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Weekly Wellbeing: Self-Promises

This week's activity is like a cross between the past Letter to Self activity and Affirmations activity.

It can be really hard to be kind to ourselves and fulfill our goals. We are often our own biggest critic. I also find it difficult to say 'no' to people and look out for myself.
Something I did several months ago was make a list of promises to myself that I can look back on in the future if times get tough and I need a bit of hope or accountability. I promised myself that I would learn, grow and heal and focus on the things that I can control rather than the things that I couldn't. I still love checking out this list from time to time.




For this week's activity:

Make a promise to yourself. It doesn't have to be anything big or something that is achievable right now. If you need inspiration, you can check out some affirmations online and reword them to be a promise you can make to yourself. Here are some examples of self-promises.

If you like, you can write down your promise on paper or put it into an envelope or keepsake box.
Feel free to share your promise in this thread!

WheresMySquishyPosted 26-05-2021 06:18 PM


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 16-06-2021 03:25 PM

I promise to be kind to myself regardless of how I think I go in exams

WheresMySquishyPosted 05-06-2021 03:11 PM

I promise to keep focusing on my recovery, reminding myself that it's okay to take some time out to improve my wellbeing.

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