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Weekly Wellbeing: Waste Not, Want Not

Hi everyone!

This Weekly Wellbeing is about taking a small step to cut down on our waste and care for our planet, which is one of the sections of the Wheel of Wellbeing.

Now more than ever, I think that young people are conscious about the effects of pollution on the environment. I'm constantly surprised by how many things I throw out. I also work near a river and there is always so much rubbish like plastic bags, plastic containers and single use bottles that have drifted to the banks. I keep meaning to check out more reusable alternatives, but it can be hard to think of this at the time and it's often easier for us to throw stuff out.


With this in mind, this week's activity is about thinking of ways that we can reuse and recycle something before we let go of it.


What's something that you would ordinarily dispose of?
List as many ways of reusing or recycling it as you possibly can! Feel free to be as creative as you like. Post photos of the results if you wish!

WheresMySquishyPosted 24-09-2021 11:40 AM


Portia_ROPosted 04-11-2021 01:00 PM

Great idea, @WheresMySquishy ! This week, I found a glass jar in my cupboard that has no lid...Normally I'd just throw this away, but instead I'm using it as a vase for small bunches of flowers! They are really brightening up my kitchen. 


I've also started a little wrapping paper drawer. Instead of throwing away small bits of wrapping paper and offcuts, I pop them in this drawer for when I have smaller gifts to wrap, like jewellery. I also save all of the ribbons I get from flower bouqets and packages and reuse them when I'm giving someone a gift. 

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