences this with any kind of life transition. Everyone is navigating life in their own way and so you are definitely not alone in that. 

Have you got any exciting plans for the next year or so? Exciting times ahead! Congratulations on completing this incredible chapter, good luck and take care 😊

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 13-11-2024 10:12 PM

hey @Be_the_Light can u provide examples of some of the challenges u faced and how it helped u grow and new opportunities u had?

Be_the_LightPosted 14-11-2024 04:30 PM

Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson! Sorry for the late response! Sure, more than happy to give you some examples. For me personally I went from high school straight into a university degree so this was incredibly challenging. Are you interested in doing further study or have you decided to take a gap year? I have provided you with some examples that I hope will provide you with some reassurance based on my experience finishing high school. 


1. Firstly, leaving high school provides you with a whole new level of independence and maturity. You will learn so many life skills in a higher education learning environment or in the work force depending on your plans. You will meet new people, learn new skills and it's a time where you meet those who you relate to and share common interests with. It is scary but for me personally I felt more like myself in this environment and my confidence grew tremendously. 


2. I have struggled a lot with self-confidence and knowing where I fit in but over time and with the opportunity of adulthood and new opportunities, I learnt to embrace my individuality and find relationships based on shared interests. It helped me develop stronger self-esteem and an opportunity for me to learn who I was. After leaving high school I was able to study what interested me, work with new people and I felt incredibly comfortable and supported. It allowed me to pursue things that I was passionate about, whether that be academic or professional. 


3. I developed new communication skills and confidence to develop my own goals. This new level of independence can be so scary whether this starting a new job or going to a new school. The lack of structured support made this transition daunting but I learnt how to balance work, personal life and adapt to a new environment. Becoming more independent gave me freedom and helped a lot with becoming more resilient. 


Each new challenge you face will not only shape you into a more capable and self-aware individual but will also lead to opportunities that bring you out of your comfort zone. It is a scary and uncertain time but incredibly exciting. You will have a great time with whatever is next to come. Enjoy it. You will do great!

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