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Weekly Wellbeing: Getting Active!

This week's Weekly Wellbeing is all about getting active!


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As you probably know, there's a huge link between physical activity and wellbeing!
Physical activity has heaps of amazing benefits for mental wellbeing:

  • It helps with the release of endorphins
  • It can help you sleep better at night
  • It can make you feel more energised
  • It can help you socialise if you exercise with someone else
  • A sense of accomplishment

Plus all the great physical benefits too! You can read more about exercise and wellbeing here.


Whether it is walking, swimming, running, dancing, doing yoga, playing sport or going to the gym- let's get moving this week Smiley Very Happy



1. Plan a time for some amount of physical activity into your week (it doesn't have to be a big goal- just do what is comfortable and works for you!)

2. Do some physical activity

3. Check back in telling us what you did and how you felt afterwards!


Not sure where to start? ReachOut has some resources here on ways to exercise that don't feel like exercise and how to exercise when you're not motivated.



gina-ROPosted 01-05-2019 02:00 PM


Tay100Posted 11-01-2020 02:02 PM

I love this thread! 


Yesterday I did some cardio at my local gym... but I used my fancy headphones and did the entire cardio session to the soundtrack of different live performances I like, one after another... it felt I was like I was dancing in an arena! Such a cool way to get your sweat on!


Bonus points if your gym is empty and you can start actually doing the choreography of the performances you're listening too! 

Me in my head during my workout!Me in my head during my workout!


gina-ROPosted 01-05-2019 02:02 PM

I'll start us off!! 

This week I am planning to go for a run tomorrow evening. 

I've also started thinking about the possibility of walking home from work more regularly now that it's a bit cooler. It takes about an hour ten minutes, but its a great podcast / phone call time!  I did it yesterday and very much enjoyed it.

Felt much less stressed and energised by the time i got home!



scared01Posted 01-05-2019 07:53 PM
i exercise each day either through walking or the exercise bike depending on ym energy levels. i also incorporate an exercise routine that takes an extra half an hr and is weight (as in hand weights, medicine balls etc) focussed as something a little different
mspaceKPosted 03-05-2019 01:24 AM

I have been unwell this week so I haven't been very active but there are three fitness type things I plan to incorporate into my week moving forwards. 


1. Dance class once a week.

2. Swimming some laps once or twice a week. 

3. Gym - using treadmill, bikes and skipping. 


I like sports and being active. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 03-05-2019 07:07 AM
Great idea for a wellbeing activity @gina-RO!
Yesterday I had basketball training, and I did some vocal exercises at musical rehearsals straight after basketball.

Today, I'm heading to the gym, and working out my legs and arms. I'll be trying to do squat jumps and lunges with weights at either side of me. Then some Leg press/calf raise, and chest press. I have a good workout plan for myself! And skipping rope for a warm-up.
lokifishPosted 03-05-2019 06:31 PM
I rejoined the gym at uni over the weekend! Feels good to finally be getting some exercise after all the Easter chocolate I've eaten 😛

As I'm rebuilding my fitness I'm mostly focusing on cardio for the moment - an hour on the treadmill at a moderate pace usually does it 💪🏃‍♀️

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