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Weekly Wellbeing: Power Words

This Weekly Wellbeing is similar to the 'Turning negatives into positives' thread, so I won't spend too much time explaining it. Smiley Tongue
We all have hurtful or unhelpful things that other people tell us or we say about ourselves. We all know how it feels when someone calls us a nasty name, or we lose motivation because we think that there's something wrong with us.



So this week's Wellbeing activity is about taking a hurtful or unhelpful word or phrase that's been used to describe yourself, either by yourself or other people, and turning it into a more compassionate or helpful word or phrase.

For an extra challenge, try to come up with as many alternate words or phrases as you can!
Post your powerful transformations here if you like, or keep them to yourself. 🙂


WheresMySquishyPosted 31-03-2021 06:07 PM


24KathalPosted 18-04-2021 02:42 PM
This is such a positive way of thinking about hurtful things about the past!
I would say some people say I am stubborn but I would like to think they just say that as I am determined to follow through with things I believe in.
PlantFanaticEvPosted 07-04-2021 06:28 PM

This is such an amazing idea! A hurtful word that has been used to describe me is 'pushy'. I believe people think i am pushy as i like to be organised and i like to help people be organised! I believe the word 'pushy' should be changed into 'organised' which is quite a positive attribute i think to have 😄

WheresMySquishyPosted 07-04-2021 06:48 PM

I love your new take on that word @PlantFanaticEv!

Some people have called me odd or weird, but I would like to say that I'm unique and true to myself.

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